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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Friday 2 december 2022
            Spain: numerous devices found after Ukrainian Embassy blast

            By CIARÁN GILES                                                                                                     said the parcel looked sus-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    picious  to  the  secretary  of
            MADRID  (AP)  —  Police  in                                                                                         the  ambassador  because
            Spain  detonated  a  suspi-                                                                                         there  was  no  return  ad-
            cious parcel discovered at                                                                                          dress and it did not look like
            the U.S. Embassy in Madrid,                                                                                         a typical diplomatic post.
            Spanish  officials  said  Thurs-                                                                                    “The  package  contained
            day,  a  day  after  a  similar                                                                                     a box, which caused suspi-
            package sent to the Ukrai-                                                                                          cion  to  the  commandant
            nian Embassy ignited upon                                                                                           and he decided to take it
            opening  and  injured  an                                                                                           outside  with no one in the
            employee.                                                                                                           vicinity    and  open  it.  After
            “We  can  confirm  a  suspi-                                                                                        opening the box and hear-
            cious  package  was  re-                                                                                            ing  a  click  that  followed,
            ceived at the U.S. Embassy                                                                                          he tossed it and then heard
            in  Madrid,  and  are  aware                                                                                        the  explosion,”  said  the
            of  reports  of  other  pack-                                                                                       ambassador.
            ages sent to other locations                                                                                        The   embassy     employ-
            throughout    Spain,”   the                                                                                         ee  was  treated  for  light
            American  embassy  said  in                                                                                         wounds  on  his  hand  and
            a  response  to  an  Associ-                                                                                        later returned to work.
            ated Press inquiry.                                                                                                 Ukrainian  Foreign  Minister
            “We are grateful to Spanish                                                                                         Dmytro  Kuleba  ordered
            law  enforcement  for  their   Police officers stand guard as other officers in yellow vests walk back at the cordoned off area   stepped-up  security  at  all
            assistance with this matter,”   next to the Ukrainian embassy in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2022.  Associated Press   of Ukraine’s foreign embas-
            it added.                                                                                                           sies  abroad  and  asked  his
            Spain’s police said the det-  Ukraine.                    area was cordoned off by  sent  to  the  Ukrainian  Em-   Spanish  counterpart  for  a
            onated  parcel  “contained  Authorities  said  a  bomb  Spanish  police  around  the  bassy  was  addressed  to  fast investigation.
            substances  similar  to  those  squad  also  destroyed  an  embassy  in  the  center  of  the  country’s  ambassador  Two  further  Ukrainian  em-
            used in pyrotechnics.”       explosive  device  that  was  Spain’s capital.            to Spain, Serhii Pohoreltsev.  bassies  received  threaten-
            The action followed police  dispatched by regular post  Spanish  authorities  have  The  employee  handling  it  ing  letters  on  Wednesday,
            reporting  that  multiple  ex-  to  Spanish  Prime  Minister  yet to determine who was  was slightly injured when it  Kuleba  said  on  the  side-
            plosive  parcels  were  sent  Pedro Sánchez on Nov. 24.   responsible  for  the  letters  burst into flames.        lines of a high-level security
            in Spain over the past two  Spain’s    interior   ministry,  or  link  them  to  the  war  in  In an interview Wednesday  meeting in Lodz, Poland, on
            days. Police said they were  which is charge of the coun-  Ukraine.  The  Russian  Em-  following the blast, ambas-  Thursday.  Kuleba  added,
            delivered  to  Spain’s  De-  try’s police forces, said that  bassy  in  Madrid  on  Thurs-  sador Pohoreltsev told Euro-  without  giving  details,  that
            fense  Ministry,  a  European  the  envelope  intercepted  day condemned the letter  pean Pravda, a news web-       “other  disturbing  events
            Union  satellite  center  lo-  at the American embassy’s  bombs,  saying  in  a  tweet  site linked to the Ukrainska  took  place”  on  Wednes-
            cated  at  the  Torrejón  de  security  screening  point  that  “any  threat  or  terror-  Pravda  newspaper,  that  day, involving “the sending
            Ardoz air base outside Ma-   was “of similar characteris-  ist  attack,  especially  those  the  explosion  could  have  of very concrete threats to
            drid and to an arms factory  tics  as  the  previous  ones.”  directed   at   diplomatic  been  more  serious  but  for  Ukrainian  embassies.”  He
            in  northeastern  Spain  that  It  was  then  detonated  by  missions,  are  totally  con-  the  professional  behavior  declined to specify the em-
            makes  grenades  sent  to  authorities  after  a  wide  demnable.”  The  package  of the injured employee.He  bassies in question. q

             Germany, Norway urge NATO to protect undersea infrastructure

             BERLIN (AP) — NATO’s sec-   tection  efforts  would  also  Stoltenberg  called  under-
             retary-general on Thursday  be  “a  clear  signal  (that)  sea  pipelines  and  tele-
             welcomed  a  recommen-      we  take  the  protection  of  communications    cables
             dation  by  Germany  and  our  critical  infrastructure  “arteries  for  our  econo-
             Norway  for  the  military  al-  very  seriously,  and  no  one  mies.”  He  said  that  NATO
             liance  to  set  up  a  center  should believe that attacks  has  doubled  the  number
             tasked  with  protecting  un-  would remain without con-  of ships patrolling the North
             dersea  infrastructure  such  sequences.”                and  Baltic  Seas  following
             as  gas  pipelines  and  tele-  Scholz  returned  to  the  is-  the  Nord  Stream  explo-
             communication cables.       sue at a news conference  sions  and  stepped  up  in-
             German  Chancellor  Olaf  with  Stoltenberg  on  Thurs-  telligence-sharing, “but we
             Scholz  said  after  talks  with  day.  He  said  explosions  in  need  to  do  more  to  help
             his  his  Norwegian  counter-  September that damaged  protect  this  vital  infrastruc-
             part  on  Wednesday  that  the  Nord  Stream  1  and  2  ture.”
             they would ask NATO Sec-    pipelines  built  to  transport  He welcomed the German-
             retary-General  Jens  Stol-  Russian  gas  to  Germany  Norwegian  initiative  for  a
             tenberg  to  set  up  such  a  under the Baltic Sea, which  “NATO undersea infrastruc-
             center.                     investigators  say  were  an  ture center,” which he said
             He  pointed  to  the  trans-  act of sabotage, “showed  would  “provide  allies  with
             Atlantic  alliance’s  “proven  that  we  must  completely  better situation awareness,   NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg delivers a statement
             coordination  capabilities,  re-evaluate  the  risks  for  map  our  vulnerabilities”   during a visit of the ‘Berlin Wall Museum’ at the former checkpoint
             its  maritime  presence  and  our  energy  infrastructure.”  and help deter any attacks   ‘Charlie’ in Berlin, Germany, Thursday, Dec. 1, 2022.
             its expertise.”             That, he said, is particularly  against  allies’  undersea                                         Associated Press
             A center coordinating pro-  true in the North Sea.       infrastructure.q
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