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                                                                                         world news Diaranson 15 December 2021

                        Germany wants EU sanctions slapped on Bosnian Serb leader

            (AP)  —  The  European
            Union  should  slap  sanc-   Her  comments  followed  a
            tions  on  Bosnian  Serb  vote  Friday  by  the  Bosnian
            leader Milorad Dodik for  Serb  parliament  to  launch
            his  efforts  to  get  Serb-  a  series  of  steps  that  could
            dominated areas in Bosnia  weaken war-ravaged Bosnia’s
            to  secede  from  the  Bal-  central authority.
            kan  country,  Germany’s
            new foreign minister said  The  United  States  has  al-
            Monday.                      ready placed a travel ban and
                                         assets  freeze  on  Dodik  and
            Annalena  Baerbock,  who  threatened  more  sanctions
            took office last week, told re-  in case Bosnian Serbs further
            porters  in  Brussels  that  the  weaken  Bosnia’s  central  in-
            situation  in  Bosnia-Herze-  stitutions.
            govina  was  “worrying”  and
            the  Bosnian  Serb  secession  The  idea  of  the  EU  impos-
            attempts  were  “unaccept-   ing  sanctions  on  Dodik  has
            able.”                       support  among  most  of  the
                                         bloc’s  27  members,  but  any
            “For  me  personally,  this  move to subject him to asset
            means  (...)  that  the  existing  freezes  and  travel  bans  re-
            sanctions regime should now  quires  unanimity,  and  Hun-
            also be used against Mr. Do-  gary and Slovenia are block-
            dik,”  Baerbock  said  after  a  ing such a move.
            meeting of EU foreign min-                                dead  and  millions  homeless  It started after Bosnian Serbs,  ethnically  pure  territories  in
            isters, where she pressed for  The 1992-1995 Bosnian War  during  the  worst  bloodshed  with the help of the Serb-led  Bosnia with an aim of joining
            the measures to be imposed.  left more than 100,000 people  in Europe since World War II.  Yugoslav army, tried to create  Serbia.

                                 Fireball from overturned tanker kills dozens in Haiti

            (AP) — A gasoline tanker  killing at least 60 people in  Haiti’s  second  largest  city,  burned  bodies  of  the  young  can.
            overturned  and  exploded  the latest disaster to befall  along  the  northern  coast.  victims  in  white  sheets  and
            in  northern  Haiti,  un-    the Caribbean nation.        Hours later, at dawn Tuesday,  loaded them onto the back of  The  shortages  are  the  latest
            leashing  a  fireball  that                               buildings and overturned ve-  a construction truck.       manifestation of a society on
            swept through homes and  The blast occurred shortly af-   hicles  were  still  smoldering                           the brink ever since the July 7
            businesses  on  its  way  to  ter midnight in Cap-Haitien,  as  firefighters  covered  the  Hundreds  of  Haitians  —  assassination of President Jo-
                                                                                                   who  aren’t  easily  shocked  venel Moise and a 7.2 magni-
                                                                                                   amid so much of their coun-  tude earthquake a few weeks
                                                                                                   try’s  misfortune  —  looked  later  that  killed  more  than
                                                                                                   on from rooftops in disbelief  2,200  people  and  destroyed
                                                                                                   at the loss of so much life.  tens of thousands of homes.

                                                                                                   “It’s horrible what happened,”  The country of more than 11
                                                                                                   said Patrick Almonor, deputy  million people also has been
                                                                                                   mayor  of  Cap-Haitien,  add-  hit by a spike in gang-related
                                                                                                   ing that he expects the death  kidnappings,  including  17
                                                                                                   toll to rise as first responders  missionaries with a U.S. reli-
                                                                                                   comb through buildings gut-  gious organization who were
                                                                                                   ted  by  the  fire.  “We  lost  so  abducted  in  mid-October.
                                                                                                   many lives.”                 Five  of  them  have  been  re-
                                                                                                                                leased but another 12 are still
                                                                                                   Early reports indicate that the  being held.
                                                                                                   tanker was trying to avoid an
                                                                                                   oncoming  motorcycle  when  “It’s terrible what our coun-
                                                                                                   it  flipped.  Onlookers  then  try has to go through,” Larose
                                                                                                   rushed  to  the  scene  with  said.
                                                                                                   buckets to scoop up what they
                                                                                                   could  of  the  tanker’s  valu-  Hospitals  in  Haiti’s  sec-
                                                                                                   able cargo, likely for resale on  ond  largest  city  seemed  ill
                                                                                                   the black market, as the fuel  equipped  to  deal  with  the
                                                                                                   spilled  toward  a  nearby  pile  disaster.  One  facility  over-
                                                                                                   of  simmering  trash,  Dave  whelmed  with  burn  victims
                                                                                                   Larose, a civil engineer who  pleaded for basic supplies and
                                                                                                   works  in  Cap-Haitien,  told  more medical staff.
                                                                                                   The Associated Press.        Prime  Minister  Ariel  Hen-
                                                                                                                                ry,  himself  a  physician,  an-
                                                                                                   In  recent  months,  Haiti  has  nounced  that  he  would  de-
                                                                                                   been battered by severe fuel  ploy field hospitals and travel
                                                                                                   shortages that have shuttered  to the area in the company of
                                                                                                   gas  stations,  sent  gas  prices  a  large  contingent  of  medi-
                                                                                                   on  the  black  market  spiral-  cal professionals. He also de-
                                                                                                   ing and forced hospitals and  clared three days of national
                                                                                                   businesses  to  close  as  the  mourning.
                                                                                                   U.S.  and  Canadian  govern-
                                                                                                   ments  have  urged  their  citi-  “The entire Haitian nation is
                                                                                                   zens to leave while they still  grieving,” he tweeted
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