Page 6 - aruba-today-20240426
P. 6

                       Friday 26 april 2024
            Congo questions Apple over knowledge of conflict minerals in its

            supply chain

            By GERALD IMRAY                                                                                                     Apple, which has a market
            Associated Press                                                                                                    value of around $2.6 trillion,
            CAPE  TOWN,  South  Africa                                                                                          has  denied  using  miner-
            (AP)  —  Congo  ‘s  govern-                                                                                         als from mines and regions
            ment  is  questioning  Apple                                                                                        where  human  rights  viola-
            about the tech company’s                                                                                            tions  take  place,  saying  it
            knowledge  of  “blood  min-                                                                                         conducts business ethically
            erals” from a conflict zone                                                                                         and  “responsibly”  sources
            in the African country that                                                                                         minerals  in  Congo  and
            could be smuggled into its                                                                                          neighboring countries.
            supply  chains  and  is  de-                                                                                        The  minerals  it  buys  don’t
            manding  answers  within                                                                                            finance  war  or  armed
            three weeks.                                                                                                        groups, it says. The lawyers
            A  group  of  international                                                                                         for the Congo government
            lawyers  representing  Con-                                                                                         said  “those  claims  do  not
            go said Thursday that they                                                                                          appear  to  be  based  on
            sent letters to Apple’s CEO                                                                                         concrete,  verifiable  evi-
            Tim  Cook  and  its  French                                                                                         dence.”
            subsidiary  this  week,  rais-                                                                                      The  Congo  government
            ing  concerns  about  hu-                                                                                           said  it  has  suspicions  that
            man rights violations involv-                                                                                       some  of  the  tin,  tungsten,
            ing  the  minerals  extracted                                                                                       tantalum and gold  known
            from mines in the country’s                                                                                         as the 3TG critical minerals
            troubled  east  that  might                                                                                         that  Apple  sources  from
            end  up  being  used  in  the   A Congolese miner sifts through ground rocks to separate out the cassiterite, the main ore that’s   suppliers  is  smuggled  out
            company’s products.          processed into tin, in the town of Nyabibwe, eastern Congo, Aug. 16, 2012.  Associated Press   of  Congo  to  neighboring
            They included a list of ques-                                                                                       Rwanda  and  then  infiltrat-
            tions  challenging  Apple  to  clear  to  us  that  year  after  ers  around  the  world  rely  ian disaster, with the armed  ed  into  the  global  supply
            show how it monitors its sup-  year, Apple has sold tech-  on  supply  chains  that  are  groups  fighting  for  years  chain. The 3TG minerals are
            ply chains in a region where  nology  made  with  miner-  too  opaque,  and  that  are  for  control  of  the  mines  key  components  in  elec-
            more than 100 armed rebel  als  sourced  from  a  region  tainted by the blood of the  and  the  valuable  miner-   tronics.
            groups  operate,  some  of  whose  population  is  being  Congolese  people,”  the  als in them, and millions of  In response to a request for
            whom have been accused  devastated by grave viola-        lawyers said.                people  displaced  and  af-  comment,  Apple  pointed
            of carrying out mass killings  tions of human rights.”    Eastern Congo is one of the  fected  by  the  worsening  to  a  section  from  a  com-
            of civilians.                “The  iPhones,  Mac  com-    most  mineral-rich  regions  violence.  The  situation  has  pany  filing  on  conflict
            Writing  to  Cook,  the  law-  puters and accessories that  in the world but is also the  deteriorated  badly  in  the  minerals.q
            yers  said  “it  has  become  Apple  sells  to  its  custom-  site  of  a  huge  humanitar-  last few months.

            EU military officer says a frigate has destroyed a drone launched

            from Yemen’s Houthi-held areas

            NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) — A  in  the  Red  Sea  to  protect  controlled by Houthi rebels  Greek for “shields.”         take  part  in  any  military
            top European Union military  merchant    shipping   de-   on Thursday morning.         He said that it’s the first time  strikes. The southern part of
            officer  said  that  a  frigate  stroyed  a  drone  launched  Austrian Gen. Robert Brieg-  that  the  EU  has  launched  the  Red  Sea  is  deemed  a
            that’s part of an EU mission  from  an  area  in  Yemen  er, who is chair of the EU’s  a  naval  operation  in  a  high-risk zone.
                                                                      military  committee,  said  hostile  environment  that’s  Iran-backed  Houthi  reb-
                                                                      that it would be crucial for  twice the size of the 27-na-  els, which control much of
                                                                      the  bloc  to  “conserve  re-  tion bloc, calling it a “litmus  Yemen’s  north  and  west,
                                                                      sources” over the long haul  test” that the bloc will pass  launched  a  campaign  of
                                                                      because  the  threat  posed  successfully.                drone  and  missile  attacks
                                                                      by  Houthi  attacks  “will  not  The  commander  of  an  EU  on shipping in the Red Sea
                                                                      disappear” due to its con-   naval  mission  in  the  Red  in  November.  They  have
                                                                      nection to the Israel-Hamas  Sea, Greek Rear Adm. Vasi-   also fired missiles toward Is-
                                                                      war. “The task given to the  lios  Gryparis,  wants  to  sig-  rael,  although  those  have
                                                                      military is simply to protect  nificantly increase its size to  largely fallen short or been
                                                                      merchant  ships  and  to  better defend against pos-      intercepted.  The  attacks
                                                                      show  the  public  that  the  sible attacks by Houthi reb-  have  hit  maritime  trade
                                                                      European  Union  is  not  will-  els  based  in  Yemen.  Nine-  to  Egypt  and  Europe,  with
                                                                      ing to accept a terrorist or-  teen  of  the  27  EU  nations  only  around  half  the  usual
                                                                      ganization will interrupt the  are involved in the mission,  number  of  ships  moving
                                                                      freedom  of  movement  at  but  only  four  frigates  are  through the area. It’s add-
            General Robert Brieger, chairman of the EU’s Military Committee   sea,” Brieger said.  patrolling  an  area  twice  ed up to two weeks of tran-
            talks to the media during a press conference after a meeting   Brieger said that he’s asking  the size of the bloc.  sit time for vessels that want
            with the Cyprus national guard chief Georgios Tsitsikostas at the   EU members to provide the  The  EU  mission  was  estab-  to  avoid  the  Suez  Canal,
            Defense Ministry in capital Nicosia, Cyprus, on Thursday, April
            25, 2024.                                                 necessary resources to the  lished in February to defend  hiking  transport  costs  and

                                                     Associated Press   EU mission dubbed Aspides  civilian vessels and doesn’t  shipping insurance.q
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