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A32    sports
                  Diahuebs 13 Januari 2022

                        Djokovic acknowledges error on Australian travel declaration

                                                                                                   COVID-19  to  isolate  for  at  only grounds for an exemp-
                                                                                                   least  14  days.  But  Djokovic  tion  in  cases  in  which  the
                                                                                                   was seen a little over a week  coronavirus caused severe ill-
                                                                                                   after  his  positive  test  on  the  ness — though it’s not clear
                                                                                                   streets  of  Belgrade,  though  why  he  was  issued  a  visa  if
                                                                                                   he said he had tested negative  that’s the case.
                                                                                                   in between.
                                                                                                                                The initial decision to let him
                                                                                                   Meanwhile,  Djokovic  ad-    compete  sparked  complaints
                                                                                                   dressed  the  Australian  travel  that Djokovic was being giv-
                                                                                                   declaration  by  saying  it  was  en  special  treatment  —  and
                                                                                                   submitted  by  his  support  the  subsequent  cancellation
                                                                                                   team and “my agent sincerely  of  his  visa  raised  allegations
                                                                                                   apologizes  for  the  adminis-  that  he  was  being  targeted
                                                                                                   trative mistake in ticking the  once  the  issue  became  po-
                                                                                                   incorrect box.”              litical.  The  saga  is  playing
                                                                                                                                out  against  the  backdrop  of
                                                                                                   “This was a human error and  growing concern in Australia
                                                                                                   certainly  not  deliberate,”  he  over surging COVID-19 cas-
                                                                                                   wrote. “My team has provid-  es  —  and  the  government’s
                                                                                                   ed additional information to  strategy to contain them.
                                                                                                   the  Australian  Government
                                                                                                   to clarify this matter.”     Australia-based  lawyer  Greg
                                                                                                                                Barns, who is experienced in
                                                                                                   The  decision  could  take  a  visa  cases,  told  The  Associ-
            (AP)  —  Novak  Djokovic  leased  from  four  nights  in  described  recent  commen-   while  —  but  there  is  time  ated Press that the immigra-
            acknowledged Wednesday  immigration detention.            tary as “hurtful” and said he  pressure  since  the  draw  to  tion  minister  has  the  “per-
            that  his  Australian  travel                             wanted to address it in the in-  determine  brackets  for  the  sonal  power”  to  cancel  the
            declaration  form  con-      The  nine-time  and  defend-  terest  of  “alleviating  broader  Australian Open is set to take  visa  without  having  to  give
            tained incorrect informa-    ing  Australian  Open  cham-  concern  in  the  community  place Thursday.             written notice or a reasonable
            tion, and he also confessed  pion remains in limbo before  about my presence in Austra-                             time for Djokovic to respond.
            to an “error of judgment”  the  year’s  first  tennis  major  lia.”                    Immigration  Minister  Alex
            in taking part in an inter-  starts Monday. The stakes are                             Hawke’s office issued a state-  If Djokovic’s visa is canceled,
            view  and  photo  shoot  in  particularly  high  since  he  is  The  34-year-old  Serb  said  ment saying Djokovic’s legal  his lawyers could go back to
            Serbia  last  month  after  seeking  a  men’s  record  21st  he’d  taken  rapid  tests  that  team had filed further docu-  court to apply for an injunc-
            testing  positive  for  CO-  Grand Slam singles title.    were  negative  and  he  was  ments and added: “Naturally,  tion that would prevent him
            VID-19.                                                   asymptomatic  before  he  re-  this will affect the timeframe  from  being  forced  to  leave
                                         His visa was canceled on ar-  ceived  his  positive  result  for a decision.”          the country.
            In  a  statement  posted  to  his  rival last week when his vac-  from  a  PCR  test  he  under-
            social  media  accounts,  the  cination exemption was ques-  took  out  of  an  “abundance  At issue is whether he has a  If  the  government  decides
            tennis  star  blamed  “human  tioned,  but  he  won  a  legal  of caution”  after attending  a  valid exemption to strict rules  instead  to  first  give  no-
            error”  by  his  support  team  battle on procedural grounds  basketball  game  in  Belgrade  requiring vaccination to enter  tice, Barns said it could give
            for failing to declare that he  that  allowed  him  to  stay  in  on Dec. 14.          Australia since he recently re-  Djokovic up to nine days to
            had traveled in the two-week  the country. He still faces the                          covered from COVID-19.       respond.
            period  before  entering  Aus-  prospect of deportation — a  He  received  the  result  late
            tralia.                      decision that is entirely at the  Dec. 17, he said, and scrapped  His  exemption  to  compete  “That might be a way of giv-
                                         discretion  of  Australia’s  im-  all his commitments except a  was approved by the Victoria  ing Djokovic a chance in the
            Giving  false  information  on  migration minister if deemed  long-standing interview with  state  government  and  Ten-  tournament and then kicking
            the  form  could  be  grounds  to be in the public interest for  L’Equipe  newspaper  the  fol-  nis Australia, the tournament  him out at the end of that,”
            for  deportation,  the  latest  health and safety reasons.  lowing day.                organizer. That apparently al-  Barns said.
            twist in a saga over whether                                                           lowed him to receive a visa to
            the athlete should be allowed  Deportation  could  result  “I felt obliged to go ahead ...  travel.                 Sydney-based  immigration
            stay  in  Australia  despite  not  in sanctions ranging up to a  but did ensure I socially dis-                     lawyer  Simon  Jeans  said
            being  vaccinated.  The  ini-  three-year ban from entering  tanced and wore a mask ex-  But  the  Australian  Border  there’s  “a  lot  of  fudges”  in
            tial  news  that  Djokovic  was  Australia, a daunting prospect  cept  when  my  photograph  Force rejected the exemption  the law and the immigration
            granted  an  exemption  to  for a player who has won al-  was  being  taken,”  Djokovic  and  canceled  his  visa  upon  department  would  be  tak-
            strict vaccination rules to en-  most  half  of  his  20  Grand  said.                 arrival before a federal judge  ing its time to make sure any
            ter the country provoked an  Slam singles titles here.                                 overturned  that  decision.  visa cancellation was “appeal-
            outcry  and  the  ensuing  dis-                           The  L’Equipe  reporter  who  Lawyers for the government  proof.”
            pute has since overshadowed  Court  documents  detail-    interviewed the athlete wrote  have  said  an  infection  was
            the lead-up to the Australian  ing  Djokovic’s  positive  test  in the newspaper that he and
            Open.                        sparked speculation over the  a  photographer  were  also
                                         star  player’s  attendance  at  masked  during  the  session
            Djokovic  acknowledged  the  events in his native Serbia last  —  and  kept  their  distance
            lapses  when  he  sought  to  month.  Further  questions  except for a brief moment as
            clarify  what  he  called  “con-  also were raised about errors  Djokovic  said  goodbye.  The
            tinuing     misinformation”  on his immigration form that  reporter said he tested nega-
            about his movements after he  could potentially result in the  tive for COVID-19 on Mon-
            became  infected  last  month  cancellation  of  his  visa  yet  day, and did not mention the
            —  though  he  did  not  spell  again.                    photographer’s status.
            out what inaccuracies he was
            referring to.                On  the  form,  Djokovic  said  “While I went home after the
                                         he had not traveled in the 14  interview to isolate for the re-
            The  statement  was  posted  days before his flight to Aus-  quired period, on reflection,
            while  the  men’s  tennis  No.  tralia,  despite  being  seen  in  this  was  an  error  of  judg-
            1  was  in  Rod  Laver  Arena  Spain and Serbia in that pe-  ment,” Djokovic said.
            holding  a  practice  session,  riod.
            his third on the tournament’s                             At the time, Serbia required
            main  court  since  being  re-  In  his  statement,  Djokovic  those who were infected with
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