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                                                                                                  BUSINESS Monday 15 June 2020
            Insider Q&A: Ric Edelman on managing money in a crisis

            By STAN CHOE                                                                                                        nity  as  2008  was.  If  they're
            AP Business Writer                                                                                                  making  a  mistake,  they're
            NEW YORK (AP) — Ric Edel-                                                                                           being too aggressive rather
            man,  founder  of  financial-                                                                                       than too conservative.
            advisory   firm   Edelman                                                                                           Q:  What  about  someone
            Financial   Engines,   has                                                                                          who  isn't  fortunate  enough
            helped  clients  navigate                                                                                           to  have  money  to  invest,
            several   downturns   over                                                                                          who has no money coming
            the decades, and in some                                                                                            in?
            ways this one is just like any                                                                                      A:  If  you  are  in  financial
            other.                                                                                                              jeopardy  right  now  and
            But  this  crisis  is  increasing                                                                                   lost  your  income  and  are
            the  urgency  for  some  dis-                                                                                       struggling to pay your bills,
            cussions  that  weren't  as                                                                                         the only bills you should be
            big  priorities  in  past  bear                                                                                     paying  right  now  are  for
            markets, he said in a recent                                                                                        food  and  medicine.  For-
            conversation  with  The  As-                                                                                        get  about  car  payments,
            sociated Press. His firm's cli-                                                                                     student-loan  payments.  All
            ents have over $200 billion                                                                                         that can wait.q
            in assets under its manage-
            The conversation has been
            edited for clarity and brev-
            Q:  Have  your  clients  been
            more  scared  about  this
            downturn than others?
            A:  From  a  financial  per-  In this March 2020 photo provided by Edelman Financial Engines, Ric Edelman poses in his office
            spective,  this  downturn  is   in Fairfax, Virginia.
            like  other  downturns,  and                                                                       Associated Press
            our  clients  have  been
            through  many  of  them.     vested the way they were.  eficiaries, obtaining powers  advice  for  that?  People
            They know that in the long   That served them very well  of attorney and medical di-   should  give  only  loans,  or
            run,  markets  recover  and   in the early days of this cri-  rectives to make sure their  only gifts?
            ultimately reach new highs   sis.                         wishes  are  in  fact  carried  A: That is the first choice: Is
            and therefore require three   But as the crisis has contin-  out, because we're discov-  it  a  loan  or  a  gift?  For  gift
            things:  a  diversified  portfo-  ued, and we are now rec-  ering this virus is killing peo-  purposes,  the  IRS  has  limi-
            lio, a long-term time horizon   ognizing that this crisis is go-  ple indiscriminately.   tations, but for practical is-
            and the fortitude and emo-   ing  to  last  a  couple  years,  Q:  Do  you  find  resistance  sues, they don't really exist.
            tional  capacity  to  hang   not a couple months, it is in-  from clients in talking about  Don't  worry  about  the  gift
            in  there  when  it  gets  very   creasing the levels of con-  their own mortality?    tax.
            dark.                        versation  with  our  clients  A: We've always engaged  The bigger issue is that you
            With  those  three  in  mind,   who  want  to  confirm  they  in estate planning with our  probably  think  that  you're
            clients  realize  that  this  too   are  indeed  able  to  hang  clients.  I  would  say  that  lending  money  to  your
            shall pass. There was much   in  there  for  as  long  as  this  COVID-19 is creating a new  brother-in-law,   and   he
            greater  fear  in  '87  and  af-  lasts.                  urgency.                     probably thinks you're mak-
            ter  9/11  and  the  dot-com   Q: What does that mean?    There's also a related con-  ing him a gift. So you really
            bubble than there is today.   A:  It  means  confirming  versation:  It's  easy  for  an  have  to  have  open  com-
            They  went  through  them,   they  do  indeed  have  two  affluent individual who has  munication as to what's ex-
            and they got through it OK.  years  of  spending  in  cash  plenty of money to be rel-  pected.
            Q:  So  your  advice  is  the   reserves. If they don't, then  atively  cavalier.  What  we  Q: Any other considerations
            same as in past crises?      we need to raise their cash.  are  reminding  our  clients,  people  may  not  consider
            A: There is another element   We  also  need  to  evaluate  who  tend  to  be  well-off,  is  until too late?
            to this crisis that the others   the  safety  and  stability  of  that  their  adult  children  in  A: If you do lend money to
            did  not  have,  which  is  the   their  job.  If  there  is  a  risk  their  20s,  30s  and  40s  may  child No. 1, will children 2, 3
            health  care  element.  That   that  they  will  suffer  an  in-  not  be  as  financially  well-  and 4 be upset they didn't
            is  causing  a  level  of  con-  come  loss,  then  we  need  off.                     get financial support? And
            cern that would not exist if   to  reevaluate  their  portfo-  They  may  be  experienc-  what  happens  if  you  gen-
            this was merely a "financial   lios'  ability  to  replace  that  ing their own job loss, their  erously support child 1, and
            crisis."                     income.                      own  health  crises,  marital  you  get  a  request  from
            Q:  If  we  can  wait  before   Q:  On  the  health  side,  the  issues,  drug  and  alcohol  child 2 and you don't have
            discussing  health  care,  it   pandemic  means  you're  dependencies. They're also  the ability to do so?
            sounds  like  your  clients   talking  much  more  about  dealing with their own ag-   Q:  What  have  you  been
            weren't panic selling when   wills, do-not-resuscitate or-  ing parents, who may be in  seeing  from  your  younger
            stocks were tanking?         ders and such?               more  precarious  financial  clients?
            A:  Our  clients  were  gener-  A:  We  have  been  provid-  situations, and their siblings.  A: Younger people are re-
            ally not reacting with panic   ing  substantial  amounts  of  We  tend  to  focus  on  our  ally  confident  in  their  fu-
            because they were proper-    advice  about  end-of-life  own  household  and  don't  ture. Their attitude is: I have
            ly positioned going into this   planning, which is really es-  realize  until  we  get  the  decades  to  wait  this  out,
            crisis, and they had the ed-  tate planning. We've been  phone call that they need  and  they  are  investing  far
            ucation and knowledge of     talking  about  revising  wills  help.                    more  aggressively,  believ-
            knowing why they were in-    and  trusts,  updating  ben-  Q:  Do  you  have  blanket  ing this is a huge opportu-
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