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Thursday 24 augusT 2023
Two tankers collided in Egypt’s Suez Canal, briefly disrupting traffic
By SAMY MAGDY that showed the Burri turn-
Associated Press ing to port and colliding
CAIRO (AP) — Two tankers with the BW Lesmes, which
carrying oil products and was already grounding
liquefied natural gas collid- across the waterway.
ed in a single-lane stretch of Built in 2018, the Burri is 250
the Suez Canal, briefly dis- meters (820 feet) long and
rupting traffic through the 44 meters (144 feet) wide.
global waterway before it The BW Lesmes was built
was cleared, Egyptian au- three years later and is 295
thorities said Wednesday. meters (968 feet) long and
The Suez Canal Authority 46.43 meters (152 feet)
said in a statement that the wide, according to Marine-
BW Lesmes, a Singapore- Traffic.
flagged tanker that car- Canal authorities said they
ries liquefied natural gas, managed to refloat and
suffered a mechanical tow away the BW Lesmes.
malfunction in its propul- They also removed the Burri
sion and steering systems from the waterway. The
on Tuesday night. It ran authority posted images
aground after which the showing the Lesmes an-
Burri, a Cayman Islands- chored in the canal, while
flagged oil products tanker, others showed the Burri be-
collided with it at the 144 In this handout photo released by the Suez Canal Authority on August 23, 2023, a ship, The Burri, ing towed away.
kilometer (89 mile) -mark of and a tugboat are shown in the waterway after a collision with another large transport vessel. “All crew members are
the waterway, the canal Associated Press safe and accounted for
said. and there were no injuries
The collision disrupted traf- “Traffic will go back to The authorities blamed the on Tuesday. or any reports of pollution,”
fic for several hours while normal in both directions strong currents in this part About 10% of world trade BW LNG AS, the operators
the canal authority de- within the coming hours,” of the Suez Canal for the flows through the canal, of the BW Lesmes, said in a
ployed tugboats to tow Adm. Ossama Rabei, the collision. The canal services a major source of foreign statement.
the two tankers away. The head of the canal author- firm Leth Agencies said the currency for the Egyptian Rabei said initial inspec-
two were part of a convoy ity, said earlier Wednesday, incident delayed the tran- government. MarineTraffic, tions showed there was no
of vessels transiting through before tugboats removed sit of 21 southbound ves- a vessel tracking service significant damage to the
the canal from the Mediter- the tankers and cleared sels that were scheduled to provider, released a time- tankers, or pollution at the
ranean Sea to the Red Sea. the waterway. pass through the waterway lapse video of the incident site. q
Kosovo inaugurates ‘Wall of Honor’ statue for 23 Albanians who
rescued Jews during the Holocaust
managed camps and al- In 2008 Arslan Rezniqi was locaust Memorial, con-
most half of them died. the first Kosovar to be in- sidered Albanians as “a
Local Albanians helped cluded in the “Righteous unique case in the history
scores of Jews to escape, Among the Nations” list of the Second World War.”
usually taking them to from Yad Vashem for res- In every other European
neighboring Albania. cuing Jews from the Holo- state, the Jews were fewer
Leke Rezniqi’s great-grand- caust. in number after the war or
father Arslan rescued Jew- Since 2021, Leke Rezniqi has totally wiped out, he said.
ish physician Chaim Abra- lived in Haifa, Israel. Abra- The only exception was
banel, who was working in banel’s niece Rachel-Shelly “in the territories that Al-
Skopje, now in North Mace- Levy-Drummer helped him banians used to live: there
donia. Arslan Rezniqi shel- to emigrate and gain Israeli were more Jews after the
tered him and worked with citizenship. war then in the beginning
A view of a statue honoring 23 Kosovo Albanians who another Albanian, Arif Alic- Nowadays, 56 Jews live in of the war,” he said, add-
rescued Jews from the Holocaust during World War II, after an kaj, to prepare false docu- the western Kosovar town ing that should be told to
inauguration, in the capital, Pristina, Wednesday, Aug. 23, 2023.
Associated Press ments and take Abrabanel of Prizren. generations.
safely to Albania. The statue showed that Kosovo and Israel decided
By SYLEJMAN KLLOKOQI was placed in a park in “That shows only the ex- “the remembrance of to establish diplomatic ties
and LLAZAR SEMINI Pristina in the presence of ample of the uniqueness those who risked their lives at a Kosovo-Serbia summit
Associated Press some of the rescuers’ de- of Albanian rescue,” Leke to save their fellow human held at the White House
PRISTINA, Kosovo (AP) — A scendants, political lead- Rezniqi told The Associated beings is a tradition that in September 2020 by
statue bearing the names ers, and the U.S. and Ger- Press. “He promised with commemorates a rare, then-U.S. President Donald
of 23 Kosovo Albanians man ambassadors. the highest level of prom- bright light in one of the Trump.
who rescued Jews from Some 500 Jews lived in ise, the concept of the darkest periods of human Kosovo was the first Euro-
the Holocaust during World Kosovo, then part of for- besa (‘trust’ in Albanian), history,” according to Kos- pean country, and the first
War II was inaugurated mer Yugoslavia, at the be- that means that you never ovar Prime Minister Albin country with a Muslim ma-
Wednesday in the capital, ginning of the war. Many betray that promise, even Kurti. jority, to establish its embas-
Pristina. were arrested, deported though you would have to Avner Shalev, former head sy in Jerusalem, following
The “Wall of Honor” statue to nearby prisons or Nazi- sacrifice your own family.” of the Yad Vashem Ho- the U.S. and Guatemala. q