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A30    world news
                  Diahuebs 13 Januari 2022

                       With more girls pregnant, Zimbabwe pushes a return to school

                                                                                                   Families often try to negoti-  persuaded  only  one  child  to
                                                                                                   ate  with  the  offender,  pres-  return to school in Murehwa
                                                                                                   suring him to marry the girl  —  a  poor  rural  township  of
                                                                                                   and give her family cattle or  mostly small farmers dealing
                                                                                                   money,  Nyathi  said.  Then  with  the  fallout  of  drought,
                                                                                                   they  agree  to  not  report  the  about  50  miles  (80  kilome-
                                                                                                   case  to  police  —  ultimately  ters) from the capital, Harare.
                                                                                                   “assisting in the abuse of the
                                                                                                   girl,” he said.              That girl lasted only a week
                                                                                                                                in  school,  Chitongo  said.
                                                                                                   Police said they couldn’t pro-  She sees resistance from par-
                                                                                                   vide data related to prosecut-  ents, community leaders and
                                                                                                   ed or reported cases. Nyathi  teachers — in addition to the
                                                                                                   said a tally would be ready by  girls  themselves.  “Most  par-
                                                                                                   the end of January — but any  ents  are  still  steeped  in  the
                                                                                                   figures  are  likely  an  under-  old way of doing things,” she
                                                                                                   count.                       said. “They prefer to have the
                                                                                                                                child married, even if she is
                                                                                                   Zimbabwe does have figures  under the age of 18. They tell
                                                                                                   on  pregnancies  in  girls  who  us, ‘I am already struggling to
                                                                                                   drop  out  of  school  —  and  take care of my family; I can’t
                                                                                                   while they show an alarming  afford an extra mouth when
                                                                                                   increase,  officials  say  they,  the girl gives birth.’ So chil-
                                                                                                   too,  likely  reflect  an  under-  dren  are  being  chased  away
                                                                                                   count,  as  many  girls  simply  from home.”
                                                                                                   leave without giving a reason.
                                                                                                                                Some schools also discourage
                                                                                                   In  2018,  about  3,000  girls  girls from returning, despite
                                                                                                   dropped  out  of  school  na-  the recent change, Chitongo
                                                                                                   tionwide because of pregnan-  said.
                                                                                                   cies.  In  2019,  that  number
                                                                                                   remained relatively steady. In  “Sometimes   headmasters
                                                                                                   2020, the number rose: 4,770  tell  us  that  they  don’t  quite
                                                                                                   pregnant students left school.  understand  how  the  policy
                                                                                                   And in 2021, it skyrocketed:  works and they refuse to ad-
            (AP)  —  Inside  a  sparse-                                                            About  5,000  students  got  mit  the  children,”  she  said.
            ly  furnished  two-room  This  story  is  part  of  a  year-  Activists   and   authorities  pregnant in just the first two  “They  complain  that  preg-
            home in rural Zimbabwe,  long series on how the pan-      hailed the move as a signifi-  months of the year, according  nant  girls  are  not  focused.
            a 3-month-old baby cries.  demic  is  impacting  women  cant  step  in  the  developing  to  women’s  affairs  minister  Some simply tell us that the
            His  mother,  Virginia  Ma-  in Africa, most acutely in the  nation,  but  so  far  the  new  Sithembiso Nyoni.     school is full.”
            vhunga,  spends  her  days  least  developed  countries.  policy  has  largely  failed.
            making  trips  to  the  well  The  Associated  Press  series  Most  girls  haven’t  returned  Across  Africa,  Zimbabwe  Often girls are unaware they
            with a bucket on her head,  is  funded  by  the  European  to  school,  with  authorities  isn’t alone: During the pan-  have  a  right  to  remain  in
            selling  fruits  and  veg-   Journalism Centre’s Europe-  and families citing economic  demic,  Botswana,  Namibia,  school.  They’re  then  forced
            etables  at  the  roadside,  an  Development  Journalism  hardship, deep-seated cultur-  Lesotho,  Malawi,  Madagas-  to  find  work,  frequently  as
            cooking,  cleaning,  wash-   Grants  program,  which  is  al norms, and stigma and bul-  car, South Africa and Zambia  housemaids, to support their
            ing clothes — she has too  supported by the Bill & Me-    lying in class. Virginia tried to  “all  recorded  a  steep  rise  in  children,  Chitongo  said.  Or
            much on her hands to of-     linda Gates Foundation. The  return to school while preg-  cases  of  sexual  and  gender-  they go to the men who im-
            fer her child, Tawananya-    AP is responsible for all con-  nant under the policy change.  based  violence,  which  has  pregnated them.
            sha, much comfort.           tent. The spread of coronavi-  Officials encouraged her and  contributed to a reported in-
                                         rus intensified the situation.   her parents. But she was the  crease in pregnancies among  Virginia’s  father  ignored  ad-
            “That’s  my  life  now,  every                            butt of jokes and the subject  young  and  adolescent  girls,”  vice from neighbors to make
            day,”  the  new  mother  said.  The  country  of  15  million  of gossip in a community not  according to an Amnesty In-  his daughter leave home. Her
            Between  the  chores  of  her  people imposed a strict lock-  accustomed to seeing a preg-  ternational report.     mother  wanted  to  protect
            strict  routine,  Virginia  pre-  down in March 2020, closing  nant girl in a school uniform.                       her, and that included keep-
            pares  her  four  younger  sib-  schools  for  six  months  and                        The  continent  has  one  of  ing  her  out  of  school  and
            lings  for  school  and  helps  reopening  them  only  inter-                          the  highest  pregnancy  rates  away from harassment.
            them  with  homework  when  mittently.  Girls  in  particular  “People  would  laugh  at  me.  among  adolescents  in  the
            they  return.  It’s  these  tasks  were  left  idle  and  shut  out  Some would point and ask in  world, according to the Unit-  Virginia  vows  to  return  to
            that  hit  Virginia  the  hardest  from access to contraceptives  ridicule; ‘What’s up with that  ed  Nations,  and  Zimbabwe  school someday, though. She
            — because, at age 13, she, too,  and  clinics;  the  troubles  of  belly?’” she said, looking at a  and  a  handful  of  other  na-  misses her classes, her peers.
            would rather be in school.   impoverished  families  wors-  photo of herself in the purple  tions now have laws or poli-  She wants to graduate and be
                                         ened.                        uniform.  She  has  since  sold  cies  to  protect  girls’  educa-  accepted  to  a  university,  so
            Virginia is part of a steep in-                           it for $2 to pay for the baby’s  tion while pregnant.     she can get a degree and repay
            crease in pregnancies among  Many  girls  became  victims  clothing and other needs.                                her  parents’  faith  in  her  by
            girls and teenagers reported in  of sexual abuse or looked to                          Zimbabwe’s  change  in  law  building them a bigger home.
            Zimbabwe and other south-    marriage  and  pregnancy  as  Under  the  law,  people  con-  gave  community  workers
            ern African countries during  a  way  out  of  poverty,  advo-  victed  of  sexual  intercourse  an  opportunity  to  encour-  “I  would  rather  return  to
            the  pandemic.  Zimbabwe  cates  and  officials  said.  Be-  or “an indecent act” with any-  age girls to return to school.  school than get married,” she
            has long struggled with such  fore  the  pandemic,  many  one younger than 16 can get a  Through  a  group  that  pro-  said. “I am not afraid of going
            pregnancies  and  child  mar-  such girls were “relegated as  fine or up to 10 years in jail.  motes  girls’  rights,  Tsitsi  back to school once my child
            riages.  Before  COVID-19  a  lost  cause,”  said  Taungana  But most incidents never get  Chitongo  held  community  is  older.  They  may  laugh  at
            hit, one of every three girls in  Ndoro,  an  education  offi-  that far. Families and officials  meetings  and  knocked  on  me now, but I am dedicating
            the  country  was  wed  before  cial in Zimbabwe. But faced  have long tried “to sweep the  doors to speak with families  all my spare time and week-
            age 18, many with unplanned  with the rising numbers, the  cases  under  the  carpet  or  ...  in remote, rural areas.   ends to reading and catching
            pregnancies,  because  of  lax  government  in  August  2020  force  marriages  on  the  mi-                        up.  “This  is  not  the  end  of
            enforcement  of  laws,  wide-  changed a law that had long  nor,” police spokesman Paul  But  the  lack  of  enthusiasm  the road, just a forced break.”
            spread  poverty,  and  cultural  banned  pregnant  students  Nyathi said.              from  families  jolted  her.  By
            and religious practices.     from schools.                                             November,  her  group  had
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