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August 29, 2022 special
T: 582-7800 dinner at Infini
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Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
A r u b a ’ s O N L Y E n g l i s h n e w s p a p e r
Democrats: Abortion rulings may be ‘a blessing in disguise’
(AP) — Democratic candi- torney General Josh Stein.
dates have decried North “It was a horrible policy
Carolina’s newly reinstated decision that set back
abortion restrictions after decades and decades of
a federal judge allowed a progress for women, but at
state law banning nearly that same time, it has given
all abortions after 20 weeks Democrats a renewed op-
of pregnancy to go into ef- timism about this year.”
fect. U.S. District Judge William
But some North Carolina Osteen ruled Aug. 17 that
Democrats say the ruling the U.S. Supreme Court
earlier this month — the lat- decision overturning Roe
est fallout of the June U.S. v. Wade erased the legal
Supreme Court decision foundation for his 2019 rul-
eliminating federal abor- ing that had placed an in-
tion protections — might junction on the 1973 state
be the catalyst their party law banning abortions af-
needed to reinvigorate its ter 20 weeks. Though the
political prospects in what law allows leeway for ur-
was shaping up to be a los- gent medical emergencies
ing year. that threaten the patient’s
“I do think it’s a blessing life or “create serious risk of
in disguise for Democrats,” substantial and irreversible
said Morgan Jackson, con- physical impairment,” it
sultant to powerful North does not grant exceptions North Carolina State Rep. Julie von Haefen, a Wake County Democrat, denounces the newly rein-
stated 20-week abortion ban in North Carolina at a news conference in Raleigh on Aug. 18, 2022.
Carolina Democrats like for rape or incest. (AP Photo/Hannah Schoenbaum)
Gov. Roy Cooper and At- Continued on next page