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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 26 april 2024
            Wild horses to remain in North Dakota’s Theodore Roosevelt

            National Park, lawmaker says

            By JACK DURA                                                                                                        the 1880s in what was then
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Dakota Territory.
            BISMARCK,  N.D.  (AP)  —                                                                                            “People  love  horses,”  Ho-
            Wild horses will stay in North                                                                                      even said. “And where do
            Dakota’s  Theodore  Roos-                                                                                           you go to see wild horses?
            evelt  National  Park  amid                                                                                         I mean, it’s not like an easy
            fears  from  advocates  that                                                                                        thing to do, and most peo-
            park officials would remove                                                                                         ple don’t have horses, and
            the  beloved  animals  from                                                                                         they  love  the  idea  of  wild
            the rugged badlands land-                                                                                           horses. They see it as part of
            scape,  a  key  lawmaker                                                                                            our heritage in America.”
            said Thursday.                                                                                                      Earlier  Thursday,  Hoeven’s
            Republican  U.S.  Sen.  John                                                                                        office  said  in  a  statement
            Hoeven  said  he  has  se-                                                                                          the  decision  “will  allow  for
            cured a commitment from                                                                                             a healthy herd of wild hors-
            the National Park Service to                                                                                        es to be maintained at the
            maintain wild horses in the                                                                                         park,  managed  in  a  way
            park,  though  the  number                                                                                          to  support  genetic  diver-
            remains to be determined.                                                                                           sity  among  the  herd  and
            Roughly  200  horses  now                                                                                           preserve the park’s natural
            roam the park.                                                                                                      resources.”
            Hoeven  said  the  Park  Ser-                                                                                       The horses roam the park’s
            vice  will  abandon  its  pro-                                                                                      South  Unit  near  the  West-
            posed removal of the hors-                                                                                          ern tourist town of Medora.
            es under an environmental                                                                                           In  2022,  park  officials  be-
            review  process  begun  in   Wild horses stand in a group along a hiking trail in Theodore Roosevelt National Park on Saturday,   gan  the  process  of  craft-
            2022  and  will  continue  to   Oct. 21, 2023, near Medora, N.D.                                   Associated Press   ing  a  “livestock  plan”  for
            operate  under  an  existing                                                                                        the horses as well as about
            1978 environmental assess-   told  The  Associated  Press.  public  comment  received  Park  visitors,  much  to  their  nine longhorn cattle in the
            ment that calls for a reduc-  There is no timeline on that,  during  the  (environmental  delight,  often  encounter  park’s North Unit near Wat-
            tion in their numbers.       he said.                     assessment)  process.”  In  a  the  horses  while  driving  or  ford City. Park officials have
            “They’ve committed to me  In  a  statement,  the  park  text message, park officials  hiking in the rolling, colorful  said  that  process  aligned
            that we will have a thought-  said  its  decision  to  termi-  acknowledged  an  email  badlands  where  a  young,  with  policies  to  remove
            ful and inclusive  discussion  nate the review “was made  seeking   comment      but  future  President  Theodore  non-native  species  when
            on  how  many  horses  they  after  careful  consideration  didn’t immediately provide  Roosevelt  hunted  and  en-  they pose a potential risk to
            keep in the park,” Hoeven  of  the  information  and  one.                             gaged in cattle ranching in  resources.q

             FTC sends $5.6 million in refunds to Ring customers as part of video

             privacy settlement

            By W. GRANTHAM-PHILIPS       control  of  customers’  ac-  within  30  days,  according
            AP Business Writer           counts,  cameras  and  vid-  to  the  FTC    which  added
            NEW YORK (AP) — The Fed-     eos.  This  led  to  “egregious  that  consumers  can  con-
            eral  Trade  Commission  is  violations of users’ privacy,”  tact this  case’s  refund ad-
            sending more than $5.6 mil-  the FTC noted.               ministrator, Rust Consulting,
            lion  in  refunds  to  consum-  The resulting settlement re-  or visit the FTC’s FAQ page
            ers as part of a settlement  quired Ring to delete con-   on  refunds  for  more  infor-
            with  Amazon-owned  Ring,  tent  that  was  found  to  be  mation about the process.
            which  was  charged  with  unlawfully obtained, estab-    In a statement sent to The
            failing  to  protect  private  lish stronger security protec-  Associated Press, Ring said
            video footage from outside  tions and pay a hefty fine.  that bad actors took emails
            access.                      The  FTC  says  that  it’s  now  and  passwords  that  were
            In  a  2023  complaint,  the  using much of that money  “stolen  from  other  com-
            FTC  accused  the  doorbell  to refund eligible Ring cus-  panies  to  unlawfully  log
            camera and home security  tomers.                         into  Ring  accounts  of  cer-
            provider of allowing its em-  According  to  a  Tuesday  tain  customers”  who  used
            ployees and contractors to  notice,  the  FTC  is  sending  the  same  credentials  on
            access  customers’  private  117,044  PayPal  payments  multiple  sites  back  in  2019     A person pushes the doorbell on his Ring doorbell camera, July
            videos.                      to  impacted  consumers  adding  that  the  company       16, 2019, at his home in Wolcott, Conn.
            Ring  allegedly  used  such  who  had  certain  types  of  promptly  addressed  this                                           Associated Press
            footage to train algorithms  Ring  devices    including  in-  by notifying those it discov-  address  the  FTC’s  allega-  would stop allowing police
            without  consent,  among  door  cameras    during  the  ered  to  be  “exposed  in  a  tions  of  employees  and  departments  to  request
            other purposes.              timeframes  that  the  regu-  third-party,  non-Ring  inci-  contractors  unlawfully  ac-  doorbell  camera  footage
            Ring was also charged with  lators  allege  unauthorized  dent”  and  taking  action  cessing footage.              from  users,  marking  an
            failing  to  implement  key  access took place.           to  protect  impacted  ac-   Earlier this year, the Califor-  end to a feature that had
            security  protections,  which  Eligible customers will need  counts.                   nia-based company sepa-      drawn  criticism  from  priva-
            enabled  hackers  to  take  to redeem these payments  Ring  did  not  immediately  rately  announced  that  it  cy advocates.q
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