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Qatar and FIFA criticized harshly ahead of World Cup draw
(AP) — World Cup host a mandate to pressure the than 12 years ago and has led
Qatar and FIFA received World Cup organizers. the organizing committee
scathing criticism from ever since.
within soccer on Thurs- “In 2010, the World Cup was
day, a day before the tour- awarded by FIFA in unac- “You did not attempt to con-
nament’s draw. ceptable ways with unaccept- tact us and did not attempt
able consequences,” Klave- to engage in dialogue before
On their own territory. In ness, who is gay, said in a six- addressing congress today,”
their own house. By a mem- minute speech. “There is no he said, adding that Qatar’s
ber of soccer’s extended fam- room for employers who do door was open for people to
ily. not secure the freedom and “educate themselves before
safety of World Cup workers. passing any judgement.”
The president of Norwe- No room for hosts that can-
gian soccer — one of the not legally guarantee the safe- Qatar and FIFA have consis-
few women ever to lead a ty and respect of LGBTQ+ tently said taking the World
FIFA member federation — people coming to this theater Cup to the country, and to
stepped up on the stage at the of dreams.” the Middle East for the first
governing body’s congress to time, accelerated positive the World Cup must be cared packed sandbags several me-
air her concerns at the same FIFA had worked this week changes in the nation’s laws for,” Klaveness said. “FIFA ters high to protect a monu-
venue that will host Friday’s in Doha to keep the Nor- and society. must act as a role model.” ment.
draw. wegian’s speech off the main
Congress agenda, and then Al-Thawadi said the month- Qatar was later defended by “Our children have suffered
Lise Klaveness, a judge and gave the floor to rebuttals long tournament could be an FIFA President Gianni Infan- terrible psychological injuries
former national team player, from a Latin American soccer antidote to “stereotypes and tino, who moved his home and perhaps it is football that
spoke about Qatar’s record of official and the head of Qa- assumptions” about the re- last year from Switzerland to will help them forget all the
protecting the rights of mi- tar’s organizing committee. gion. live mostly in Doha. horrors of war,” said Pavelko,
grant workers — who have who sits on the UEFA execu-
built tens of billion of dol- “This is not the right forum “We are acutely aware of “The work that has been tive committee.
lars of projects needed for the and not the right moment,” the international spotlight done has been exemplary,”
World Cup — and its crimi- Honduras soccer federation that comes with the hosting Infantino said. “Of course, The Russian delegation
nalization of homosexuality. general secretary Jose Er- rights for the greatest show not everything is perfect. But watching in the room includ-
nesto Mejia said in translated on earth. We have embraced progress has been made.” ed Alexey Sorokin, a former
It was a rare show of dissent comments. it,” he said. FIFA Council member who
and tension in the typically The war in Ukraine then led the organization of the
tightly scripted annual meet- Still, there was some warm Human rights and labor ac- took center stage as a three- 2018 World Cup in his coun-
ing of soccer’s 211 member applause for Klaveness before tivists have also long been minute video message was try.
countries. she walked the length of the concerned that deaths on all aired from the head of the
arena floor past the mostly- Qatari construction projects, country’s soccer federation, “I have worked with him for a
Klaveness targeted issues male delegates to return to not just soccer stadiums, Andriy Pavelko. very long time and we regret
that have dogged Qatar and the Norwegian delegation have not been accurately cal- that he has these emotions,”
FIFA’s controversial choice seats. culated nor investigated. Pavelko wore an armored Sorokin said of Pavelko’s
of the Middle Eastern coun- vest as he spoke from Kyiv film. “It is difficult for them,
try for more than a decade Klaveness was then chided “The migrant workers in- and talked of “resisting mili- we understand that, but I’m
only three weeks after she by Hassan Al-Thawadi, who jured or families of those tary aggression” from Rus- here not to discuss politics or
was elected in Norway with fronted Qatar’s bid more who died in the buildup to sia while behind him people military activities.”
Lindor’s spring power surge welcome sight for New York Mets
(AP) — Francisco Lin- and 10 RBIs through his first Sandy Alcantara, RHP,
dor wasn’t the franchise- 21 at-bats. It’s the kind of run David Peralta, OF, Dia- Mickey Moniak, OF, Phil- Marlins
altering shortstop the that was common when the mondbacks lies The 26-year-old has quietly
Mets were hoping for last former Cleveland star made The veteran has been a steady It’s been a tough road to the been among the better pitch-
season. His performance four All-Star teams in a row influence in Arizona’s lineup big leagues for Moniak, who ers in the National League
in this year’s shortened from 2016-19. since 2014 but his power has was the No. 1 overall pick in for three years. He was one
spring training has New dipped considerably over 2016 but has spent most of of just four MLB pitchers to
York confident better days The Mets have sky-high ex- the past two seasons with the past seven years in the throw at least 200 innings last
are coming. pectations once again in 2022, 13 homers in a stretch span- minors. The 23-year-old has season, finishing with 205
believing Lindor can be a ning about 700 at-bats. He a legit chance to earn a spot 2/3 over 33 starts. He looks
The switch-hitting Lindor cornerstone for a lineup that has four homers in his first on Philadelphia’s opening ready for another big year af-
has been among the best hit- includes slugger Pete Alonso, 19 spring at-bats in Cactus day roster, especially after ter giving up just one hit over
ters in the Grapefruit League Jeff McNeil and newly ac- League play. three homers in his first 20 his first seven innings in the
through two weeks of games, quired players like Starling spring at-bats. Grapefruit League.
hitting .476 with four homers Marte and Mark Canha. Kyle Higashioka, C, Yan-
kees Max Scherzer, RHP, Mets MacKenzie Gore, LHP,
The sixth-year catcher has He’s now 37 years old but the Padres
slowly worked his way into a hard-throwing right hander He just turned 23 and has
bigger role with the Yankees. doesn’t show many signs of been among the sport’s high-
His ability to hit will proba- slowing. New York added the est-rated prospects for several
bly determine if he ultimate- three-time Cy Young win- years. Now he appears on the
ly becomes a part-time or ner during the offseason on a verge of breaking into the big
full-time option. He showed three-year, $130 million deal. leagues, whether it is straight
some pop last year with 10 He’s already in midseason out of spring camp or later
homers, but hit just .181 in form in Grapefruit League this season. He struck out 11
193 at-bats. He’s off to a good play, striking out 12 batters in batters through his first nine
start in the Grapefruit League his first 11 innings while giv- innings in the Cactus League
with a .412 average and four ing up just three earned runs. this spring and has given up
homers. just two runs.