Page 35 - MIN.TTC 17FEB,2016
P. 35
LOCALWednesday 17 February
New Edition:
ECLAC’s Statistical Yearbook Compiles Relevant Data on the Region’s Situation
-The 2015 edition updates of countries with descrip- employment, education, that 94.6% of Latin Ameri- centage point higher than
a selected group of indica- tive statistical data. This health, housing and basic can inhabitants used im- in 2013.
tors of Latin America and edition contains informa- services, poverty and in- proved sources of drinking The third chapter presents
the Caribbean countries. tion that was available un- come distribution and gen- water provision and 83.1% statistics related to the en-
til mid-December 2015. der indicators. had better sanitary fa- vironment, its land cover,
ORANJESTAD - The Eco- The Yearbook is organized According to this data, es- cilities in 2015, although in ecosystems and biodiver-
nomic Commission for Lat- in four chapters. The first timates show that by mid- rural areas these percent- sity; energy, water and
in America and the Carib- one addresses demo- 2015 Latin America and ages drop to 83% and 64%, biologic resources; use of
bean (ECLAC) recently re- graphic and social topics, the Caribbean population respectively. land; air emissions; extreme
leased the Statistical Year- which include population, rose to 634 million people, The second chapter offers events and natural disas-
book for Latin America and of whom around 80% lived economic statistics, pro- ters; regulation; and envi-
the Caribbean 2015, avail- in cities and 50% were be- viding data on national ronmental management.
able on the Internet, which tween 15 and 49 years old. accounts, balance of pay- Of the 2 billion estimated
gives a statistical overview In the labor area in 2014, ments, international trade hectares in Latin America
of the social, economic as an average for 18 Latin and price indexes, among and the Caribbean, 20%
and environmental devel- American countries, the others. The Yearbook shows are protected areas and
opment processes in the greatest part of the em- that in 2014 the region’s 46% of the total extension is
region’s countries. ployed population were growth closed at 1.2%, forest, of which the great-
This annual publication dedicated to the commer- the current account bal- est part is natural forest
contributes to generating cial sector and other ser- ance registered a deficit (98%). The document also
knowledge on Latin Amer- vices (48.2%), agriculture of almost 180 billion dollars shows that in 2013 the re-
ica and the Caribbean (18.5%) and manufacture (2.7% of the regional GDP), gional fishing production
and, therefore, it is an es- (11.9%). while the average rate of rose to around 13 billion
sential reference report for On the other hand, the Sta- regional annual inflation tons, while soybean was
the comparative analysis tistical Yearbook indicates increased to 7.8%, 1.2 per- the crop with the greatest
cultivated area (49% of the
total), followed by wheat
and sugar cane.
Finally, the Yearbook dedi-
cates a chapter to ad-
dressing the methodologi-
cal aspects of the statistics
presented, as well as refer-
ences to the data sources.
Given that most of the in-
formation comes directly
from national statistic of-
fices, central banks, inter-
national organizations and
other official institutions,
ECLAC invites users to pay
attention to the sources
and technical notes pre-
sented in this document.
The data is obtained from
international methodolo-
gies and standards with the
aim of guaranteeing the
comparability between
countries. Therefore, these
figures may not necessar-
ily coincide with national
The complete text in PDF
format and the Excel tables
of the Statistical Yearbook
for Latin America and the
Caribbean 2015 are avail-
able on ECLAC’s Web site.
More statistical information
about Latin America and
the Caribbean can be
found on the CEPALSTAT
Web site, which includes
a set of thematic data-
bases and indicators that
are updated periodically
and cover additional ar-
eas and a greater tempo-
rary coverage than those
included in this document.