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4                                       AWEMainta .com                                                Diabierna, 01 October 2021

                                                                                                                Best Doctors Insurance VBA
             Best Doctors Insurance VBA
              Summary Financial Statements

              March 31, 2021

             Balance Sheet                                                          Statement of Income
             March 31, 2021 and March 31, 2020                                      Year ended March 31, 2021 and March 31, 2020
             (Expressed in United States Dollars)                                   (Expressed in United States Dollars)
                                                        March 31, 2021  March 31, 2020                                        March 31, 2021  March 31, 2020
             ASSETS                                                                 UNDERWRITING INCOME
             Cash and cash equivalents                    $ 456,896   $ 545,198     Gross premiums written-direct                $ 30,343     $ 72,189
             Long-term investment                         $ 492,598  $ 492,598      Movement in unearned premiums                $ 16,317    $ 131,558
             Accrued interest receivable                   $ 2,450     $ 2,692      Net premiums earned                         $ 46,660    $ 203,747
             Premiums receivable                           $ 16,640   $ 23,327      Transaction fee income                            -         $ 150
             Deferred acquisition costs                     $ 5,421    $ 9,512      Total underwriting income                   $ 46,660    $ 203,897
             Total assets                                $ 974,005  $ 1,073,327
                                                                                    UNDERWRITING EXPENSES
                                                                                    Losses and loss expenses incurred           ($ 14,624)    $ 17,838
             Reserve for outstanding losses and loss expenses   $ 5,483  $ 15,301                                                 $ 6,782    $ 94,094
                                                                                    Excess of loss reinsurance premium
             Unearned premium reserve                      $ 21,685   $ 38,002      Sales and Commission fees                     $ 11,761    $ 49,277
             Due to related companies                     $ 447,418   $ 464,071     Total underwriting expenses                  $ 3,919    $ 161,209
             Accounts payable and accrued expenses        $ 49,996     $ 51,997
             Total liabilities                           $ 524,582   $ 569,371      Net underwriting income                     $ 42,741     $ 42,688
             SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY                                                   OTHER INCOME (EXPENSES)
             Share capital                                $ 113,000   $ 113,000     Net investment income                         $ 9,075      $ 8,515
             Additional paid in capital                  $ 1,246,000  $ 1,246,000   General and administrative expenses        ($ 106,349)  ($ 107,528)
             Retained earnings                           ($ 909,577)  ($ 855,044)   Net loss                                   ($ 54,533)   ($ 56,325)
             Total shareholder’s equity                  $ 449,423   $ 503,956

             Total liabilities and shareholder’s equity  $ 974,005  $ 1,073,327


           The principal accounting policies adopted in the preparation of   2.  Summary of significant accounting policies     management will need to revise this estimate significantly.   Summary financial statements
           the Summary Financial Statements of Best Doctors Insurance   The company has consistently applied the following accounting      Any subsequent differences arising are recorded in   The summary financial statements do not contain all the
           VBA are set out below. These explanatory notes are an extract   policies to all periods presented in these financial statements.     the year in which they are determined.  The reserve for    disclosures required by the accounting principles generally
           of the detailed notes included in the financial statements and           outstanding losses and loss adjustment expenses is    accepted in the United States of America. Reading the
           consistent in all material respects with those from which they   (a) Basis of accounting     not discounted.  summary financial statements and our report thereon,
           have been derived. The audited financial statements of Best      The accompanying financial statements are prepared in    therefore, is not a substitute for reading the audited financial
           Doctors Insurance VBA are available on the Company’s website.         (g) Long-term investment          statements of the Company and the auditor’s report thereon.
                                                 conformity with accounting principles generally accepted
                                                 in the United States of America (“US GAAP”) which        The long-term investment represents a time deposit    The summary financial statements and the audited financial
           1.  General                             require management to make estimates and assumptions         with maturity of more than one year when purchased.    statements of the Company do not reflect the effects of events
                                                                                                                   that occurred subsequent to the date of our report on the
                                                                                    The time deposit is classified as held-to-maturity and
                                                that affect amounts reported in the financial statements and
           Best Doctors Insurance VBA (the “Company”) was incorporated      accompanying notes. Management believes that the       carried at amortized cost based on management’s     audited financial statements..
           under the laws of Aruba on November 29, 2011. The registered      estimates utilized in preparing these financial statements       intention to hold the investments to maturity.
           business address of the Company is Seroe Lopes 5C-1, Paradera,      are reasonable. Actual results could differ from those
           Aruba. The Company obtained their permit to operate as a              (h) Cash and cash equivalents     The audited financial statements and our auditor’s
           general insurance company on February 1, 2013. The Company      estimates. The financial statements of the Company are    report thereon
           commenced writing business in March 2013.     presented in United States dollars (USD or $), which is the       Cash and cash equivalents comprise of current deposits    We expressed an unmodified audit opinion on the audited
                                                 functional currency of the Company and rounded to the       with banks. Cash equivalents are short-term highly    financial statements in our report dated September 17, 2021.
           The Company is a wholly owned subsidiary of Best Doctors      nearest USD.      liquid investments that are readily convertible to known    That report also includes:
           Insurance (“BDIL”), a company incorporated in Bermuda. The               amounts of cash.
           ultimate parent of the company is Primary Group Limited, a   (b) Functional and presentation currency   A Material Uncertainty Related to Going Concern section that
           Bermuda Company. The Company insures the healthcare risks      Assets and liabilities denominated in currencies other than    (i) Income taxes  draws attention to Note 1 in the audited financial statements.
           of individuals and corporations, located in Aruba, on claims-     the U.S. dollar are translated into USD at year-end exchange       The Company is subject to income taxes. Income tax on   Note 1 of the audited financial statements indicates that
           made and occurrence bases.            rates.  The Aruban Florin (“AWG”) is pegged to the US dollar       the taxable income for the year, if any, is comprised of    since July 1, 2018, the Company has been in the process of
                                                 at a fixed exchange rate of 1.79 and therefore its value      current tax and is recognized in the statement of income.    winding down the activities of the Company. The Company
           The Company currently provides cover to a limit of $5,000,000      versus other currencies fluctuates with the US dollar.       Current tax, if any, is expected tax payable on the taxable    has requested the Central Bank of Aruba to approve the
           or less per person per policy year depending on the policy      Transactions denominated in foreign currencies are        income for the year, using tax rates enacted or   transfer of the final active policies to its parent company. Once
           agreements.  The Company retains the first $1,000,000 of its      translated at the foreign currency exchange rates on the        substantially enacted at balance sheet date, and any    the approval is granted, management can proceed with the
           gross liability per covered person per contract year.                                                   closure of the Company. These events or conditions, along with
                                                 transaction date.                  adjustment to tax payable in respect of previous years.
                                                                                                                   other matters as set forth in Note 1 of the audited financial
           Uncertainty Related to Going Concern  (c) Written premiums and net premium earned     The tax jurisdiction where the Company files income tax    statements, indicate that a material uncertainty exists that may
           Effective from July 1, 2018, the Company ceased writing new              returns is Aruba.              cast significant doubt on the Company’s ability to continue as
           business. After evaluation of the results of the Company for the      Premiums written are recorded on the accrual basis.     a going concern. These matters are addressed in Note 1 of the
           year ended March 31, 2018 and taking into consideration the      Premiums are recognized as income on a pro-rata basis    summary financial statements.
           lack of significant commercial opportunities that could provide      over the terms of the underlying contracts with the     3.  Use of judgements and estimates
           an increase in the Company’s business volume, the Company      unearned portion deferred in the balance sheet.   The preparation of financial statements in compliance with
           has decided to discontinue operations in the near future. On          US GAAP requires management to make estimates and   Management’s responsibilities for the summary
           April 5, 2019, the Company requested the CBA for approval   (d) Commission fees and deferred acquisition costs  assumptions that affect amounts reported in the financial   financial statements
           to discontinue its operations. As of the date of these financial      Commissions are paid to sales agents and agencies once    statements and accompanying notes. Management believes   Management is responsible for the preparation of the summary
           statements, the Company has not received feedback on its      the contract is effective and premium is paid. The   financial statements on the basis as described in the summary
           request to the CBA approving to the discontinuation of the      commission payment is entered as deferred acquisition    that the estimates utilized in preparing these financial   of significant accounting policies of the financial statements.
           operations. Hence the financial statements for the years ended      costs. Deferred acquisition costs are reclassified to     statements are reasonable. Actual results could differ from
           March 31, 2021, and March 31, 2020, have been prepared under          those estimates. Estimates and underlying assumptions are
           a going concern basis.                commission expense as the revenue from the underlying    reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions to estimates are   Auditor’s responsibilities
                                                 insurance contract is earned.   recognized prospectively.
                                                                                                                   Our responsibility is to express an opinion on whether the
           Since July 1, 2018, the Company continued to renew policies           The Company complies with the minimum solvency margin it   summary financial statements are consistent, in all material
           of existing clients for both private and group policies unless   (e) Transaction fee income  must have conform its license of a general insurance business   respects, with the audited financial statements of the Company
           canceled by the client. During the year ended March 31, 2021,      Transaction fee income is recognized on each policy at a    as at March 31, 2021. The minimum solvency margin that   based on our procedures, which were conducted in accordance
           the Company stopped renewing individual policies. Currently,      fixed rate once the policy is written.  the Company must have at its disposal is equivalent to USD   with International Standard on Auditing (ISA) 810 (Revised),
           the Company has two active group policies. In a letter dated
           February 11, 2021 the Company requested the CBA to approve   (f) Reserve for outstanding losses and loss   168,539 (AWG 300,000).   Engagements to Report on Summary Financial Statements.
           the transfer of these final policies to its Parent. Upon receipt of      adjustment expenses
           the approval from the CBA, the Company’s management will              Report of the Independent Auditor  Aruba, September 30, 2021
           start the procedure to liquidate the Company. The Company’s      The reserve for outstanding losses and loss adjustment
           management is unable to assess the timing of the response of      expenses is estimated on a total basis for the parent    Opinion  For Ernst & Young Accountants
           the CBA with regards to their request. As a result, it is unclear      company including the Company. Due to the size of    The summary financial statements, which comprise the   Original has been signed by Garrick de Cuba, MSc, RA
           whether the discontinuation of the operations and initiation of      Aruba, the data is not enough to apply traditional     summary of the balance sheet as at March 31, 2021, the
           the liquidation procedures will take place within twelve months      statistical methods. Subsequently the total estimated    summary of the statement of income for the year then ended,
           from the date of signing the financial statements as of and for      reserve is divided for the parent company and the
           the year ended March 31, 2021.        Company based on their respective insurance premiums.    and related notes are derived from the audited financial
                                                 The reserve is provided on the basis of current estimates    statements of Best Doctors Insurance VBA (“the Company”)
           Primary Group Limited provided a comfort letter asserting      made by the parent company’s actuary (BDIL).   for the year ended March 31, 2021.
           adequate financial support to Best Doctors Insurance Company      Management believes that the reserve for outstanding    In our opinion, the accompanying summary financial
           VBA when required to maintain the Company as a going      losses and loss adjustment expenses will be adequate to   statements are consistent, in all material respects, with
           concern for at least twelve months from the date of signing of      cover the ultimate net cost of losses incurred to the   the audited financial statements of the Company, on the    Ernst & Young is a partnership of limited liability companies (‘professional
           the financial statements as of and for the year ended March      balance sheet date. This reserve is an estimate and actual    basis described in the explanatory notes to the summary   corporations’) established in Aruba. Our services are subject to the general
           31, 2021. The Company’s outlook until the operations are      losses may be significantly greater or lesser than the    financial statements.  terms and conditions, which contain a limitation of liability clause.
           discontinued is to break even.
                                                 amount recorded. It is reasonably possible that
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