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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diabierna 1 aPriL 2022

                        Bureau looking at adjusting for undercounts in some numbers

            (AP)  -  The  U.S.  Census  or the numbers used for re-
            Bureau  is  going  to  look  drawing political districts.
            at ways to possibly adjust
            its  annual  population  es-  The bureau is looking at the
            timates to account for the  feasibility  of  making  “addi-
            undercounts  of  some  mi-   tional  improvements  in  the
            nority  groups  in  the  2020  future,”  Battle  said  during
            census  numbers,  a  top  a  briefing  with  cities,  coun-
            official  at  the  statistical  ties,  tribes  and  civil  rights
            agency said Tuesday.         groups  that  had  sued  the
                                         Trump  administration’s  De-
            A  technical  research  team  partment of Commerce over
            within  the  Census  Bureau  the execution of the once-a-
            is  looking  at  the  feasibil-  decade  head  count  in  2020.
            ity of adjusting the numbers  The Commerce Department
            to  reflect  the  undercounts  oversees the Census Bureau.
            from the 2020 census, which
            provide a foundation for the  Even though the overall U.S.
            population estimates, so un-  population  was  missed  by
            dercounts are not baked into  a  small  percentage,  0.24%,
            future  estimates,  said  Karen  during  the  2020  census,
            Battle,  chief  of  the  bureau’s  some  minority  groups  were
            population division.         overlooked  at  greater  rates
                                         than  the  previous  decade.
            The population estimates are  The  Black  population  was
            used  for  distributing  federal  undercounted by 3.3%, those  The  Asian  population  was  the coalition of cities, coun-  census data, like the briefing
            funds and measuring demo-    who identified as some other  overcounted by 2.6% during  ties,  tribes  and  civil  rights  Tuesday.  The  lawsuit  forced
            graphic changes in the years  race had a 4.3% undercount,  the  2020  census,  and  white  groups in the early months of  a two-week extension of the
            between  the  once-a-decade  almost  5%  of  the  Hispanic  residents  who  are  not  His-  the Biden administration.  2020 count. The coalition had
            censuses. No changes can be  population  was  missed  and  panic  were  overcounted  by                             claimed a shortened schedule
            made to the figures from the  more than 5.6% of American  0.6%                         Under the terms of the set-  would  cause  Latinos,  Asian
            2020  census  used  for  deter-  Indians living on reservations                        tlement,  the  Census  Bureau  Americans and immigrants to
            mining  how  many  congres-  were undercounted.           The  Department  of  Com-    agreed  to  hold  periodic  up-  be missed in the count.
            sional  seats  each  state  gets                          merce settled the lawsuit with  dates  on  the  quality  of  the

                        California governor rejects parole for Manson family member

                                                                                        (AP)  —  California  Gov.  Gavin  The day before, other Manson fol-
                                                                                        Newsom  on  Tuesday  blocked  lowers, not including Van Houten,
                                                                                        parole for Charles Manson fol-    killed pregnant actress Sharon Tate
                                                                                        lower Leslie Van Houten, revers-  and four others.
                                                                                        ing  a  panel’s  recommendation
                                                                                        that she be freed after spending  In  his  rejection  letter,  Newsom
                                                                                        a half-century in prison.         noted that Van Housen had under-
                                                                                                                          gone  therapy,  earned  educational
                                                                                        Van  Houten,  72,  “currently  poses  degrees and taken self-help classes
                                                                                        an unreasonable danger to society if  in prison and had shown “increased
                                                                                        released from prison at this time,”  maturity and rehabilitation.”
                                                                                        Newsom said in his parole review.
                                                                                        It was the fifth time that a Califor-  But Van Houten also has “gaps in
                                                                                        nia  governor  has  rejected  her  re-  insight” that continue to make her
                                                                                        lease.                            a danger to society, Newsom said.

                                                                                        Her attorney, Rich Pfeiffer, disput-  Van Houten has had 21 parole hear-
                                                                                        ed that view and said the decision  ings since 1982. Most parole boards
                                                                                        will  be  appealed  in  court.  He  ac-  denied  her  bid  for  freedom.  But
                                                                                        cused Newsom of rejecting parole  five panels have recommended her
                                                                                        because  he  is  worried  about  “his  release  since  2016,  saying  she  had
                                                                                        political future” and noted that Van  expressed remorse and was no lon-
                                                                                        Houten has a spotless prison disci-  ger a threat to public safety.
                                                                                        plinary record.
                                                                                                                          Newsom  rejected  a  recommenda-
                                                                                        “We’re  not  fighting  (over)  Leslie  tion made last November.
                                                                                        being a good person. She’s proven
                                                                                        that through her actions for half a  He previously reversed parole rec-
                                                                                        century,” he said.                ommendations in 2019 and 2020. In
                                                                                                                          February,  the  California  Supreme
                                                                                        Van  Houten  is  serving  a  life  sen-  Court refused to hear Van Houten’s
                                                                                        tence for helping Manson and oth-  appeal of the 2020 rejection.
                                                                                        ers  kill  Los  Angeles  grocer  Leno
                                                                                        LaBianca  and  his  wife,  Rosemary,  Previous Gov. Jerry Brown rejected
                                                                                        in August 1969. Van Houten was 19  Van  Houten’s  parole  in  2016  and
                                                                                        when she and other cult members  2018.
                                                                                        fatally  stabbed  the  LaBiancas  and
                                                                                        smeared the couple’s blood on the  Manson  died  in  2017  of  natural
                                                                                        walls.                            causes at a California hospital while
                                                                                                                          serving a life sentence.
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