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                       Friday 26 april 2024

            Harvey Weinstein’s rape conviction is overturned by New York’s top court

            Continued from Front                                                                   “It  took  two  years  of  my  stein  over  his  long  history
                                                                                                   life,”  Dunning  said.  “I  had  of brutish behavior, includ-
            The  Manhattan  district  at-                                                          to live through it every day.  ing  allegations  of  punch-
            torney’s  office  said  it  in-                                                        But  would  I  do  it  again?  ing  his  movie  producer
            tends  to  retry  Weinstein,                                                           Yes.”                        brother at a business meet-
            and at least one of his ac-                                                            She said that in confronting  ing,  snapping  at  waiters,
            cusers  said  through  her                                                             Weinstein,  she  had  faced  hiding  a  woman’s  clothes
            lawyer that she would tes-                                                             her worst fear and realized  and threatening to cut off
            tify again.                                                                            he had no power over her.    a colleague’s genitals with
            The state Court of Appeals                                                             Weinstein’s  conviction  in  gardening shears.
            overturned      Weinstein’s                                                            2020  was  heralded  by  ac-  As a result, Weinstein, who
            23-year  sentence  in  a  4-3                                                          tivists  and  advocates  as  a  wanted  to  testify,  did  not
            decision,  saying  “the  trial                                                         milestone    achievement,  take the stand, Aidala said.
            court erroneously admitted                                                             but dissected just as quickly  The appeals court labeled
            testimony  of  uncharged,                                                              by  his  lawyers  and,  later,  the  allegations  “appall-
            alleged  prior  sexual  acts”   Arthur Aidala, center, an attorney for Harvey Weinstein, speaks   the Court of Appeals when  ing,  shameful,  repulsive
            and  permitted  questions    during a news conference outside Manhattan Criminal Court,   it heard arguments on the  conduct” but warned that
            about Weinstein’s “bad be-   Thursday, April 25, 2024, in New York.                    matter in February.          “destroying  a  defendant’s
            havior” if he had testified. It                                       Associated Press   Allegations  against  Wein-  character  under  the  guise
            called  this  “highly  prejudi-  — two counts of predatory  ings by judges allowing evi-  stein,  the  once  powerful  of  prosecutorial  need”  did
            cial” and “an abuse of judi-  sexual  assault  and  first-de-  dence  of  uncharged  acts  and feared studio boss be-  not  justify  some  trial  evi-
            cial discretion.”            gree rape.                   to  help  jurors  understand  hind such Oscar winners as  dence and testimony.
            In a stinging dissent, Judge  He  was  sentenced  to  16  the  intent  or  patterns  of  a  “Pulp Fiction” and “Shake-  In  a  majority  opinion  writ-
            Madeline Singas wrote that  years in prison in the Los An-  defendant’s  criminal  be-  speare in Love,” ushered in  ten by Judge Jenny Rivera,
            the  Court  of  Appeals  was  geles case.                 havior.                      the #MeToo movement.         the  Court  of  Appeals  said
            continuing  a  “disturbing  Weinstein’s lawyers expect  Debra  Katz,  a  prominent  Dozens  of  women  came  defendants have a right to
            trend  of  overturning  juries’  Thursday’s  court  ruling  to  civil rights and #MeToo at-  forward  to  accuse  Wein-  be held accountable “only
            guilty  verdicts  in  cases  in-  have  a  major  impact  on  torney  who  represented  stein, including famous ac-  for the crime charged and,
            volving  sexual  violence.”  the  appeal  of  his  Los  An-  several Weinstein accusers,  tresses such as Ashley Judd  thus,  allegations  of  prior
            She said the ruling came at  geles rape conviction. Their  said  her  clients  are  “feel-  and Uma Thurman. His New  bad  acts  may  not  be  ad-
            “the expense and safety of  arguments are due May 20.     ing  gutted”  by  the  ruling,  York trial drew intense pub-  mitted against them for the
            women.”                      Jennifer  Bonjean,  a  Wein-  but that she believed – and  licity, with protesters chant-  sole purpose of establishing
            In  another  dissent,  Judge  stein  attorney,  said  the  was telling them – that their  ing  “rapist”  outside  the  their propensity for criminal-
            Anthony  Cannataro  wrote  California  prosecution  also  testimony  had  changed  courthouse.                      ity.”  The  Court  of  Appeals
            that the decision was “en-   relied  on  evidence  of  un-  the world.                 “This  is  what  it’s  like  to  be  agreed  last  year  to  take
            dangering    decades     of  charged  conduct  alleged  “People continue to come  a  woman  in  America,  liv-      Weinstein’s  case  after  an
            progress  in  this  incredibly  against him.              forward,  people  continue  ing  with  male  entitlement  intermediate appeals court
            complex  and  nuanced  “A  jury  was  told  in  Califor-  to  support  other  victims  to  our  bodies,”  Judd  said  upheld his conviction. Prior
            area of law” regarding sex  nia that he was convicted  who’ve reported sexual as-      Thursday.                    to their ruling, judges on the
            crimes  after  centuries  of  in  another  state  for  rape,”  sault  and  violence,  and  I  Weinstein,  incarcerated  at  lower  appellate  court  at
            “deeply patriarchal and mi-  Bonjean said. “Turns out he  truly believe there’s no go-  the  Mohawk  Correctional  oral  arguments  had  raised
            sogynistic  legal  tradition.”  shouldn’t  have  been  con-  ing  back  from  that,”  Katz  Facility,  about  100  miles  doubts about Burke’s con-
            The  reversal  of  Weinstein’s  victed  and  it  wasn’t  a  fair  said.  She  predicted  Wein-  (160  kilometers)  northwest  duct.  One  observed  that
            conviction  is  the  second  conviction.  …  It  interfered  stein  will  be  convicted  at  of  Albany,  maintains  his  Burke  had  let  prosecutors
            major  #MeToo  setback  in  with  his  presumption  of  in-  a retrial, and said accusers  innocence.  He  contends  pile  on  with  “incredibly
            the last two years. The U.S.  nocence  in  a  significant  like  her  client  Dawn  Dun-  any  sexual  activity  was  prejudicial testimony” from
            Supreme  Court  refused  to  way in California.”          ning  feel  great  comfort  consensual.  His  lawyers  ar-  additional witnesses.
            hear an appeal of a Penn-    Weinstein  lawyer  Arthur  knowing  Weinstein  will  re-  gued  on  appeal  that  the  At  a  news  conference,
            sylvania  court  decision  to  Aidala called the Court of  main behind bars.           trial  overseen  by  Judge  Aidala  predicted  that  the
            throw out Bill Cosby’s sexu-  Appeals  ruling  “a  tremen-  Dunning,  a  former  actor  James Burke was unfair be-  lasting effect of the revers-
            al assault conviction.       dous victory for every crimi-  who  served  as  a  support-  cause three women whose  al would be that more de-
            Weinstein  has  been  in  a  nal defendant in the state  ing  witness  at  the  New  claims of unwanted sexual  fendants will testify at their
            New  York  prison  since  his  of New York.”              York  Weinstein  trial,  said  encounters  with  Weinstein  trials,  including  Weinstein,
            conviction  for  forcibly  per-  Attorney  Douglas  H.  Wig-  in  remarks  to  The  Asso-  were not part of the charg-  who “will be able to tell his
            forming  oral  sex  on  a  TV  dor,  who  has  represented  ciated   Press   conveyed  es  were  allowed  to  testify.  side of the story.”
            and  film  production  assist-  eight Harvey Weinstein ac-  through  Katz  that  she  was  Burke’s term expired at the  He said that when he spoke
            ant in 2006, and rape in the  cusers  including  two  wit-  “shocked”  by  the  ruling  end  of  2022,  and  he  is  no  to  Weinstein  Thursday,  his
            third  degree  for  an  attack  nesses  at  the  New  York  and  dealing  with  a  range  longer a judge.           client  told  him:  “I’ve  been
            on  an  aspiring  actress  in  criminal  trial,  called  the  of emotions, including ask-  They also appealed the trial  here  for  years  in  prison  for
            2013. He was acquitted on  ruling “a major step back”  ing  herself,  “Was  it  all  for  judge’s ruling that prosecu-  something I didn’t do. You
            the  most  serious  charges  and contrary to routine rul-  naught?”                    tors  could  confront  Wein-  got to fix this.”q
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