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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diaranson 9 Juni 2021

                               Man charged with murder of boy in road-rage shooting

            (AP) — A Southern Cali-      who could speak on their be-  road  rage  violence  stemmed  crime,  the  Orange  County  ied by the family only hours
            fornia  man  was  charged  half.                          from “a perceived unsafe lane  Register reported.         before he held a news confer-
            Tuesday  with  murder  in                                 change.”                                                  ence announcing the arrests.
            a road rage shooting that  Authorities said they believe                               The  gun  was  discovered  at
            killed a 6-year-old boy on  Lee  was  driving  the  car  and  The  case  drew  widespread  Eriz’s workplace in San Ber-  “I do want to promise today,
            a local freeway last month.  Eriz fired the shot that killed  outrage  in  the  county  of  nardino  County,  officials  when  Aiden  was  put  below
                                         Leos  while  his  mother  was  3  million  people.  At  least  said.                   ground, that we will get jus-
            Prosecutors    in   Orange  driving  the  boy  to  kinder-  $500,000 in rewards had been                            tice  for  him,”  Spitzer  said.
            County,  California  charged  garten on May 21 in Orange  offered from around the U.S.  Orange  County  District  At-  “We  have  to  promise  him
            Marcus  Anthony  Eriz,  24,  County, southeast of Los An-  for information leading to an  torney Todd Spitzer on Mon-  that.”
            with  murder  in  the  death  geles.                      arrest in the case.          day noted that boy was bur-
            of Aiden Leos. Eriz was also
            charged  with  shooting  at  an  According  to  accounts  from  Authorities said they received
            occupied  vehicle  and  with  the  mother  and  witnesses  hundreds of tips. The couple
            sentencing enhancements.     who stopped to help her, an-  was  arrested  on  Sunday  in
                                         other car cut her off and she  the city of Costa Mesa.
            Eriz’s girlfriend, Wynne Lee,  responded  with  a  hand  ges-
            was  charged  with  being  an  ture and the car slipped in be-  Authorities  said  the  car,  de-
            accessory  after  the  fact  and  hind her and someone inside  scribed  as  a  white  Volkswa-
            illegally carrying a concealed  fired a shot through the rear  gen  Golf  SportWagen,  was
            firearm.                     of her car.                  relatively rare and that helped
                                                                      investigators  who  examined
            Both  were  expected  to  ap-  ADVERTISEMENT              surveillance  footage.  It  was
            pear  in  court  on  Tuesday.  It                         found  at  Eriz’s  grandmoth-
            was  not  immediately  clear  California  Highway  Patrol  er’s  house  in  Whittier,  but
            whether  they  had  attorneys  officials  have  said  that  the  she  is  not  implicated  in  the

                           Crews work to reopen Floyd square, activists close it again

                                                                      closed to traffic since Floyd’s  sprang  up  organically  in  the  Tuesday seeking comment on
                                                                      death on May 25, 2020, and  days  after  Floyd’s  death.  As  the activists closing down the
                                                                      some residents and business-  people  gathered  to  express  intersection again.
                                                                      es have expressed frustration  their  grief  and  anger,  com-
                                                                      that it has been closed for so  munity  members  set  up  Former  Minneapolis  police
                                                                      long.                        makeshift barricades to block  Officer  Derek  Chauvin  was
                                                                                                   traffic, which the city eventu-  convicted in April of second-
                                                                      Last Thursday, city crews re-  ally  replaced  with  concrete  degree  unintentional  mur-
                                                                      moved concrete barriers that  ones.                       der, third-degree murder and
                                                                      blocked traffic at 38th Street                            second-degree  manslaughter
                                                                      and  Chicago  Avenue,  but  Mayor Jacob Frey and other  for pressing his knee against
                                                                      community  activists  quickly  city  leaders  pledged  to  re-  Floyd’s neck for about 9 1/2
                                                                      put up makeshift barriers and  open  the  intersection,  but  minutes as he pleaded for air.
                                                                      resumed  chanting  the  name  activist  leaders  have  said  Chauvin  has  also  been  in-
                                                                      of the Black man whose kill-  they  won’t  step  aside  unless  dicted on federal charges al-
                                                                      ing galvanized the racial jus-  the  city  meets  their  24  de-  leging  he  violated  Floyd’s
            (AP)  —  City  crews  re-                                 tice movement.               mands.  Among  them:  recall  civil rights, as well as the civil
            turned  early  Tuesday  to  Workers  using  front-end                                  the  county  prosecutor,  fire  rights of a 14-year-old he re-
            a  Minneapolis  intersec-    loaders  and  brooms  arrived  As  soon  as  workers  left  the  the head of the state’s crimi-  strained in a 2017 arrest.
            tion where a memorial to  just before 5 a.m. and cleared  area  on  Tuesday,  activists  nal  investigative  agency,  and
            George  Floyd  was  assem-   the intersection where Floyd  moved back in, again block-  spend hundreds of thousands  The three other former Min-
            bled  after  his  death  last  was killed, which is informal-  ing  traffic  with  parked  cars,  of dollars on programs to cre-  neapolis  officers  involved  in
            year and worked to reopen  ly  known  as  George  Floyd  trash  cans,  traffic  signs  and  ate  jobs,  combat  racism  and  Floyd’s arrest and death were
            it  to  traffic  by  removing  Square, the Minneapolis Star  other items in a repeat of last  support affordable housing.  also charged with federal civil
            debris and makeshift bar-    Tribune reported.            Thursday’s scene.                                         rights violations. They await
            riers, only to have activists                                                          City  officials  didn’t  imme-  trial in state court on aiding
            barricade the area again.    The  intersection  has  been  The  tribute  at  the  square  diately  respond  to  an  email  and abetting counts.

                                     Ex-pharmacist gets 3 years in jail for tampering

            (AP) - A former pharma-      erator  for  hours  at  Aurora  years  of  imprisonment  and
            cist in Wisconsin who in-    Medical  Center  in  Grafton,  $250,000  in  fines  for  each
            tentionally  ruined  more  located  just  north  of  Mil-  felony count.
            than  500  doses  of  CO-    waukee.  Brandenburg  said
            VID-19  vaccine  has  been  in a statement before receiv-  Brandenburg  is  an  admitted
            sentenced  to  three  years  ing  his  sentence  that  he  felt  conspiracy  theorist  who  be-
            in prison.                   “great  shame”  and  accepted  lieves vaccines are a product
                                         responsibility for his actions.  of  the  devil.  Brandenburg
            Steven   Brandenburg,    of  The Milwaukee Journal Sen-   also  secretly  substituted  sa-
            Grafton,   was    sentenced  tinel reports he apologized to  line  for  flu  vaccine  that  he
            Tuesday after pleading guilty  his  co-workers,  family  and  was mandated to receive and
            in  February  to  two  felony  the community.             persuaded  several  co-work-
            counts of attempting to tam-                              ers to secretly swap saline for
            per with a consumer product.  Prosecutors asked for a sen-  their flu vaccine as well, ac-
            He  had  admitted  to  remov-  tence of three years and five  cording to court filings.
            ing  the  doses  manufactured  months.  Brandenburg  faced
            by  Moderna  from  a  refrig-  a  maximum  penalty  of  10
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