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A28     u.s. news
                      Diasabra 10 Juli 2021

                                 Biden signs competition order targeting big business

            (AP)  —  President  Joe                                                                                             for greater scrutiny of merg-
            Biden signed an executive                                                                                           ers,  “especially  by  dominant
            order  on  Friday  targeting                                                                                        internet platforms, with par-
            what he labeled anticom-                                                                                            ticular attention to the acqui-
            petitive  practices  in  tech,                                                                                      sition of nascent competitors,
            health  care  and  other                                                                                            serial mergers, the accumula-
            parts of the economy, de-                                                                                           tion  of  data,  competition  by
            claring it would fortify an                                                                                         ‘free’ products, and the effect
            American ideal “that true                                                                                           on user privacy.”
            capitalism depends on fair
            and open competition.”                                                                                              In his executive order, Biden
                                                                                                                                also calls on the Federal Mar-
            The sweeping order includes                                                                                         itime  Commission  to  take
            72 actions and recommenda-                                                                                          action against shippers that it
            tions  that  Biden  said  would                                                                                     says  are  “charging  American
            lower prices for families, in-                                                                                      exporters exorbitant charges”
            crease wages for workers and                                                                                        and  the  Surface  Transporta-
            promote innovation and fast-                                                                                        tion Board to require railroad
            er economic growth. Howev-                                                                                          track  owners  to  “strengthen
            er, new regulations that agen-                                                                                      their obligations to treat oth-
            cies may write to translate his                                                                                     er freight companies fairly.”
            policy into rules could trigger
            major legal battles.                                                                                                The  White  House  argues
                                                                                                                                that  rapid  consolidation  and
            The  order  includes  calls  for                                                                                    sharp hikes in pricing in the
            banning or limiting noncom-                                                                                         shipping industry have made
            pete agreements to help boost                                                                                       it  increasingly  expensive  for
            wages, allowing rule changes   tional  executive  order,”  said  arguing that the order would  ban or limit such agreements,   U.S. companies to get goods
            that would pave the way for   Daniel Crane, a law professor  stifle  economic  growth  just  ban unnecessary occupation-  to market. In 2000, the larg-
            hearing  aids  to  be  sold  over   at  the  University  of  Michi-  as  the  U.S.  economy  is  re-  al  licensing  restrictions  and   est  10  shipping  companies
            the  counter  at  drugstores   gan who focuses on antitrust.  covering from the coronavi-  strengthen antitrust guidance   controlled  12%  of  the  mar-
            and  banning  excessive  early   “This is a very broad and am-  rus pandemic.          to  prevent  employers  from   ket. They now control about
            termination  fees  by  internet   bitious policy agenda for the                        collaborating  to  suppress   82%, according to the Journal
            companies. It also calls on the   Biden administration that of-  “Some  of  the  actions  an-  wages  or  reduce  benefits  by   of Commerce.
            Transportation  Department   fers lots of insights on the ad-  nounced  today  are  solutions  sharing wage and benefit in-
            to  consider  issuing  rules  re-  ministration’s  direction  and  in search of a problem,” said  formation with one another.  The  World  Shipping  Coun-
            quiring airlines to refund fees   priorities, but there could be  Jay Timmons, president and                        cil,  an  industry  trade  group,
            when  baggage  is  delayed  or   many a slip between the cup  CEO  of  the  National  As-  Noncompete agreements of-  pushed  back  in  a  statement
            in-flight services are not pro-  and the lip.”            sociation  of  Manufacturers.  ten stop workers in a variety   that  “normalized  demand,
            vided as advertised.                                      “They  threaten  to undo our  of  industries  from  going  to   not regulation,” is the way to
                                         Biden’s  order  includes  a  progress by undermining free  other  employers  for  higher   answer rising costs.
            At  a  White  House  sign-   flurry  of  consumer-pointed  markets  and  are  premised  pay. Biden noted that in some
            ing  ceremony,  Biden  said  of   initiatives  that  could  poten-  on  the  false  notion  that  our  states even fast food franchis-  “There  is  no  market  con-
            some in big business: “Rath-  tially lead to new federal reg-  workers  are  not  positioned  es  include  such  clauses  for   centration  ‘problem’  to  ‘fix,’
            er  than  competing  for  con-  ulations, but it also includes  for success.”          low-wage workers.            and  punitive  measures  lev-
            sumers  they  are  consuming   plenty  of  aspirational  lan-                                                       ied against carriers based on
            their competitors; rather than   guage that simply encourages  The  order  seeks  to  address  “Come on, are there trade se-  incorrect  economic  assump-
            competing  for  workers  they   agencies to take action meant  noncompete clauses — an is-  crets about what’s inside the   tions will not fix the conges-
            are finding ways to gain  the   to  bolster  worker  and  con-  sue affecting some 36 million  patty?” Biden said.  tion  problems,”  said  John
            upper hand on labor.”        sumer protections.           to 60 million Americans, ac-                              Butler, president and CEO of
                                                                      cording to the White House  The  order  also  takes  aim  at   the council.
            “Let me be clear: Capitalism   Business  and  trade  groups  —  by  encouraging  the  Fed-  tech giants Facebook, Google,
            without  competition  isn’t   quickly expressed opposition,  eral  Trade  Commission  to  Apple and Amazon by calling   The order also notes that over
            capitalism.  It’s  exploitation,”                                                                                   the past two decades the U.S.
            he said.                                                                                                            has lost 70% of the banks it
                                                                                                                                once had, with around 10,000
            The  White  House  said                                                                                             bank closures. Communities
            Biden’s order follows in the                                                                                        of color and rural areas have
            tradition  of  past  presidents                                                                                     been  disproportionately  af-
            who  took  action  to  slow                                                                                         fected.
            corporate  power.  Theodore
            Roosevelt’s   administration                                                                                        To  begin  addressing  the
            broke up powerful trusts that                                                                                       trend,  the  order  encourages
            had  a  grip  on  huge  swaths                                                                                      the  Justice  Department  as
            of  the  economy,  including                                                                                        well  as  the  Federal  Reserve,
            Standard  Oil  and  J.P.  Mor-                                                                                      the  Federal  Deposit  Insur-
            gan’s  railroads.  Franklin  D.                                                                                     ance  Corporation  and  the
            Roosevelt’s   administration                                                                                        Office  of  the  Comptroller
            stepped up antitrust enforce-                                                                                       of  the  Currency  to  update
            ment in the 1930s.                                                                                                  guidelines to provide greater
                                                                                                                                scrutiny  of  mergers.  It  also
            But  experts  noted  that                                                                                           encourages  the  Consumer
            Biden’s  sprawling  presiden-                                                                                       Financial  Protection  Bureau
            tial initiative is hardly a man-                                                                                    to  issue  rules  allowing  cus-
            date on competition.                                                                                                tomers  to  download  their
                                                                                                                                banking data and take it with
            “This is really more of a blue-                                                                                     them when they switch.
            print or agenda than a tradi-
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