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                                                                                         world news Diasabra 10 Juli 2021

                       UK police officer admits killing woman abducted on walk home

            (AP) — A British police of-                                                                                         hearing the facts about what
            ficer pleaded guilty Friday                                                                                         happened to Sarah. Today is
            to murdering a 33-year-old                                                                                          a day to remember Sarah, and
            woman who was abducted                                                                                              our thoughts remain with her
            as she walked home from                                                                                             family and friends.”
            a  friend’s  house  in  south                                                                                       Couzens  is  due  to  be  sen-
            London.                                                                                                             tenced  during  a  two-day
                                                                                                                                hearing that starts Sept. 29.
            Wayne     Couzens    previ-
            ously  admitted  kidnapping                                                                                         The  police  force  has  ex-
            and  raping  Sarah  Everard,                                                                                        pressed  shock  and  horror  at
            a  marketing  executive  who                                                                                        his  crime,  but  faces  an  in-
            went  missing  on  March  3.                                                                                        vestigation  by  the  policing
            Couzens entered a guilty plea                                                                                       watchdog  over  how  it  han-
            to murder during a hearing at                                                                                       dled an allegation of indecent
            London’s  Central  Criminal                                                                                         exposure  against  Couzens
            Court,  appearing  by  video                                                                                        days  before  Everard  was  ab-
            link from Belmarsh high-se-  women  sharing  experiences  don’s Metropolitan Police in  body  was  found  in  woods  ducted.
            curity prison.               of being threatened, attacked  2018  and  had  most  recently  close to a piece of land owned
                                         or simply facing the everyday  served  in  the  parliamentary  by  Couzens.  Despite  his  Metropolitan  Police  Com-
            A  major  police  investigation  fear  of  violence  when  walk-  and  diplomatic  protection  guilty  plea,  prosecutors  said  missioner Cressida Dick said
            was  launched  after  Ever-  ing alone.                   command,  an  armed  unit  Couzens  has  not  revealed  she had told Everard’s family
            hard’s  disappearance.  Her                               responsible for guarding em-  where  he  raped  and  killed  “how  very  sorry  I’m  am  for
            body was found a week later  Police  in  the  U.K.  capital  bassies in the capital and Par-  Everard.              their loss, for their pain and
            in  woodland  more  than  50  came  in  for  criticism  after  liament.                                             their suffering.”
            miles (80 kilometers) south-  some women attending a vig-                              “We  still  do  not  know  what
            east of London.              il for Everard were detained  Prosecutor  Tom  Little  said  drove him to commit this ap-  “All of us in the Met are sick-
                                         for breaching coronavirus re-  Couzens abducted Everard, a  palling crime against a strang-  ened, angered and devastated
            The  search  for  Everard  and  strictions.               complete stranger, in a rented  er,”  said  Carolyn  Oakley  of  by  this  man’s  truly  dreadful
            news  of  her  killing  caused                            car hours after he finished a  the Crown Prosecution Ser-  crimes,” she said. “Everyone
            a  nationwide  outcry,  with  Couzens,  48,  joined  Lon-  12-hour  policing  shift.  Her  vice. “Today is not the day for  in policing feels betrayed.”

                            France to pull more than 2,000 troops from Africa’s Sahel

            (AP) — France will with-                                                               configure its presence in the  evolution  of  the  threat,”  he
            draw  more  than  2,000                                                                coming  weeks  to  focus  par-  said.  Once  the  reorganiza-
            troops  from  an  anti-ex-                                                             ticularly  on  the  restive  bor-  tion is complete, he said, “the
            tremism  force  in  Africa’s                                                           der area where Mali, Burkina  Barkhane operation will close
            Sahel region by early next                                                             Faso and Niger meet.         down.”
            year and pivot its military
            presence  to  specialized                                                              Niger’s President Mohamed  Some      experts   say   that
            regional  forces  instead,                                                             Bazoum,  speaking  at  Ma-   France’s  decision  may  be
            President Emmanuel Ma-                                                                 cron’s  side,  welcomed  the  linked  to  growing  political
            cron said Friday.                                                                      French   military   support  instability in Mali.
                                                                                                   and  training,  but  on  African
            Macron     announced    last                                                           terms.                       Macron’s  June  announce-
            month a future reduction of                                                                                         ment  came  days  after  Mali
            France’s  military  presence,                                                          “The  main  thing  is  that  coup leader Col. Assimi Goi-
            arguing  that  it’s  no  longer                                                        France  maintains  the  prin-  ta was sworn as president of a
            adapted  to  the  needs  in  the                                                       ciple of its support, its coop-  transitional  government,  so-
            area.  The  French  Barkhane                                                           eration  and  support  for  the  lidifying his grip on power in
            force,  operating  in  Mali,                                                           armed forces of our different  the West African nation after
            Chad,  Niger,  Burkina  Faso                                                           countries. We need France to  carrying out his second coup
            and Mauritania, had also met                                                           give us what we don’t have.  in nine months.
            opposition  from  some  Afri-  nally  in  the  Sahel,”  Macron  Hundreds  have  died  since  We don’t need France to give
            cans.                        said.  “We  are  there  because  January in a series of massa-  us  what  we  already  have,”  Late  in  June,  the  U.N.  Se-
                                         were asked to be.”           cres targeting villages on the  he said, without elaborating.  curity  Council  unanimously
            After discussions Friday with                             border of Niger and Mali.    He acknowledged failings of  adopted a resolution extend-
            leaders  of  the  African  coun-  French  troops  have  been                           local  armed  forces  but  also  ing  the  U.N.  peacekeeping
            tries  involved,  Macron  an-  present  in  Mali  since  2013,  While governments in the Sa-  praised their courage in fight-  mission  in  crisis-wracked
            nounced  that  France  would  when they intervened to force  hel  have  embraced  France’s  ing extremists.         Mali  and  said  it’s  “impera-
            reduce  its  force  to  2,500  to  Islamic extremist rebels from  military  help,  some  critics                    tive”  that  the  military  gov-
            3,000  troops  over  the  long  power  in  towns  across  the  have  likened  their  presence  France’s  military  presence  ernment  holds  presidential
            term. The country currently  country’s  north.  Operation  to  a  vestige  of  French  colo-  in  the  future  will  focus  on  and  legislative  elections  on
            has  5,000  troops  in  the  re-  Serval  was  later  replaced  by  nial rule.         neutralizing extremist opera-  schedule next February.
            gion.                        Barkhane  and  was  expanded                              tions  and  strengthening  and
                                         to include other countries in  France  will  focus  over  the  training local armies, Macron  The  council  maintained  the
            The  French  leader  insisted  an effort to help stabilize the  next six months on disman-  said.  “There  will  also  a  di-  ceilings in the U.N. force at
            that his country is not aban-  broader Sahel region.      tling the Barkhane operation  mension of reassurance ... to  13,289  military  troops  and
            doning African partners, and                              and  reorganizing  the  troops,  remain permanently ready to  1,920  international  police,
            would  keep  helping  them  Islamic  militants,  though,  Macron said.                 intervene  rapidly  in  support  but it asked Secretary-Gener-
            fight  groups  linked  to  Al-  have  continued  to  launch                            of partner forces,” notably via  al Antonio Guterres to make
            Qaida  and  the  Islamic  State  devastating  attacks  against  The French military will shut  military aviation from Niger  a  recommendation  on  the
            group.                       the  militaries  fighting  them  down Barkhane bases in Tim-  and Chad.                force level given growing lev-
                                         as well as increasingly against  buktu,  Tessalit  and  Kidal  in                      els of insecurity and physical
            “France doesn’t have the vo-  civilians.                  northern Mali over the next  This  new  structure  “seems  violence  against  the  civilian
            cation or the will to stay eter-                          six  months,  and  start  to  re-  to us to respond better to the  populations in central Mali.
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