Page 6 - AHATA
P. 6

                      Saturday 6 July 2024

            Aruba’s neighborhoods; the meaning behind their names

            Just like any other country, Aruba  The best historians were able to de-
            has unique and beautifully named  duce is that this name came to be
            neighborhoods that all form a part  because  of  a  miscommunication
            of  its  culture  and  development.  between Van Spengler and the na-
            Many of these names have a his-     tives who were living on the island.
            torical  background  and  meaning  In the Arawak/Taino language one
            that  teaches  us  about  the  island  can find the word Anaiboa, which
            and its rich culture every day.     consists  of  Ana  meaning  flower
                                                or the best and Iboa; the juice of
            With this series, we want to take you  a  cassava,  which  together  would  later, this area was used as a ter-  area given by a tenant to the land
            on  a  journey  of  discovery,  where  mean  “the  best  juice  of  a  cassa-  rain for training of shooting by mi-  that was rented to him.
            you’ll  learn  not  only  the  beautiful  va”.                          litia  and  latero  n  Korps  Mariniers
            names but the history behind it that                                    (the marines of Aruba). By the end  The  biggest  probability  that  histo-
            gives it life and meaning.          If  one  assumes  that  the  actual  of the previous century a large part  rians believe is that it comes from
                                                word heard was Anaboio instead,  of Anabui was developed to have  native descent, during the time in
            Anabui/Tierra Del Sol               consisting of Ana meaning the best  luxurious  villas  and  a  golf  course,  the  19th  century  where  Mestizos
            This neighborhood can be seen on  and Boio (bohio); house, the itera-   which lead to it getting the name  still lived on Aruba. The name can’t
            Van Raders map and Werbata as  tion  of  Anabui  would  mean  “the  Tierra  Del  Sol,  Spanish  for  Land  of  really  be  explain  and  according
            Anna Boei. Anna Boei is a name of  best  house.”  This  is  the  origin  that  the Sun. The name is not an official  to books on its history seems to be
            which there isn’t much information  has been more or less speculated  name, but the name of the devel-      more of a sign of corruption.
            about its origin.                   and assumed for the word Anabui  opment proyect that took place. It
                                                and it’s meaning.                   is hoped that the original and ‘old’  However,  it  seems  to  come  from
                                                During the second world war and  name of Anabui is never lost and  combining  A(n),  which  is  a  gen-
                                                                                    now it will be remembered by both  eralizing prefix and Goeiza, which
                                                                                    locals and tourists.                means ‘the spirit of a living man’.
                                                                                                                        Angochi remains more of a guess.
                                                                                    This name can be seen on the Wer-   This  neighborhood’s  abbreviation
                                                                                    bata map with little and cursive let-  is; An.
                                                                                    ters. It is the unofficial name for the

            Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal visitors at Aruba Beach Club!

            The  Aruba  Tourism  Authority  re-  lows:                                                                  The  top  reasons  for  returning  to
            cently  had  the  great  pleasure  of  Distinguished Visitor (10>years con-                                 Aruba  provided  by  the  honorees
            recognizing  Distinguished  Visitors  secutively visiting Aruba)                                            were:
            of  Aruba.  The  honorees  were  re-  Goodwill  Ambassador  (20>years                                       •       Aruba is a beautiful island.
            spectively  honored  with  a  certifi-  consecutively visiting Aruba)                                       •       Aruba is safe.
            cate for their years of visits, loyalty,  Emerald  Ambassador  (35>years                                    •       Aruba’s weather.
            and love for the island of Aruba.   consecutively visiting Aruba)                                           •       Aruba is family friendly.
                                                                                                                        •       “Bingo with Vanessa at Aru-
            The  honorary  certification  is  pre-  The honorees were:                                                  ba Beach Club”
            sented  on  behalf  of  the  Minister  Distinguished Visitors
            of Tourism as a token of apprecia-  Mr. Jimmy & Mrs. Rido Pham from                                         On  behalf  of  the  Aruba  Tourism
            tion and to say “Masha Danki” to  Everett     Massachusetts,    United  Club  bestowed  the  certificate  Authority, we would like to express
            guests who have visited Aruba 10,  States.                              upon  the  honorees,  presented  our  sincere  gratitude  and  appre-
            20,  or  35  years  or  more  consecu-                                  them with gifts, and thanked them  ciation  to  the  honorees  for  their
            tively.                             Mr.  Jorgino  Willems  representing  for choosing Aruba as their favor-  continued visits to the “One Happy
                                                the  Aruba  Tourism  Authority,  and  ite  vacation  destination,  as  their  Island”.
            The three levels of honor are as fol-  staff  members  of  Aruba  Beach  home away from home.
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