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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Thursday 24 augusT 2023

             Russian mercenary leader was listed among the

             passengers in a deadly plane crash

            By  DASHA  LITVINOVA  TAL-
            LINN, Estonia
            Mercenary leader Yevgeny
            Prigozhin,  who  led  a  brief
            armed rebellion against the
            Russian  military  earlier  this
            year,  was  on  the  passen-
            ger list of a private jet that
            crashed  Wednesday,  kill-
            ing all 10 people on board,
            emergency officials said. It
            wasn’t immediately clear if
            Prigozhin was on the plane.
            The crash immediately rais-
            es suspicions since the fate
            of the founder of the Wag-
            ner  private  military  com-
            pany has been the subject
            of intense speculation ever
            since he mounted the mu-
            tiny.  The  Kremlin  said  he
            would be exiled to Belarus,
            but  the  mercenary  chief,
            whose  troops  were  some    Russian businessman Yevgeny Prigozhin is shown prior to a meeting of Russian President Vladimir
            of  the  best  fighting  forces   Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping in the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia, on July 4, 2017.
                                                                                                               Associated Press
            for  Russia  in  Ukraine,  has
            since  reportedly  popped  Russia’s state news agency  when the plane crashed.         name  to  Yevgeniy  Prigo-
            up in Russia. The crash also  Tass.  It  was  not  clear  if  Pr-  “We have seen the reports.  zhin, as part of his efforts to
            comes after Russian media  igozhin  was  among  those  If confirmed, no one should  obfuscate his travels.”
            reported  that  a  top  gen-  on  board,  though  Russia’s  be  surprised,”  said  U.S.  “Let’s not be surprised if he
            eral linked to Prigozhin was  civilian  aviation  regulator,  National  Security  Council  pops  up  shortly  in  a  new
            dismissed  from  his  position  Rosaviatsia, said he was on  spokeswoman   Adrienne  video  from  Africa,”  Giles
            as  commander  of  the  air  the manifest.                Watson said in a statement.  said.  Flight  tracking  data
            force.    A  plane  carrying  Vladimir  Rogov,  a  Russia-  However, Keir Giles, a Rus-  reviewed  by  The  Associat-
            three pilots and seven pas-  appointed  official  in  the  sia  expert  with  the  inter-  ed Press showed a private
            sengers  that  was  en  route  partially  occupied  Zapori-  national  affairs  think-tank  jet that Prigozhin had used
            from Moscow to St. Peters-   zhzhia  region  in  Ukraine,  Chatham  House,  urged  previously  took  off  from
            burg went down more than  said  he  talked  to  Wagner  caution about reports of Pr-   Moscow  on  Wednesday
            100  kilometers  (60  miles)  commanders  who  con-       igozhin’s death.             evening  and  its  transpon-
            north  of  the  capital,  ac-  firmed that Prigozhin and a  He  said  “multiple  individu-  der  signal  disappeared
            cording to officials cited by  top associate were aboard  als  have  changed  their  minutes later.q

             Swiss police warn that heat wave raises danger of

             falling ice, rock in the Alps

            By JAMEY KEATEN              “With  the  heat  wave  of  level  is  heightened  in  the  Leger said in an email.
            Associated Press             the last few days, and the  high  mountains,”  regional  The    high   temperatures
            GENEVA  (AP)  —  Police  days to come, the danger  police  spokesman  Steve  have  jeopardized  the  usu-
            in  southwest  Switzerland                                                             al  night-time  refreeze  that
            warned Wednesday that a                                                                helps keep ice frozen solid.
            heat  wave  has  increased                                                             The  resulting  thaw  means
            the  risk  of  falling  rock  and                                                      ice  patches  such  as  gla-
            ice  in  the  Alpine  region,                                                          ciers and seracs  blocks or
            where it’s been particularly                                                           towers of ice on top of gla-
            deadly this year for moun-                                                             ciers    as  well  as  rocky  for-
            taineers and hikers. Most of                                                           mations  held  together  by
            the victims have been for-                                                             ice  could  get  dislodged,
            eigners.                                                                               posing  a  threat  to  moun-
            Valais regional police say a                                                           tain climbers.
            spike  in  temperatures  and                                                           So far this year, 17 alpinists
            a  record  high  altitude  of                                                          or  mountaineers  who  trek
            nearly 5,300 meters (about                                                             to  the  highest  altitudes  in
            17,300  feet)  for  a  bell-                                                           the Alps  have lost their lives
            wether zero-degree Celsius   People cool off in the water during hot weather at the public   in  the  Valais  region.  That’s
            reading  over  Switzerland   swimming pool Bellerive on the shore of the Geneva Lake, in   more  than  the  annual  tal-
            has accelerated erosion in   Lausanne, Switzerland, Wednesday, Aug. 23, 2023.          lies recorded in each of the
            the Alps.                                                             Associated Press   five previous years.q
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