Page 51 - MIN.VOS JULY 30,2015
P. 51

A big group                                    Ditto Acosta moves
     of students                                      up to the top 16

       continue                                  Latin America ranking
 extending their
                                                 WITH help received through the          of the game and ending the first half  #16. This ranking makes him the
     knowledge                                                                           with a 0 to 4 score Acosta managed     highest ranking Dutch Caribbean
    in Aruba or                                  Sport Funding from the Lotto pa De-     to beat Aguirre who is a favorite 8    player on the Latin American CPB.
                                                 porte Foundation Ditto Acosta rep-      to 6.                                  Ditto Acosta recently returned to
       abroad                                    resented Aruba in the pool billiard     After this Ditto Acosta qualified for  the Pan American circle in 2014.
                                                 Pan American Games in Argentina.        the top 16 afterwards he played        His next competition will be the
  EVERY year students that wish to fur-          Out of the three competing catego-      against Gerson Martinez from Peru      ABC Cup which will take place in
                                                 ries Acosta was more successful in      but lost 5 to 8.                       Curacao on September 11, 12 and
   ther their education in Aruba or abroad       the 9-ball category, where he ranked    Martinez is the one that eliminated    13 this year.
   can qualify for an Arubalening loan.          9th place. After beating Cristian       Acosta in the 8-ball category when
   A student that wishes to receive the Arub-    Merino from Chile 8 to 4 Acosta         he was playing to qualify for top 16.  For more information about the
   alening can apply for it at the Education     lost 8 to 3 against J. Rodriguez from                                          2015 Pan American championship
   Department.                                   Panama.                                 Ditto Acosta won a total of 6 match-   feel free to visit:
                                                                                         es thus earning enough points to
   After receiving the information the Educa-    The next day was an Aruba vs. Aruba     improve his ranking from #27 to
   tion Department evaluates the requests.       game day where Ditto Acosta beat
   After receiving all the applications and      Richard Wolff 8 to 2.
   processing each request individually we
   can now inform Aruba that an amount of        Afterwards Acosta played against
   399 students will further their education     2014 Pan American 9-ball sub-
   in Aruba or abroad.                           champion Luis Lenos who is also
                                                 Guatemala’s champion, but Acosta
   399 students’ applications have been ac-      manages to beat him 8 to 4.
   There is an amount of students that           To qualify for the 9-ball top 16
   handed in their applications late, which      Acosta had to play against Ecuador’s
   means that the amount of 399 students         champion Cristian Aguirre, despite
   will change once the other petitions have     falling back a little at the beginning
   been registered and approved.
   Out of all the students that have been ap-                                            11INTERNATIONAL
   proved for a loan a large group will further
   their education abroad.

   Many have chosen to continue their stud-
   ies in Holland. The amount of students
   that have already signed the Arubalening
   agreement to continue their studies in
   Holland is 255.
   They signed a contract that was made
   according to the 2015-2016 school year

   Students that have chosen to continue
   studying in Holland have the option to
   travel by themselves or along with the
   groups that leave on August 1, August 2
   and August 4.
   A total of 190 students have chosen the
   opportunity to travel in a group.
   The Department of Education want to
   wish all these students a lot of success in
   their education.

ARUBA TRAVELLER - Thursday, July 30 2015
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