Page 5 - AHATA
P. 5
LOCAL Saturday 6 July 2024
Meet our Aruban trailblazers:
Padu Lampe
(Oranjestad)—This week was published by the Aru- he had composed various
we remember one of ban National Printing Press special songs dedicated
our most beloved Aru- with sponsorship provided to the mothers of the is-
ban giant, Juan Chabaya by the Prince Bernhard land; his song “Sonrisa di un
Lampe—better known as Funds Netherlands Antilles. baby” (“A baby’s Smile”)
Padu Lampe or Padu del has been written in three
Caribe. As one of the most Besides that, Padu passed different languages. Padu
important and renowned his exam on “Society to Ad- also wrote our national an-
artists in the Aruban cultural ing his youth, he made vanced Ethical Hypnosis” them “Aruba Dushi Tera”,
sphere, Padu’s long career several painting using his in 1964 in New Jersey. He along with Mr. Rufo Wever.
led him to be honored to- unique style. In 1939, he received a certificate as This song was approved by
day as “the father of cul- participated in an art ex- a hypnotechnician, which the government of Aruba
ture.” hibit in New York, where he gave him the authority to and was named the offi-
won a bronze medal for his practice hypnosis in some cial anthem of the island in
On April 26th, 1920, Juan personal style and full of painting “Typical View of states. 1976.
Chabaya Lampe “Padu surprises. Secondly, though Aruba.”
Lampe/Padu del Caribe” the composer was not too Over the course of his ca- Other songs that have
was born in Nassaustraat, familiar with music theory, Padu remained a popular reer, he received many been considered as being
Oranjestad. He grew up in he showed innovations in artist within the Dutch Antil- accolades and awards in almost a second anthem
a happy musical environ- his compositions. Lastly, les and the Caribbean as a Aruba, Curacao, Venezu- for Arubans is the special
ment, and it is because of Padu was a promoter of pianist, singer, author and ela and the Netherlands. composition he wrote for
this that he developed a Creole music around the painter. Padu Lampe was his wife Daisy Croes called
love for music. Starting from world. a local artist who became Padu del Caribe passed “Abo so”. Daisy later
the age of 12, he was ag- renowned in Venezuela, away on November 29th, passed away in 1994.
ile in the clarinet, mandolin One of the most important Colombia, The U.S. and 2019, at the age of 99 years
and cuatro. Henry Lampe, moments in Aruban history, The Netherlands too. In the old. Padu brought the Aru-
his father, was also a well- in which he was able to wit- 1950s, he sold no less than ban culture around the
known pianist and musi- ness first-hand, was the first 50 thousand copies of his world. His legacy will re-
cian. radio broadcast on the is- long-playing albums (LPs). main ingrained in the Aru-
land on March 20th, 1954. ban cultural history, and
In a publication of the infor- Here, he was accompa- Padu Lampe was a multi- he will be known forever as
mative seminar, “Observ- nied by Antillean guitarist faceted artist, inspired by one of the most influential
er”, from august 1st, 1962, Julian Coco and Hubert his interest in parapsychol- trailblazers of our commu-
Padu’s many merits and “Loi” Booi. ogy and supernatural phe- nity.
friendly personality stood nomenon. He wrote three
out. It was said that he was In the art world, Padu was books in Papiamento on Padu will always be in
an excellent pianist with a also a known painter. Dur- the subject in 1986, which Aruba’s heart, because
Craving a late-night snack? We got you covered!
(Oranjestad)—After a night Chalo offers a variety of choice for what to get at ranean food. Located right
out it’s custom to grab fast-food meals, like ham- Julio’s Corner is the quesa- at the entrance of The Lo-
yourself a late-night snack burgers, hotdogs, loaded dilla, which comes with a cal Market near the cruise
on the road. Here in Aruba, fries and more! A popular side of fries. ship port, here you can fill
there are dozens of food dish among locals is the your stomach (and heart)
trucks that you can visit Salchipapa: loaded fries Julio’s Corner is open Mon- with a variety of options like
to enjoy a late-night bite. with sausages, cheese and days through Saturday shawarmas, doners, kap-
Here are a few that can be a mix of sweet and savory from 6pm to 2am (Fridays salons and more, all 100%
found in the down town/ho- sauce. Perfect for those and Saturdays up to 4am), halal. When asked, the
tel area. late-night cravings! and is located in the park- chef there recommends
ing lot of the Eagle Bowling all foodies to try their lamb
Chalo burger Chalo is open Wednes- Palace, right on the other shawarma, as it’s a favorite
Chalo burger is a favorite days through Mondays side of the road from the among guests.
among locals, and it’s due from 7pm to 12 am (Fridays Sasaki gas station.
to its popularity that it has till 1am), and is located at Leendert and Savaneta. Habibi Express is open ev-
branched out to different Palm Beach 178 (a little Habibi Express ery day from 5pm to 12am.
parts on the island. One of past the roundabout near Julio’s Corner Habibi Express is a Leba- While you’re there, how
its main locations is in Palm the Piazza Gianni’s). Other Situated in a nice little cor- nese food truck stand, one about a picture with the
Beach, near the hotel area. Locations include Tanki ner off the highway, Julio’s of very few food trucks on genie?
Corner has a huge menu the island to sell Mediter-
comprised of different dish-
es and snacks, all made
with a Venezuelan twist!
From arepa’s to chicken
wings, to pizzas and burg-
ers, Julio’s Corner has it all
to satisfy your taste! Editor’s