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A28    u.s. news
              Diaranson 15 December 2021

                          Kentucky safety agency to review tornado deaths at factory

                                                                      (AP) — Kentucky’s work-                                   astation  that  stretched  from
                                                                      place  safety  agency  will  State  and  local  officials  say  Arkansas,  where  a  nursing
                                                                      look  into  the  deaths  of  the company told them that  home was destroyed, to Illi-
                                                                      eight  people  who  were  all  other  workers  have  been  nois, where an Amazon dis-
                                                                      killed  at  a  candle  factory  accounted  for.  Initially,  au-  tribution  center  was  heavily
                                                                      during the violent weath-    thorities feared a much high-  damaged.
                                                                      er that spawned tornadoes  er  death  toll  at  the  factory
                                                                      in five states, the governor  because dozens of employees  Across   Kentucky,   about
                                                                      said Tuesday.                were  working  late  to  make  24,000 homes and businesses
                                                                                                   candles  for  holiday  orders.  were  still  without  electricity
                                                                      Gov.  Andy  Beshear  told  re-  But  Louisville  Emergency  Tuesday, down slightly from
                                                                      porters  that  the  Kentucky  Management  Director  E.J.  the  day  before,  according  to
                                                                      Division  of  Occupational  Meiman  said  late  Monday
                                                                      Safety  and  Health  Com-    that authorities now “have a
                                                                      pliance  would  undertake  a  high level of confidence that  The  tornadoes  also  killed  at
                                                                      monthslong  review  of  the  nobody  is  left  in  this  build-  least  six  people  in  Illinois;
                                                                      deaths,  which  happened  at  ing.”                       four in Tennessee; two in Ar-
                                                                      the   Mayfield   Consumer                                 kansas,  where  the  governor
                                                                      Products  factory  as  storms  Mayfield,  home  to  10,000  said  nursing  home  workers
                                                                      raked the area starting Friday  residents and the candle fac-  shielded residents with their
                                                                      night.                       tory,  suffered  some  of  the  own bodies; and two in Mis-
                                                                                                   worst damage in the country.  souri.
                                                                      The governor said that such
                                                                      reviews  are  done  whenever  Beshear’s  comments  come  The  federal  Occupational
                                                                      workers are killed on the job.  as  workers,  volunteers  and  Safety  and  Health  Adminis-
                                                                                                   members  of  the  National  tration  announced  Monday
                                                                      “So it shouldn’t suggest that  Guard  fanned  out  in  Ken-  that it had opened an inves-
                                                                      there  was  any  wrongdoing.  tucky  to  start  the  long  re-  tigation  into  the  collapse  of
                                                                      But what it should give peo-  covery process. The tornado  the  Amazon  warehouse  in
                                                                      ple confidence in, is that we’ll  outbreak that killed at least 88  Edwardsville, Illinois.
                                                                      get  to  the  bottom  of  what  people — 74 of them in Ken-
                                                                      happened,” he said.          tucky  —  cut  a  path  of  dev-

                          Prosecutors at Kim Potter trial document her Taser training

            (AP)  —  The  suburban  off  several  nights  of  angry  correct?” Gray asked.         was  appropriate  under  the  her favor because of her posi-
            Minneapolis  police  of-     protests in Brooklyn Center.                              circumstances,” Chu said.    tion.”
            ficer  who  shot  and  killed  It happened while a white for-  “Yes,” Flesland said.
            Daunte  Wright  with  her  mer officer, Derek Chauvin,                                 She also denied prosecutors’  Chu also ruled Tuesday that
            handgun  when  she  said  was  on  trial  in  nearby  Min-  Later,  when  Gray  asked  request to question police of-  if Potter is convicted of one
            she meant to use her Taser  neapolis  in  George  Floyd’s  Flesland what he thought of  ficers  about  union  member-  or both of the counts against
            was  fully  trained  in  her  death.                      Potter, he said: “She’s a good  ship.  They  argued  that  Pot-  her, she would preside over a
            department’s  policies  on                                cop.  She’s  a  good  person.  ter  had  roles  in  the  union,  separate trial to determine if
            the  proper  use  of  force,  The  defense  has  called  the  She’s a friend. I have no con-  including  as  president,  that  there  were  aggravating  fac-
            including the stun guns, a  shooting  a  horrific  mistake,  cerns going to calls with her.”  gave her an elevated level of  tors that would allow Chu to
            police  commander  testi-    but has also asserted that Pot-  Prosecutors objected.    respect  among  her  cowork-  give Potter a sentence above
            fied Tuesday.                ter  would  have  been  within                            ers.  They  wanted  to  ask  of-  what  the  state’s  guidelines
                                         her rights to use deadly force  Flesland  also  testified  that  ficers  about  it  so  that  jurors  suggest.
            Kim Potter, who resigned two  on Wright because he might  he and the police chief at the  could  evaluate  any  potential
            days  after  she  shot  Wright,  have dragged another officer,  time  had  gone  to  Potter’s  bias toward Potter.  Prosecutors  had  been  oper-
            was  trained  in  on  policies  then-Sgt.  Mychal  Johnson,  house  the  day  of  Wright’s                          ating  under  the  impression
            even  as  they  evolved  during  with his car.            shooting  because  “we  had  Chu  said  she  rejected  the  that  these  issues  would  be
            her 26-year career, Brooklyn                              been  told  she  had  hurt  her-  motion  because  Potter  is  no  presented  during  this  trial,
            Center  Police  Commander  Prosecutors  introduced  sev-  self.”  That  line  of  question-  longer  connected  to  the  po-  but without the jury present,
            Garett Flesland testified. Pot-  eral documents Tuesday that  ing was cut off after prosecu-  lice  union  in  any  way  and  defense  attorney  Earl  Gray
            ter  repeatedly  signed  docu-  Flesland  testified  showed  tors objected.            testifying witnesses “couldn’t  said Potter had never agreed
            ments  acknowledging  the  Potter’s  repeated  certifica-                              possibly be biased to testify in  to that.
            policies, he said.           tions  on  Taser  training,  and  Earlier  Tuesday,  Judge  Regi-
                                         her  awareness  of  the  warn-  na Chu denied two motions
            Potter,  49,  is  charged  with  ings for their use — includ-  filed by prosecutors. One was
            manslaughter  in  Wright’s  ing a certification the month  designed to limit the opinion
            death on April 11 after he was  before Wright was shot.   of witnesses who are not tes-
            pulled  over  for  having  ex-                            tifying as experts. That came
            pired license plate tags and an  On  cross-examination,  Pot-  after  Johnson,  who  is  now
            air  freshener  dangling  from  ter  attorney  Earl  Gray  ham-  a  major  in  a  sheriff’s  office
            his  rear-view  mirror.  Video  mered  away  at  her  right  to  near  Minneapolis,  testified
            captured the moments when  use force. He repeatedly de-   last week that Potter’s actions
            Wright pulled away from of-  scribed  the  situation  as  one  were  authorized  under  state
            ficers who were trying to ar-  in  which  Potter  was  trying  law. Johnson was not testify-
            rest  him  on  an  outstanding  to stop a wanted person who  ing as an expert on the police
            warrant,  with  Potter  shout-  was  trying  to  flee  from  the  use of force.
            ing  “I’ll  tase  you!”  and  then  police  and  who  could  have
            shooting  Wright  with  her  put a fellow officer at risk of  “I’m  not  going  to  preclude
            handgun.                     being dragged by a car.      any of the officers from tes-
                                                                      tifying that, based upon their
            Potter  is  white  and  Wright  “You’ve got to save that offi-  training and experience, that
            was Black, and his death set  cer that’s laying over the seat,  deadly  force  or  use  of  Taser
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