Page 36 - MIN.TTC 17FEB,2016
P. 36
LOCALWednesday 17 February
Loyal Visitors Honored at the Marriott Surf Club
PALM BEACH - Recently years. rants, relaxation and being
the Aruba Tourism Author- The honorees were Mr. Jo- on Aruba and staying at
ity had the great pleasure seph and Mrs. Laurie Gotch the Surf Club is like being
of honoring two very nice as Distinguished Visitors, home for them. The certifi-
couples as Distinguished and Mr. Paul and Mrs. Lin- cates were presented by
Visitors and Goodwill Am- da Napolitano as Goodwill Mr. Ricardo Croes repre-
bassadors at the Marriott Ambassadors, senting the Aruba Tourism
Surf Club. The symbolic Joseph, Laurie, Paul and Authority together with Ms.
honorary titles are present- Linda are all loyal mem- Jenny Boekhoudt and Mr.
ed in the name of the Min- bers of the Marriott Surf Joop Bangma GM of the
ister of Tourism as a token Club and they love Aruba Marriott Surf Club.q
of appreciation to guests very much because of
who visit Aruba for 10-to-19 the friendly people, the
and 20-to-34 consecutive climate, beaches, restau-