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                      Diasabra 10 Juli 2021

                        Taking Trump’s cue, Bolsonaro clouds vote with fraud claims

                                         he was harping on the issue  University,  whose  research  ible to the voter before being  The  Associated  Press.  He
                                         again. “They say I don’t have  has  focused  on  democracies  deposited  into  a  sealed  bal-  said  it  increases  the  risk  of
                                         proof  of  fraud.  You  don’t  and  dictatorships  in  Latin  lot  box.  In  the  event  of  al-  coercion and breaches of vote
                                         have  proof  that  there’s  no  America.                  leged  irregularities  with  the  secrecy  by  drug  traffickers
                                         fraud either!”                                            electronic  vote,  the  presi-  and  militias.  Criminal  orga-
                                                                      Brazil’s  electoral  tribunal  dent argues, results could be  nizations  have  been  known
                                         The relentless attack on Bra-  organizes  and  oversees  elec-  checked by manually count-  to  corral  support  for  candi-
                                         zil’s  electronic  voting  sys-  tions,  not  the  executive  ing the printouts.       dates and buy votes.
                                         tem has prompted an outcry  branch. The president’s press  Opponents  of  the  proposal,
                                         and  closed-door  meetings  office  did  not  immediately  including the current and fu-  Supreme  Court  Justice  Gil-
                                         between  lawmakers  and  Su-  comment on whether he will  ture presidents of the elector-  mar Mendes, a former presi-
            (AP) — Brazil’s presiden-    preme  Court  justices  to  de-  present evidence of past elec-  al tribunal, all three of whom  dent of the electoral tribunal,
            tial  election  is  15  months  fend the system. And the na-  toral fraud, with the deadline  are also Supreme Court jus-  said by phone that the current
            away,  yet  barely  a  day  tion’s  electoral  tribunal  last  looming in August.      tices,  say  the  electronic  sys-  moment calls for caution.
            passes  without  President  month ordered the president                                tem  that  began  taking  shape
            Jair Bolsonaro raising the  to provide proof of the fraud  At Bolsonaro’s order, his ad-  in  1996  already  allows  for  “People close to the govern-
            specter of fraud and warn-   he has repeatedly claimed to  ministration  has  tasked  the  an audit and that the change  ment  have  used  as  an  argu-
            ing that he will be entitled  possess, but so far hasn’t pre-  federal  police  with  scouring  would merely open the  way  ment that, if it isn’t their way,
            to reject the results unless  sented.                     Brazil’s  states  for  reports  of  for baseless fraud claims.  there  can’t  be  an  election,”
            Congress  overhauls  the  The  assault  also  raises  con-  fraud from the past 25 years                            Mendes  said.  “It  became  a
            voting system.               cern  that  Bolsonaro,  who  is  he  can  use  to  support  his  The  tribunal’s  president,  topic  to  cultivate  crisis.  We
                                         far  behind  in  early  polls,  is  claims,  according  to  one  of  Justice  Luís  Roberto  Bar-  saw  what  happened  in  the
            He  has  mentioned  poten-   cribbing  from  former  U.S.  his ministers, who spoke on  roso, has been on  a mission  United States.”
            tial vote fraud more than 20  President Donald Trump and  condition  of  anonymity  be-  to quash the proposal in the
            times in the past two months  laying  the  groundwork  for  cause he was not authorized  congressional committee that  Bolsonaro’s  push  for  vot-
            and  even  floated  the  idea  of  his own version of the Jan. 6  to  speak  publicly.  It  is  also  is expected to vote on it next  ing  reform  precedes  his
            canceling  the  election  alto-  Capitol riot in Washington.  part of his strategic response  week.  Last  month,  he  and  2018  election,  after  which
            gether.                                                   to  opponents  of  a  constitu-  two  other  Supreme  Court  he  claimed  many  votes  cast
                                         “His strategy seems to be that  tional  reform  proposal  that  justices met with more than  for him were diverted to the
            “I  don’t  mind  handing  over  if he can cloud the results of  would add printouts of each  40 politicians from across the  Workers’  Party  candidate.
            the government next year, to  the election by claiming it is  vote to the electronic system,  political spectrum to prevent  Former President Luiz Inácio
            whomever it is, but with an  fraudulent or rigged, then he  the minister said.         the bill from advancing.     Lula  da  Silva,  of  the  Work-
            honest vote, not with fraud,”  has  a  better  chance  of  over-                                                    ers’ Party, is widely expected
            Bolsonaro  told  supporters  turning  the  results,”  said  Were  the  proposal  imple-  The  printed  vote  is  a  “risky  to  run  against  Bolsonaro  in
            July  1  outside  the  presiden-  Robert Kaufman, a professor  mented,  a  receipt  for  each  solution  to  a  problem  that  2022.
            tial residence. Later that day,  of political science at Rutgers  electronic vote would be vis-  does not exist,” Barroso told
                          52 dead in Bangladesh factory fire as workers locked inside

             (AP)  —  A  fire  engulfed                               international  brands,  which  production hours.          ment factory in Dhaka.
             a  food  and  beverage  fac-                             employ tens of thousands of
             tory outside Bangladesh’s                                low-paid workers in Bangla-  “We are a reputed company;  The  country’s  worst  Indus-
             capital,  killing  at  least  52                         desh, have come under heavy  we  maintain  rules,”  he  said.  trial  disaster  came  the  fol-
             people,  many  of  whom                                  pressure  to  improve  factory  “What  happened  today  is  lowing year, when the Rana
             were trapped inside by an                                conditions  after  fires  and  very sad. We regret it.”   Plaza  garment  factory  out-
             illegally  locked  door,  fire                           other  disasters  killed  thou-                           side Dhaka collapsed, killing
             officials said Friday.                                   sands of people.             As  the  recovery  effort  was  more than 1,100 people.
                                                                                                   carried out Friday, victims in
             The  blaze  began  Thursday                              The  factory  that  caught  fire  white  body  bags  were  piled  Authorities imposed tougher
             night at the five-story Hash-                            Thursday  was  subsidiary  of  in  a  fleet  of  ambulances  as  safety rules after that disaster
             em  Foods  Ltd.  factory  in                             Sajeeb Group, a Bangladeshi  relatives wailed. As the heavy  and  the  country’s  garment
             Rupganj, just outside Dhaka,                             company that produces juice  smoke continued to rise from  industry  has  since  become
             sending huge clouds of black                             under  Pakistan’s  Lahore-   the  still  smoldering  factory,  largely  compliant  under  do-
             smoke billowing into the sky.                            based  Shezan  International  weeping  family  members  of  mestic and global watchdogs.
             Police  initially  gave  a  toll  of                     Ltd.,  said  Kazi  Abdur  Rah-  missing workers waited anx-  But many other local indus-
             three dead, but then discov-  Bangladesh agency reported.  man, the group’s senior gen-  iously for news of loved ones  tries  fail  to  maintain  safety
             ered piles of bodies on Friday                           eral manager for export.     outside the charred site.    compliance and the disasters
             afternoon  after  the  fire  was   Information   about   how                                                       have continued.
             extinguished.               many  people  were  in  the   According  to  the  group’s  Earlier,   family   members
                                         factory and how many were    website,  the  company  ex-  clashed  with  police  as  they  In  February  2019,  a  blaze
             So  far  52  bodies  have  been   missing was not immediately   ports its products to a num-  waited  overnight  without  ripped  through  a  400-year-
             recovered,  but  the  top  two   available.              ber  of  countries  including  any word of the fate of their  old area cramped with apart-
             floors of the factory have yet                           Australia,  the  United  States,  loved ones.             ments, shops and warehouses
             to be searched, said Debasish   “For now, we only have these   Malaysia,  Singapore,  India,                       in  the  oldest  part  of  Dhaka
             Bardhan,  deputy  director  of   details.  After  searching  the   Bhutan, Nepal and nations in  The government ordered an  and killed at least 67 people.
             the  Fire  Service  and  Civil   top  floors  we  will  be  able   the Middle East and Africa.  investigation  into  the  cause  Another  fire  in  Old  Dhaka
             Defense.                    to  get  a  complete  picture,”                           of the fire.                 in  a  house  illegally  storing
                                         Bardhan said.                Rahman told The Associated                                chemicals  killed  at  least  123
             He said the main exit of the                             Press by phone that the com-  Past industrial tragedies have  people in 2010.
             factory was locked from  the   Bangladesh  has  a  tragic  his-  pany is fully compliant with  often been attributed to safe-
             inside  and  many  of  those   tory  of  industrial  disasters,   international  standards,  but  ty lapses that still plague the  The International Labor Or-
             who died were trapped.      including  factories  catch-  he  was  not  certain  whether  South Asian country despite  ganization said in a 2017 re-
                                         ing  fire  with  the  workers   the  exit  of  the  factory  was  its rapid economic growth.  port that Bangladesh’s regu-
             Many workers jumped from    locked  inside.  Continuing   locked.  According  to  Ban-                             latory framework and inspec-
             the  upper  floors  of  the  fac-  corruption  and  lax  enforce-  gladesh’s factory laws, a fac-  In  2012,  about  117  workers  tions  “had  not  been  able  to
             tory, and at least 26 suffered   ment have resulted in many   tory cannot lock its exit when  died when they were trapped  keep pace with the develop-
             injuries, the United News of   deaths over the years, and big   workers  are  inside  during  behind locked exits in a gar-  ment of the industry.”
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