Page 50 - MIN.VOS JULY 30,2015
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Hepatitis Awareness
HEPATITIS is a disease that affects the liver. This This usually happens through: Sexual contact. The
hepatitis B virus can enter the body through a break
is usually caused by the Hepatitis virus but can also be in the lining of the rectum, vagina, urethra (the tube
caused by alcohol or drug abuse. that carries urine out of the body), or mouth. Sharing
needles and other equipment (such as cotton, spoons,
THERE ARE 5 TYPES OF HEPA- and water) used for injecting illegal drugs. Body pierc-
TITIS: ings and tattoos. The virus may be spread when needles
used for body piercing or tattooing aren’t sterilized and
There is Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E. infected blood enters a person’s skin.
More than 240 million people around Toiletries. Grooming items such as razors and tooth-
brushes can spread the virus if they carry blood from
the world live with Hepatitis B and a person who is infected.
780 thousand die every year as a
result of Hepatitis B. Most people who have a hepatitis B infection may have
Data collected from the Public symptoms such as: Headache, loss of appetite, nausea,
Health Department shows that vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, skin rash, muscle
from 2006 to 2014 421 cases of aches or joint pain, constant discomfort on the right
Hepatitis have been registered, side of the belly (where the liver is located), and the
out of these 421 cases 342 are skin and whites of the eye start to look yellow.
Hepatitis B cases that is about
81.4%. To prevent Hepatitis A and B one needs to be vac-
Half of these cases have been cinated. There are no vaccines against Hepatitis C, D
detected among 25 to 44 year and E that’s why prevention is extremely important.
Make sure you get a blood check up to ensure that you
olds. The same counts for Aruba, are not infected with Hepatitis or if you are to take the
more men are affected by Hepatitis necessary messaures before it advances.
than women. For more information contact the contagious diseases
department at the Department of Public Health at:
Hepatitis A and E are transmitted when one eats 522-4200
contaminated food or drinks contaminated water.
Hepatitis B, C and D are transmitted when blood, se-
men, or vaginal fluids (including menstrual blood)
from an infected person enter another person’s body.
Pack for a Purpose
Small Space, Little Effort, Big Impact
THERE is need everywhere in the world; however, who want to say thank you in this manner or who “Our guests often ask us what they can do during
simply want to expand their generosity beyond their their trip to help those in need on the island, and this
it is sometimes difficult to identify specific needs in own communities. program offers them an opportunity to contribute.”
places far from home. That’s why Pack for a Purpose Aruba’s Bucuti & Tara Beach Resorts has taken its Bucuti has partnered with the children’s home,
believes that there are people fortunate enough to commitment to the local Aruba community to the Imeldahof. The home offers shelter and guidance to
travel to other countries that often wish they could next level by joining Pack for a Purpose. boys and girls who, due to circumstances, cannot live
make meaningful contributions to help meet the “Our commitment to sustainability goes beyond with their parents or caregivers. Bucuti will collect
needs of the places they visit. Such contributions are preserving Aruba’s natural resources and includes items from the guests and personally deliver to the
one way of expressing appreciation for the experi- supporting and enriching the local community and orphanage regularly.
ences and hospitality they enjoyed in other lands. its children,” said Bucuti’s owner Ewald Biemans.
The goal of Pack for a Purpose is to assist travelers Thursday, July 30 2015 - ARUBA TRAVELLER