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                  Thursday 24 augusT 2023

            Giuliani turns himself in on Georgia 2020 election charges after

            bond is set at $150,000

            Continued from Front                                                                                                Wednesday  morning.  Also
                                                                                                                                surrendering   Wednesday
            Other  high-profile  defend-                                                                                        were lawyers Ray Smith and
            ants    also   surrendered                                                                                          Kenneth  Chesebro,  who
            Wednesday,        including                                                                                         prosecutors  said  helped
            Jenna  Ellis,  an  attorney                                                                                         organize  the  fake  electors
            who  prosecutors  say  was                                                                                          meeting at the state Capi-
            involved  in  efforts  to  con-                                                                                     tol in December 2020.
            vince  state  lawmakers  to                                                                                         Attorney  John  Eastman,
            unlawfully  appoint  presi-                                                                                         who pushed a plan to keep
            dential  electors,  and  law-                                                                                       Trump in power, and Scott
            yer Sidney Powell, accused                                                                                          Hall, a bail bondsman who
            of making false statements                                                                                          was accused of participat-
            about the election in Geor-                                                                                         ing  in  the  breach  of  elec-
            gia and helping to organize                                                                                         tion  equipment  in  Coffee
            a  breach  of  voting  equip-                                                                                       County, turned themselves
            ment in rural Coffee Coun-                                                                                          in Tuesday.
            ty. Georgia was one of sev-                                                                                         The  Fulton  County  Sher-
            eral  key  states  Trump  lost                                                                                      iff's  Office  has  said  it  will
            by slim margins, prompting                                                                                          release  booking  photos
            the Republican and his al-                                                                                          around  4  p.m.  each  day,
            lies  to  proclaim,  without                                                                                        but  Shafer  appeared  to
            evidence,  that  the  elec-                                                                                         post  his  on  the  social  me-
            tion was rigged in favor of                                                                                         dia  platform  X,  formerly
            his Democratic rival Biden.                                                                                         known  as  Twitter,  just  after
            Giuliani  is  charged  with                                                                                         7 a.m. Wednesday with the
            making  false  statements                                                                                           message,  "Good  morning!
            and  soliciting  false  testi-                                                                                      #NewProfilePicture."
            mony, conspiring to create                                                                                          Lawyers  for  Chesebro  on
            phony paperwork and ask-                                                                                            Wednesday  filed  a  de-
            ing state lawmakers to vio-                                                                                         mand  for  a  speedy  trial.
            late  their  oath  of  office  to                                                                                   Typically,  such  a  demand
            appoint  an  alternate  slate                                                                                       would mean that trial pro-
            of pro-Trump electors.                                                                                              ceedings  would  need  to
            Outside  the  Fulton  County   This  booking  photo  provided  by  the  Fulton  County  Sheriff's  Office  shows  Rudy  Giuliani  on   get  underway  this  fall,  but
            Jail Wednesday afternoon,    Wednesday, Aug. 23, 2023, in Atlanta, after he surrendered and was booked.             this case has many defend-
            Giuliani   laughed   when                                                                          Associated Press   ants  and  multiple  compli-
            asked  if  he  regretted  ally-  RESTED  in  Atlanta,  Geor-  Court.  Both  argue  the  ac-  in  the  election  subversion  cating  factors,  Georgia
            ing himself with Trump.      gia, because he fought for  tions  that  gave  rise  to  the  case to turn themselves in.  State  University  law  school
            "I am very, very honored to  Election Integrity."         charges  in  the  indictment  Her  team  has  been  nego-  professor  Anthony  Michael
            be involved in this case be-  Trump,  the  early  front-run-  were  related  to  their  work  tiating  bond  amounts  and  Kreis said.
            cause this case is a fight for  ner in the 2024 Republican  as federal officials and that  conditions with the lawyers  While Republicans in Geor-
            our way of life," Giuliani told  presidential  primary,  has  the case should be moved  for  the  defendants  before  gia and elsewhere are call-
            reporters. "This indictment is  said he plans to turn himself  to  federal  court  and  the  they surrender at the jail.  ing for Willis to be punished
            a travesty. It's an attack on  in at the Fulton County Jail  charges  against  them  dis-  Misty  Hampton,  who  was  for indicting Trump, a group
            -- not just me, not just Presi-  on Thursday. He and his al-  missed.  They  had  each  the  Coffee  County  elec-  of Black pastors and com-
            dent  Trump,  not  just  the  lies have characterized the  asked  a  judge  to  allow  tions   director   when   a  munity  activists  gathered
            people  in  this  indictment,  investigation  as  politically  them  to  avoid  being  ar-  breach  of  election  equip-  outside  the  state  Capitol
            some of whom I don't even  motivated and have heavi-      rested while those requests  ment happened there, had  in  Atlanta  Wednesday  to
            know – this is an attack on  ly criticized District Attorney  are  pending.  But  U.S.  Dis-  her  bond  set  at  $10,000.  pray for and proclaim their
            the American people."        Willis, a Democrat.          trict Judge Steve Jones on  David  Shafer,  who's  a  support for the Democratic
            After  Giuliani's  surrender,  Former  White  House  chief  Wednesday  rejected  their  former  Georgia  Republi-   prosecutor.
            Trump  repeated  his  un-    of  staff  Mark  Meadows  requests to avoid having to  can Party chair and served  Bishop  Reginald  Jackson,
            founded  claims  that  the  and former Justice Depart-    be booked in jail while they  as  one  of  16  fake  elec-  who  leads  Georgia's  Afri-
            election  was  rigged  and  ment  official  Jeffrey  Clark  fight  to  move  the  case  to  tors  for  Trump,  and  Cathy  can  Methodist  Episcopal
            stolen and wrote on his so-  are both trying to have the  federal court.               Latham,  who's  accused  in  churches,  said  that  Willis
            cial media site, "The great-  case  against  them  heard  Willis  has  set  a  deadline  the Coffee County breach  is  under  attack  "as  a  re-
            est  Mayor  in  the  history  of  in federal court rather than  of  noon  on  Friday  for  the  and was also a fake elec-  sult  of  her  courage  and
            New York City was just AR-   in  Fulton  County  Superior  people  indicted  last  week  tor,  turned  themselves  in  determination."q
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