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A4   U.S. NEWS
                   Friday 2 december 2022
            House panel says lax screening helped facilitate PPP fraud

            By FATIMA HUSSEIN                                                                                                   ment  sent  to  the  commit-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    tee  in  January  that  the
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Fi-                                                                                            firm’s  role  in  the  screening
            nancial  technology  firms                                                                                          process was limited. “Wom-
            abdicated  their  responsi-                                                                                         ply  did  not  approve  PPP
            bility  to  screen  out  fraud                                                                                      loan applications, issue PPP
            in  applications  for  a  fed-                                                                                      loans, or otherwise serve as
            eral  program  designed  to                                                                                         a lender in the PPP. Wom-
            help  small  businesses  stay                                                                                       ply  helped  connect  bor-
            open  and  keep  workers                                                                                            rowers  with  PPP  lenders,
            employed during the pan-                                                                                            which were responsible for
            demic, a report by a House                                                                                          reviewing,  approving,  sub-
            investigations  panel  said                                                                                         mitting,  funding,  and  ser-
            Thursday.                                                                                                           vicing the PPP applications
            The House Select Subcom-                                                                                            and loans,” the company’s
            mittee  on  the  Coronavirus                                                                                        lawyers wrote.
            Crisis  launched  its  investi-                                                                                     Womply  referred  128,813
            gation  of  the  firms  in  May                                                                                     PPP  applicants  to  lenders
            2021  after  public  reports                                                                                        in  2020,  and  2,584,420  ap-
            that the firms were linked to                                                                                       plicants to lenders in 2021.
            disproportionate  numbers                                                                                           “We  must  learn  from  this
            of  fraudulent  loans  issued                                                                                       inexcusable    misconduct
            under  the  Paycheck  Pro-                                                                                          to erect guardrails that will
            tection Program.             House Majority Whip James Clyburn, D-S.C., leaves the chamber at the Capitol in Washington,   help  ensure  that  federal
            Former  President  Donald    Nov. 17, 2022.                                                        Associated Press   programs    including  emer-
            Trump  rolled  out  the  Pay-                                                                                       gency assistance programs
            check  Protection  Program  PPP money to businesses.      leading  to  “the  needless  together  with  duct  tape  in future crises  are admin-
            to  help  small  businesses  The  report  said  two  start-  loss  of  taxpayer  dollars,”  and gum.” It said Womply’s  istered  more  effectively,
            stay  open  and  keep  their  ups,  Blueacorn  PPP  and  the  report  said.  The  firms  software  became  a  pre-  efficiently,  and  equitably
            workers  employed.  Presi-   Womply  Inc.    which  re-   “took  billions  in  fees  from  ferred  product  for  criminal  while keeping waste, fraud,
            dent Joe Biden maintained  viewed one in every three  taxpayers  while  becoming  enterprises  seeking  to  de-     and  abuse  to  an  absolute
            the program and directed  funded  PPP  loans  in  2021  easy targets for those who  fraud  the  government  of  minimum,”  said  Rep.  Jim
            money to more low-income  were  connected  to  signifi-   sought to defraud the PPP.”  PPP loans.                   Clyburn, D-S.C., who chairs
            and  minority-owned  com-    cant  percentages  of  PPP  Neither firm responded im-     The firm also received over  the  coronavirus  crisis  sub-
            panies. All told, $800 billion  loan applications with indi-  mediately  to  a  request  for  $5  million  in  PPP  loans  for  committee.
            was spent on the program.    cators of fraud.             comment.                     itself,  which  the  Small  Busi-  Clyburn  said  the  commit-
            The  financial  technology  It said the firms used ques-  The  report  said  Womply’s  ness  Administration  later  tee’s  findings  were  sent  to
            firms  reviewed  PPP  appli-  tionable  screening  proce-  fraud prevention practices  determined it was ineligible  the  Justice  Department
            cations  for  lenders,  which  dures  and  business  prac-  were  so  lax  that  lenders  to receive.               and the Small Business Ad-
            would  ultimately  distribute  tices in reviewing the loans,  describe its systems as “put  Womply  said  in  a  state-  ministration. q

             Rat Attack: NYC seeks hands-on leader in anti-rodent fight

            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Hate  tional  efficiency,  data  col-  Adams, when he was bor-
            rats? Are you a “somewhat  lection,  technology  inno-    ough president of Brooklyn,
            bloodthirsty”  New  Yorker  vation, trash management,  once demonstrated a trap
            with  excellent  communi-    and  wholesale  slaughter,”  that  used  a  bucket  filled
            cation skills and “a general  reads that ad.              with a toxic soup to drown
            aura  of  badassery”?  Then  The  posting  is  whimsical,  rats  lured  by  the  scent  of
            you  might  have  what  it  but the job is daunting.      food.
            takes  to  be  the  city’s  new  New York City leaders have  Now,  the  Adams’  adminis-
            rat czar.                    been  trying  to  control  the  tration  is  looking  for  a  top
            Mayor Eric Adams’ admin-     rodent population for gen-   rat bureaucrat to become
            istration posted a job listing  erations, with mixed results.  the public face of the city’s
            this week seeking someone  Sightings  of  rats  in  parks,  eradication and education
            to lead the city’s long-run-  sidewalks and other places  efforts.
            ning battle against rats. The  in the city have recently in-  “Cunning,  voracious,  and
            official  job  title  is  “direc-  creased.               prolific,  New  York  City’s
            tor  of  rodent  mitigation,”  City  rats  have  survived  a  rats  are  legendary  for
            although  it  was  promptly  multimillion-dollar   effort  their survival  skills,  but they
            dubbed  the  rat  czar.  Sal-  under  former  Mayor  Bill  don’t run this city – we do,”
            ary  range  is  $120,000  to  de  Blasio  that  focused  on  claimed the posting.
            $170,000.                    more  trash  pickups  and  Applicants  are  expected
            “The  ideal  candidate  is  better  housing  inspections  to  have  a  crafty  sense  of
            highly   motivated     and  in targeted neighborhoods.  humor  and  “to  lead  from    A rat crosses a Times Square subway platform in New York on
            somewhat bloodthirsty, de-   The  city  also  launched  a  the  front,  using  hands-on   Jan. 27, 2015. New York City Mayor Eric Adams’ administration
            termined to look at all solu-  program  to  use  dry  ice  to  techniques  to  exterminate   posted a job listing this week seeking someone to lead the city’s
            tions  from  various  angles,  suffocate rats in their hiding  rodents  with  authority  and   long-running battle against rats.   Associated Press
            including improving opera-   spots.                       efficiency.”q
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