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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Monday 15 June 2020
            Continued from Front         Mr.  Brooks  for  resisting  ar-
            The  firing  of  Rolfe  and  the  rest. But the question is: Are
            quick  release  of  the  vid-  there  other  protocols  that
            eos to the public could go  police could have taken?"
            a long way toward easing  "And  people  will  ask  the
            tensions  in  the  city,  said  question,  had  he  been
            Andy  Harvey,  a  veteran  white  and  pulled  onto  the
            law  enforcement  officer  side of the road to take a
            who  is  now  a  police  chief  nap and sleep it off, would
            in Ennis, Texas, and the au-  they have given him a ride
            thor  of  books  and  training  home?"
            curriculum  on  community  The     Wendy's    was    set
            policing.                    aflame at one point Satur-
            "Transparency  today  is  a  day night, although the fire
            whole different ball game.  was  out  before  midnight.
            It's  what  the  community  Atlanta police said Sunday
            expects," Harvey said. "We  that  36  people  had  been
            have  to  always  be  open  arrested in connection with
            about  the  good,  the  bad  the  protests,  but  gave  no  ports on social media "that  tore down a bust of a slave  confront  bias  in  their  own
            and  the  ugly.  Not  just  the  further  details.  A  makeshift  a person in the crowd may  owner  Saturday    who  left  countries  on  Sunday.  The
            good.  I  think  it  actually  memorial had been erect-   have  been  struck  by  the  part  of  his  fortune  to  New  demonstrations also posed
            builds trust and confidence  ed  outside  the  restaurant  vehicle."                   Orleans'  schools  and  then  a  challenge  to  policies  in-
            when  we're  open  about  Sunday morning.                 Spokespersons  for  the  de-  took  the  remains  to  the  tended  to  limit  crowds  to
            the ugly as well."           Meanwhile, the rapidly un-   partment  did  not  immedi-  Mississippi  River  and  rolled  prevent  the  spread  of  the
            The  Georgia  Bureau  of  In-  folding  movement  to  take  ately  respond  to  an  email  it down the banks into the  coronavirus.
            vestigation said that Brooks,  down Confederate statues  seeking comment Sunday.       water.                       In  Milan,  Italy,  protesters
            who  was  seen  on  body  in  the  U.S.  grew  over  the  In Philadelphia, a group of  And in Tahlequah, Oklaho-    scrawled ''rapist'' and ''rac-
            camera  video  sleeping  in  weekend.                     about  100  people,  some  ma, the Cherokee Nation's  ist'' in Italian on the statue of
            a car blocking the Wendy's  In Richmond, Virginia, a po-  carrying guns and baseball  principal chief watched as  a late Italian journalist who
            drive thru, failed a sobriety  lice SUV drove up on a curb  bats,  gathered  around  a  two  Confederate  monu-     had  acknowledged  hav-
            test and was shot in a strug-  and struck multiple protest-  statue  of  Christopher  Co-  ments  were  removed  that  ing  had  a  12-year-old  Er-
            gle over a police Taser.     ers who were blocking the  lumbus  in  Philadelphia  on  were  placed  in  its  tribal  itrean bride while stationed
            Cedrick Alexander, the for-  vehicle's  path  during  a  Saturday,  saying  they  in-  headquarters nearly a cen-   in the Italian colony on the
            mer  public  safety  director  demonstration   Saturday  tended  to  protect  it  from  tury ago by the Daughters  horn of Africa in the 1930s.
            of Dekalb County, Georgia,  night  at  the  Robert  E.  Lee  vandals  amid  recent  pro-  of the Confederacy.       The  statue  of  Indro  Mon-
            who now works as a police  statue, which has become  tests. "It would be over my  Also  Saturday,  members  tanelli,  inside  a  Milan  park
            consultant,  said  the  shoot-  a gathering place for racial  dead  body  before  they  of  the  Clemson  Univer-   that  bears  his  name,  has
            ing  will  undoubtedly  lead  justice  demonstrations.  No  got to this statue," Anthony  sity  football  team  led  hun-  been  a  flashpoint  in  Italy's
            to questions about how of-   one  appeared  to  be  seri-  Ruggiero, 41, told The Phil-  dreds   of   demonstrators  Black Lives Matter protests.
            ficers  might  have  defused  ously injured, according to  adelphia  Inquirer.  "This  is  a  on  the  school's  campus  in  In  Germany,  protesters  in
            the situation.               the  Richmond  Times-Dis-    part of history."            South Carolina. The march  Berlin on Sunday formed 5
            "Here's  a  man  who  took  patch.                        Mayor  Jim  Kenney  con-     came a day after Clemson  ½-mile  (9-kilometer)  chain
            it  upon  himself  to  pull  off  In messages posted on Twit-  demned  the  "groups  of  trustees  voted  to  rename  in  a  message  against  rac-
            the  road  to  take  a  nap,"  ter  early  Sunday  morning,  armed individuals 'protect-  its  honors  college,  strip-  ism,  among  a  range  of
            Alexander    said.   Could  the  Richmond  Police  De-    ing'" the statue in a Twitter  ping from the program the  other  causes.  Demonstra-
            they have given him a ride  partment said police were  post on Sunday.                 name of former vice presi-   tors were linked by colored
            home,  could  they  have  investigating  the  incident,  Meanwhile,  three  people  dent  and  slavery  propo-      ribbons,  forming  what  or-
            called  him  an  Uber,  and  including  what  it  called  "a  were  charged  in  the  van-  nent John C. Calhoun.   ganizers  called  a  "ribbon
            let  him  sleep  it  off  later,  possible assault" on an offi-  dalism  of  a  Christopher  Meanwhile,   European  of solidarity" that stretched
            as  opposed  to  arresting  cer who was inside the ve-    Columbus  statue  in  Provi-  protesters  sought  to  show  southeast  from  the  Bran-
            him?  Now  that  does  not  hicle. The department said  dence, Rhode Island.           solidarity    with  their  Ameri-  denburg Gate to the Neu-
            in  any  kind  of  way  excuse  it was also investigating re-  Protesters  in  New  Orleans  can  counterparts  and  to  koelln neighborhood.q

             Floridians mark Trump's birthday with flotillas, caravans

             WEST  PALM  BEACH,  Fla.                                                              election effort.            carts  are  the  vehicles  of
             (AP)  —  Trump  supporters                                                            The  Palm  Beach  Post  re-  choice for many residents,
             in  Florida  were  celebrat-                                                          ports  that  an  anti-Trump  Trump   supporters   were
             ing the president's birthday                                                          caravan  also  was  riding  holding a golf-cart parade
             Sunday with caravans, flo-                                                            through  the  county  Sun-  in  honor  of  the  president,
             tillas and parades through-                                                           day to protest racism and  who is turning 74.
             out  his  adopted  homes-                                                             call for police reforms.    Speaking  to  West  Point
             tate.                                                                                 Pro-Trump   flotillas   also  graduates  on  Saturday,
             In  Palm  Beach  County  —                                                            were planned for Fort Lau-  Trump said his birthday co-
             home of President Donald                                                              derdale, Miami, the Florida  incided with the 245th an-
             Trump's  Mar-a-Lago  resort                                                           Keys,  Tampa,  Pensacola  niversary of the U.S. Army's
             —  separate  caravans  of                                                             and Jacksonville — where  founding.  "Unrelated,  go-
             trucks,  motorcycles  and                                                             Trump  is  slated  to  be  re-  ing to be my birthday also,"
             boats  were  riding  along                                                            nominated  for  a  second  Trump  said.  "I  don't  know
             highways  and  the  inter-                                                            term at the end of August.  if that happened by acci-
             coastal  waterway  at  vari-  Hundreds of boats idle through downtown on the St. Johns River  In  The  Villages,  a  massive  dent.  Did  that  happen  by
             ous  times  in  the  morning.   during a rally Sunday, June 14, 2020, in Jacksonville, Fla., cel-  Republican-friendly  retire-  accident, please? But it's a
             The organizers were part of   ebrating President Donald Trump's birthday.             ment  community  north-     great day because of that
             the  president's  Florida  re-                                       Associated Press  west of Orlando where golf  Army birthday."q
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