Page 2 - aruba-today-20221202
P. 2
Friday 2 december 2022
Biden, Macron vow unity against Russia, discuss trade row
praised Macron as “not
just the leader of France”
and for being “very out-
spoken and very very com-
manding in Europe.” In his
public comments, Macron
repeatedly referred to the
U.S. president as “dear
Joe.”Still, at moments, Ma-
cron’s rhetoric has rankled
U.S. and Ukrainian officials,
with calls for Ukraine and
Russia to meet at the nego-
tiating table. White House
officials have publicly main-
tained that it is solely up
to Ukraine’s leadership to
decide when it’s appropri-
ate to engage the Russians
and have stressed the war
could end immediately if
Putin ended his invasion.
Macron also raised eye-
brows earlier this month in
a speech at a summit in
Bangkok when he referred
to the U.S. and China as
President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden with French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte Macron wave from the “two big elephants” that
Blue Room Balcony during a State Arrival Ceremony on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, Thursday, Dec. 1, 2022. are on the cusp of creat-
Associated Press
ing “a big problem for the
Continued from Front beyond Ukraine’s borders. ing electric vehicles. Biden The European Union has rest of the jungle.” His visit
“What is at stake in Ukraine acknowledged “glitches” also expressed concern to Washington came as
“Putin thinks that he can is not just very far from here, in the legislation but said that tax credits in the law both the U.S. and France
crush the will of all those in a small country some- “there’s tweaks we can would discriminate against are keeping their eyes on
who oppose his impe- where in Europe,” he de- make” to satisfy allies. European producers and China after protests have
rial ambitions by attack- clared. “But it’s about our “The United States makes break World Trade Organi- broken out in several main-
ing civilian infrastructure in values. And about our prin- no apology. And I make no zation rules. land cities and Hong Kong
Ukraine, choking off energy ciples.” “Our two nations apologies since I wrote it for The leaders, with aides, met over Beijing’s “zero COVID”
to Europe to drive up pric- are sisters in the fight for the legislation we’re talk- for about three hours after strategy.
es, exacerbating the food freedom,” he said. ing about,” Biden added taking part in a formal cer- The state visit marked a re-
crisis. That’s hurting very Biden indicated he would about the legislation. emony with hundreds of turn of a White House tradi-
vulnerable people not just be willing to talk with Putin However, Macron said that people gathered on the tion of honoring close for-
in Ukraine but around the if the Russian leader dem- while the Biden adminis- South Lawn on a sunny, eign allies that dates back
world and he’s not going onstrated that he seriously tration’s efforts to curb cli- chilly morning. There was a to Ulysses S. Grant’s presi-
to succeed.” wanted to end the inva- mate change should be 21-gun salute and review of dency.
Both leaders at an outdoor sion. But the U.S. president, applauded, the subsidies troops, and ushers distribut- Macron and his wife,
welcoming ceremony paid as always, conditioned would be an enormous set- ed small French and Ameri- Brigitte, came to the U.S.
tribute to their countries’ such talks on support by back for European compa- can flags to the guests. bearing gifts carefully tai-
long alliance. But they ac- NATO allies. nies. “We want to succeed Both Biden and Macron lored to their American
knowledged difficult mo- “I’m prepared to speak together, not one against in their public comments hosts, including a vinyl
ments lay ahead as West- with Mr. Putin if in fact there the other,” Macron added. sought to keep the focus record and CD of the origi-
ern unity shows some wear is an interest in him decid- He said the U.S. and France on the situation in Ukraine. nal soundtrack from the
nine months into the war in ing that he’s looking for a would “resynchronize” their The state visit should pro- 1966 film “Un Homme et
Ukraine. way to end the war,” Biden clean energy efforts to en- vide a boost to Macron une Femme,” which the
In Washington, Republi- said. “He hasn’t done that sure there’s no “domino diplomatically that he can Bidens went to see on their
cans are set to take control yet.” effect” that undermines leverage back in Europe. first date, according to the
of the House, where GOP In addition to their talk clean energy projects in His outspoken comments palace.
leader Kevin McCarthy has of Ukraine — what White Europe. help him demonstrate that Among the gifts Biden and
said his party’s lawmak- House officials said was at On Capitol Hill, despite he’s defending French first lady Jill Biden present-
ers will not write a “blank the top of the agenda — Biden’s talk of possible workers, even as he main- ed the Macrons was a mir-
check” for Ukraine. Across the two leaders discussed changes in the law, Senate tains a close relationship ror framed by fallen wood
the Atlantic, Macron’s ef- Macron’s and other lead- Finance Committee Chair- with Biden. The moment from the White House
forts to keep Europe unit- ers’ concerns about the man Ron Wyden, one of also helps Macron burnish grounds and made by an
ed will be tested by the recently enacted clean the bill’s main architects, his image as the European American furniture maker.
mounting costs of support- energy law. said, “Congress passed a Union’s most visible and vo- Vice President Kamala
ing Ukraine in the war and Macron has made clear law to rev up the American cal leader, at a time when Harris hosted Macron for a
as Europe battles rising en- that he and other Euro- electric automobile indus- Europe is increasingly con- lunch at the State Depart-
ergy prices that threaten to pean leaders are opposed try, create good-paying cerned that its economy ment before the evening
derail the post-pandemic to incentives in the Infla- American jobs and tackle will be indelibly weakened state dinner in an enormous
economic recovery. tion Reduction Act that climate change at the by the Ukraine war and re- tented pavilion construct-
Macron stressed that the favor American-made cli- same time. I have no inten- sulting energy and inflation ed on the White House
issue has ramifications far mate technology, includ- tion of reopening it.” crises. To that end, Biden South Lawn.q