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                                                                                                           LOCAL Saturday 6 July 2024
            Meet Aruba’s biggest hero

            Boy Ecury

            (Oranjestad)—This  past  May  4th,                                                                           active again in the big cities.
            Aruba  as  well  as  The  Netherlands                                                                        Eventually, he proved himself right.
            commemorated  those  who  sadly                                                                              On November 5th, 1944, Boy Ecury
            perished during the Second World                                                                             was  arrested  by  German  soldiers.
            War. As is known around the globe,                                                                           He  was  placed  in  the  “Oranje-
            this chapter in world history is one                                                                         hotel” prison in Scheveningen, The
            of  the  most  tragic  yet,  and  many                                                                       Hague, where he was questioned.
            soldiers  and  rebels  have  died  on                                                                        Despite  being  given  away  by  an
            the frontline during this time.                                                                              acquaintance,  he  himself  never
                                                                                                                         gave away the names of his com-
            One  of  those  rebels  who  have                                                                            rades.  Famously,  he  told  his  cell
            fought  against  the  Nazi  regime,                                                                          mate: “I will die with a smile on my
            was  an  Aruban  named  Segundo                                                                              face.”
            Jorge Adelberto “Boy” Ecury. Born
            in  Aruba  on  April  23rd,  1922,  Boy                                                                      On November 6th, 1944, Ecury was
            spent his childhood on the island,                                                                           executed.  He  was  only  22  years
            before  being  sent  to  The  Nether-                                                                        old.
            lands  by  his  father  when  he  was
            15  years  old  to  continue  his  stud-                                                                     Ecury was buried with military hon-
            ies abroad. This was in 1937, three                                                                          or.  In  1949,  the  Aruban  Govern-
            years before WWII broke out.                                                                                 ment erected a monumental bust
                                                                                                                         of him in front of what is now the
            During the war, he actively partici-                                                                         linear park trail, and in 1984 he re-
            pated in the rebellion in The Neth-                                                                          ceived  the  Resistance  Memorial
            erlands  against  the  Nazi  regime,                                                                         Cross postmortem.
            but  his  rebellious  streak  and  con-  sion.                          helped  people  go  into  hiding,  as
            stant drive to fight for justice began                                  well  as  opened  fire  against  allies  Boy’s life motto was this: “In my fa-
            even before the war broke out. Be-  After  seeing  the  horrific  bomb-  of the Nazi regime. In these oper-  ther’s house, there is no place for
            ing a person of color with a Haitian  ings  of  Rotterdam  first-hand,  he  ations, Boy really stood out for his  a traitor.”
            heritage  living  in  The  Netherlands  decided  to  join  the  resistance.  At  cold bloodedness.
            made  him  vulnerable  to  discrimi-  the  same  time,  he  was  still  study-                               Source: “De Kolibrie op de Rots (en
            nation, and this inspired him to be  ing and living with family in Tilburg.  In 1943, he received a notice to be  meer  over  the  geschiedenis  van
            an  activist,  to  stand  up  and  fight  It was there where he met people  placed  for  work  in  Germany.  This  Aruba)” by Evert Bongers.
            against discrimination and oppres-  who  printed  and  distributed  the  he  refused,  of  course,  and  went
                                                rebellion  newspaper.  This  would  into hiding using multiple address-
                                                be the first of three rebellion group  es  in  multiple  cities.  Because  he
                                                that  he  would  join  throughout  his  was a wanted man, he of course
                                                4-year service to the resistance.   could  not  continue  to  be  active
                                                                                    as a rebel. However, stubborn and
                                                Boy’s  primary  task  as  member  of  naturally  rebellious  as  he  was,  he
                                                the group was to distract the Ger-  always tried to join in on the opera-
                                                man  soldiers  while  others  ran  into  tions regardless.
                                                hiding  into  alleyways.  This  he  was
                                                able to do because of his skin color  In 1944, after his friend Luis de Lan-
                                                and  confronting  demeanor.  Boy  noy, a fellow rebel from Curacao,
                                                also  participated  in  the  multiple  was  arrested  and  executed,  he
                                                sabotaging  operations  against  moved  to  Delft,  where  he  joined
                                                the  German  military  occupying  his  third  and  last  group  in  Rotter-
                                                The  Netherlands.  These  included  dam. During this time, he wrote a
                                                bombings  on  German  military  goodbye  letter  for  his  family,  pos-
                                                trucks  and  trains.  The  group  also  sibly knowing the risks of him being

            Prohibited by law: leaving the island with seashells, white sand or


            (Oranjestad)—Often     times,   the                                      ists, which is unacceptable.        our  environment.  Stop  collecting
            customs  department  at  the  air-                                                                           seashells,  white  sand  and  corals
            port intercepts many tourists leav-                                      Upon  confiscation  at  the  airport,  from our shores and stop buying or
            ing the island with seashells, white                                     you can also face a fine that they  accepting these from local sellers
            sand and/or corals as souvenirs.                                         have to pay before leaving. This is  or companies.
                                                                                     surely  not  a  pleasant  experience
            Conforming  to  the  international                                       for  the  tourist.  This  also  leads  to  a  We  want  our  future  generations
            treaty  of  CITES  and  our  local  law                                  negative  reaction  which  can  put  and  visitors  to  enjoy  the  beauty
            which protects our Flora & Fauna, it                                     our tourism in a negative light.    of  our  beaches,  shells  and  corals
            is absolutely prohibited to take any  shells,  coral  and  amount  of  sand                                  in  a  sustainable  way,  without  de-
            seashell, sand and coral outside of  confiscated is very strange and it is  Though we love to accommodate  stroying  or  disrupting  the  Aruban
            Aruba.  This  is  to  protect  our  envi-  suspected that our own locals are  our visitors, let’s all give nature the  ecosystem. Help us protect what is
            ronment. The high number of sea-    the ones selling these to the tour-  respect  it  deserves  by  protecting  ours!
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