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Exclussive Medical Service in Aruba

EXCLUSIVE Medical Services is a panel of board-         Additionally, travelers needing medication refills are     ence in assisting Arubans and travelers from all over
                                                        accommodated. Most medications are immediately             the world.
certified, multilingual physicians who provide com-     available; however, if a particular medication is not      They are certified; emergency room trained and have
prehensive in room medical care to travelers or locals  on hand, it will be ordered and delivered at any hour.     exemplary bedside manners. Our philosophy is based
in Aruba.                                               If a patient requires hospitalization, the doctor refers   on a team approach to health. We encourage our pa-
                                                        the patient to the Dr. Horacio Oduber Hospital. A pri-     tients’ input regarding their own well-being.
  Travelers or locals who                               vate and reliable ambulance service is used to transport
 become ill have 24-hour                                patients in critical situations.                           Our practice is both morally and ethically opposed to
  access (7 days a week,                                                                                           the concept of a true concierge medical practice as our
   including all holidays).                             Our services are personalized to the needs of our pa-      philosophy is that a physician should be available to
                                                        tients. We arrange for nurses to attend to patients in     his patients at all times without the burden of having
The patient is usually seen by a physician within       hotels if further assistance is needed. We also assist in  to pay a “retainer fee”. We choose to offer house calls
the hour or at the patients requested time. We          obtaining wheelchairs, oxygen tanks, and other home        and make ourselves available for our patients after
provide medical care in the comfort and safety          healthcare products. Exclusive Medical Services as-        hours for our patients comfort and convenience. We
of the patient’s hotel room, house or apartment.        sures appropriate follow-up care and maintains contact     practice medicine the old fashioned way and put our
All patients receive a comprehensive examination un-    with all patients until they are well. We contact the      patients before profit. Our fees are reasonable and com-
less a straightforward, minor problem is noted. Our     patient`s own physician to assure continuity of care,      mensurate with other health care practices in Aruba.
doctors are equipped for most emergencies and carry     even when abroad.
portable medical equipment. Blood tests, urinalysis,                                                               For more information please call
stool examinations, and pregnancy tests are available.  OUR PHYSICIANS
                                                                                                                   +2977427819 or
                                                        Our physicians have over 5 years of combined experi-       +297923339 or 
                                                                                                                   visit our webpage:

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