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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Monday 29 august 2022

            Pakistan flooding deaths pass 1,000 in ‘climate catastrophe’

            By ZARAR KHAN                                                                                                       tims, for the injured and the
            Associated Press                                                                                                    evacuated, and so that in-
            (AP)  —  Deaths  from  wide-                                                                                        ternational solidarity will be
            spread flooding in Pakistan                                                                                         prompt and generous.”
            topped  1,000  since  mid-                                                                                          Rehman  told  Turkish  news
            June, officials said Sunday,                                                                                        outlet TRT World that by the
            as  the  country’s  climate                                                                                         time the rains recede, “we
            minister  called  the  deadly                                                                                       could well have one fourth
            monsoon season “a serious                                                                                           or one third of Pakistan un-
            climate catastrophe.”                                                                                               der water.”
            Flash  flooding  from  the                                                                                           “This is something that is a
            heavy  rains  has  washed                                                                                           global  crisis  and  of  course
            away villages and crops as                                                                                          we  will  need  better  plan-
            soldiers and rescue workers                                                                                         ning  and  sustainable  de-
            evacuated  stranded  resi-                                                                                          velopment on the ground.
            dents to the safety of relief                                                                                       ...  We’ll  need  to  have  cli-
            camps and provided food                                                                                             mate resilient crops as well
            to  thousands  of  displaced                                                                                        as structures,” she said.
            Pakistanis.                                                                                                         In  May,  Rehman  told  BBC
            Pakistan’s  National  Disas-                                                                                        Newshour  that  both  the
            ter  Management  Author-                                                                                            country’s  north  and  south
            ity  reported  the  death  toll                                                                                     were  witnessing  extreme
            since the monsoon season                                                                                            weather events because of
            began  earlier  than  normal                                                                                        rising  temperatures.  “So  in
            this year — in mid- June —                                                                                          north actually just now we
            reached 1,033 people after   A man looks for salvageable belongings from his flood-hit home surrounded by water, in Jaffar-  are ... experiencing what is
            new  fatalities  were  report-  abad, a district of Pakistan's southwestern Baluchistan province, Sunday, Aug. 28, 2022.  known as glacial lake out-
            ed in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa                                                                                            burst floods which we have
            and  southern  Sindh  prov-  the country,” she said. The  people have been evacu-      The  unprecedented  mon-     many of because Pakistan
            inces.                       on-camera  statement  was  ated from Charsadda and  soon  season  has  affected  is home to the highest num-
            Sherry Rehman, a Pakistani  retweeted by the country’s  150,000  from  Nowshehra  all  four  of  the  country’s  ber  of  glaciers  outside  the
            senator  and  the  country’s  ambassador to the Europe-   district villages.           provinces.  Nearly  300,000  polar region.”
            top climate official, said in  an Union.                  Khaista Rehman, 55, no re-   homes  have  been  de-       The  government  has  de-
            a  video  posted  on  Twitter  Flooding from the Swat Riv-  lation  to  the  climate  min-  stroyed,  numerous  roads  ployed  soldiers  to  help  ci-
            that  Pakistan  is  experienc-  er overnight affected north-  ister,  took  shelter  with  his  rendered  impassable  and  vilian  authorities  in  rescue
            ing  a  “serious  climate  ca-  western Khyber Pakhtunkh-  wife and three children on  electricity  outages  have  and relief operations across
            tastrophe, one of the hard-  wa province, where tens of  the side of the Islamabad-    been  widespread,  affect-   the country.
            est in the decade.”          thousands of people — es-    Peshawar highway after his  ing millions of people.       The Pakistani army also said
            “We are at the moment at  pecially  in  the  Charsadda  home  in  Charsadda  was  Pope  Francis  on  Sunday  in a statement it airlifted a
            the ground zero of the front  and  Nowshehra  districts  submerged overnight.          said  he  wanted  to  assure  22 tourists trapped in a val-
            line  of  extreme  weather  —  have  been  evacuated    “Thank  God  we  are  safe  his “closeness to the popu-     ley in the country’s north to
            events,  in  an  unrelenting  from  their  homes  to  relief  now on this road quite high  lations of Pakistan struck by  safety.
            cascade  of  heatwaves,  camps  set  up  in  govern-      from the flooded area,” he  flooding  of  disastrous  pro-  Prime Minister Shabaz Sharif
            forest fires, flash floods, mul-  ment buildings. Many have  said.                     portions.”  Speaking  during  visited  flooding  victims  in
            tiple glacial lake outbursts,  also taken shelter on road-  “Our  crops  are  gone  and  a  pilgrimage  to  the  Italian  city  of  Jafferabad  in  Balu-
            flood  events  and  now  the  sides,  said  Kamran  Ban-  our home is destroyed but  town of L’Aquila, which was  chistan.  He  vowed  the
            monster  monsoon  of  the  gash,  a  spokesperson  for  I  am  grateful  to  Allah  that  hit by a deadly earthquake  government would provide
            decade  is  wreaking  non-   the provincial government.   we  are  alive  and  I  will  re-  in 2009, Francis said he was  housing  to  all  those  who
            stop   havoc    throughout  Bangash said some 180,000  start life with my sons.”       praying “for the many vic-   lost their homes.q
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