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                                                                                                       sports Diahuebs 13 Januari 2022

                        Man charged with giving Olympic athletes performance drugs

            (AP)  —  U.S.  prosecutors  details, including her perfor-
            charged  a  Texas  man  on  mances in specific races, that
            Wednesday  with  provid-     make it clear she was one of
            ing  performance-enhanc-     Lira’s clients. A text message
            ing drugs to athletes com-   was sent to Okagbare seeking
            peting  in  last  summer’s  comment.
            Olympics  in  Tokyo,  in-
            cluding  the  star  Nigerian  Okagbare  had  been  provi-
            sprinter  Blessing  Okag-    sionally suspended for testing
            bare.                        positive  for  human  growth
                                         hormone in July 2021 — in
            Eric Lira, 41, of El Paso, is the  an  out-of-competition  test
            first person to be charged un-  — just hours before the for-
            der  a  new  U.S.  anti-doping  mer  world  championships
            law  governing  international  silver  medalist  was  due  to
            sports competitions.         run  in  the  semifinals  of  the
                                         women’s  100  meters  at  the
            The  U.S.  Attorney’s  Office  Olympics.  A  criminal  com-
            in  Manhattan  said  Lira  dis-  plaint unsealed Wednesday in
            tributed  the  drugs,  includ-  Manhattan  federal court de-
            ing human growth hormone  scribed that suspension.
            and erythropoietin, a blood-
            building  hormone,  “for  the  The Athletics Integrity Unit
            purpose  of  corrupting”  the  last  year  said  Okagbare  also
            2020  Games,  which  were  had tested positive for a blood
            held  in  2021  because  of  the  booster  in  Nigeria  in  June.
            coronavirus pandemic.        She was charged with failing
                                         to cooperate with the inves-
            Lira  also  is  accused  of  con-  tigation  after  she  disobeyed  United  States  from  Central  “Remember I took it Wednes-  you  will  be  ready  to  domi-
            spiring  to  violate  drug  mis-  an  order  to  produce  “docu-  and  South  America  before  day and then yesterday again.  nate,” Lira wrote to the ath-
            branding  and  adulteration  ments, records and electronic  distributing them to athletes.  I wasn’t sure so I didn’t take  lete.
            laws. It was not immediately  storage devices” in relation to                          a test.”
            clear  whether  he  had  an  at-  the  other  charges,  the  AIU  Federal  authorities  searched                    The charges against Lira were
            torney  who  could  comment  said at the time.            Okagbare’s  cellphone  as  she  In  another  exchange,  Okag-  brought under the Rodchen-
            on the charges.                                           was returning to the United  bare wrote Lira that she had  kov Act, a law signed in 2020
                                         “When  it’s  time  to  say  any-  States from Tokyo and found  just  run  the  100m  in  10.63  that  prohibits  “any  person,
            “It’s not winning if you take  thing,  I  will  and  it  will  be  she  had  frequently  commu-  seconds.  News  reports  de-  other  than  an  athlete,”  to
            illegal  substances  —  it’s  worth  the  wait,”  Okagbare  nicated with Lira over an en-  tailed  Okagbare  running  a  knowingly  influence  any
            cheating,”  FBI  Assistant  Di-  tweeted last year.       crypted app, according to the  race  in  that  time  a  few days  “major  international  sports
            rector  Michael  J.  Driscoll                             complaint.                   before the message was sent.  competition” with the use of
            said in a statement.         The  criminal  complaint  al-                             “Eric my body feel so good,”  prohibited substance. ___
                                         leges  that  Lira,  a  kinesiolo-  “Is  it  safe  to  take  a  test  this  she wrote. “Whatever you did
            The    criminal   complaint  gist  and  naturopathic  doc-  morning?”  Okagbare  wrote  is working so well.”        AP  national  writer  Eddie
            identifies  Okagbare  only  as  tor,  brought  “misbranded”  in  one  message  to  Lira,  ac-                       Pells  contributed  reporting
            “athlete  1,”  but  it  includes  versions  of  the  drugs  to  the  cording  to  the  complaint.  “You are doing your part and  from Denver.

                      Former Cubs, Red Sox pitcher Jon Lester announces retirement

                                                                          (AP)  —  Jon  Lester,  a  durable  left-
                                                                          hander  who  won  three  World  Series  Lester was selected by Boston in the second
                                                                          titles during 16 years in the majors, has  round of the 2002 amateur draft. The five-
                                                                          announced his retirement.                time  All-Star  broke  into  the  majors  with
                                                                                                                   the Red Sox in 2006, going 7-2 with a 4.76
                                                                          Lester,  who  turned  38  on  Friday,  finishes  ERA in 15 starts.
                                                                          with a 200-117 record and a 3.66 ERA in
                                                                          452 career games, including 451 starts. He  Lester’s first big league season was cut short
                                                                          also has been a reliable postseason perform-  when he was diagnosed with a rare form of
                                                                          er, compiling a 2.51 ERA in 26 appearances.  lymphoma.  He  underwent  chemotherapy
                                                                                                                   and  returned  to  the  majors  in  July  2007,
                                                                          The 6-foot-4 Lester helped Boston win the  helping  the  Red  Sox  to  the  AL  East  title
                                                                          championship  in  2007  and  2013,  and  led  by going 4-0 with a 4.57 ERA in 12 games
                                                                          the Chicago Cubs to the title in 2016. The  down the stretch.
                                                                          championship for the Cubs was the fran-
                                                                          chise’s first since 1908.                Lester  then  delivered  in  the  postseason,
                                                                                                                   pitching 5 2/3 scoreless innings in Boston’s
                                                                          “It’s  kind  of  run  its  course,”  Lester  told  clinching  4-3  victory  over  Colorado  in
                                                                          ESPN. “It’s getting harder for me physical-  Game 4 of the World Series.
                                                                          ly. The little things that come up through-
                                                                          out the year turned into bigger things that  Lester signed a $155 million, six-year con-
                                                                          hinder your performance.                 tract  with  Chicago  after  the  2014  season.
                                                                                                                   He  shared  NLCS  MVP  honors  with  Ja-
                                                                          “I’d like to think I’m a halfway decent self-  vier Báez on the way to the Cubs’ historic
                                                                          evaluator. I don’t want someone else telling  championship in 2016.
                                                                          me I can’t do this anymore. I want to be
                                                                          able to hand my jersey over and say, ‘Thank  Lester  got  his  200th  career  win  when  he
                                                                          you, it’s been fun.’ That’s probably the big-  pitched six effective innings for St. Louis in
                                                                          gest deciding factor.”                   a 5-2 victory at Milwaukee on Sept. 20.
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