Page 40 - MIN.TTC 17FEB,2016
P. 40

AWEMainta Diaranson, 17 Februari 2016                                                                                              9


                                                                                         ex. 3:268 Civil Code of Aruba

                                                           TUESDAY MARCH 22, 2016

Anto tene na cuenta cu na 2010 Gabinete Eman a haya         A residential house locally known as:
mas di 200 miyon di placa di BBO di Valero, pero asina
mes tabatin un deficit di 4.4% cu ta ekivalente na 188,6              BAKVAL 17-C
miyon florin conforme e informacion presenta pa Banco
Central”, e Parlamentario ta splica.                        Standing on a parcel of public land plot, 886 m2 in size, situated at Bakval
                                                            in Aruba, locally recorded as Second division section C nr. 824. The lease
Cifra di deficit nunca antes bisto                          rights will expire on September 29, 2043.
“Banda di e informacion di estadistica di Banco Central,
ta bon pa nos corda cu na 2011 caba e Presidente di Banco   Starting bid: Afl. 527.660,--
Central den e “Economic and Financial Developments
Report 2011,” a señala cu nos ta registrando cifra di       Auction notary: mr. T.R. Johnson
deficit y debe nunca antes bisto na nos pais.
Y desde 2011 nos por wak cu e deficit no a baha mas y a     The auction is subject to the general conditions for foreclosure auctions
keda subi mas y mas na 2012, 2013 y 2014. Anto asina            and special auction conditions which will be determined by acting civil
mes cu Gabinete Eman a presenta un plan na 2010 pa              law notary T.R. Johnson.These auction conditions are available for
baha deficit tur aña cu 75 miyon, asina mes e deficit a         inspection at the office of the aforementioned acting civil law notary
keda subi mustrando cifranan nunca antes bisto na nos           situated at Italiestraat 50 units 10 & 10-A, Aruba.
                                                            The auction will take place by raising bids (in Dutch: “bij opbod”) and by
Manipulacion y mentira no ta yuda                               decreasing bids (in Dutch: “bij afmijning”), in one session.
P’esey ora Minister Eman bisa cu el a hereda un desaster
financiero, esaki ta un simpel mentira y cifra di Banco     Seller has the right to not accept any bid, at his sole discretion.
Central ta comproba esaki. Ta di lamenta cu nos Prome       All auction costs are for the account of the buyer, which costs include:
Minister no ta realisa cu tanto manipulacion y mentira
no ta yuda y ta sirbi djis pa bruha tera strobando nos          transfer tax, registration fees cadaster, the outstanding long lease fees
pueblo di progresa”, Xiomara Maduro a duna di conoce.           and property taxes for execution of the necessary notarial deeds, other
                                                                auction costs (rent of auction room, bailiff fees, cancellation of liens and
                                                                mortgages, advertisements), and the costs to have the property
                                                                vacated, if necessary.
                                                            The auction may be stopped or postponed at any time.
                                                            Each bidder must be able to submit a bankguarantee issued by a
                                                                reputable bank in Aruba to the amount of the highest bid increased with
                                                                an amount equal to the auction costs.
                                                            A private written bid can be submitted at said office until March
                                                                7, 2016, 5 PM.

                                                                                      For more information please contact:
                                                                                    Mr. Berry Weijers or Mrs Chamila Tromp
                                                                                    Italiestraat 50 - Units 10 & 10-A, ARUBA
                                                                                  tel.# 00297 280 9950 – fax # 00297 280 9949
                                                                    email: -

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