Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20210609
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A30     world news
                     Diaranson 9 Juni 2021

                              British police officer admits kidnapping, raping woman

                                                A court at London’s Old Bailey heard  ecutive, went missing as she walked  Common  on  March  14  that  had
                                                Tuesday that Wayne Couzens, 48, ac-  home  from  a  friend’s  house  in  been banned because of coronavirus
                                                cepted  responsibility  for  the  death  Clapham,  south  London,  on  March  restrictions.  During  the  gathering,
                                                of Sarah Everard though he was not  3.  A  major  police  investigation  was  Metropolitan Police officers grabbed
                                                asked  to  enter  a  plea  to  a  charge  of  launched and her body was found a  hold  of  several  women  and  pulled
                                                murder.                             week later in a woodland in the coun-  them  away  in  handcuffs  to  scream-
                                                Members  of  Everard’s  family  sat  in  ty of Kent, more than 50 miles (80 ki-  ing  and  shouting  from  onlookers.
                                                court to witness the defendant enter  lometers) southeast of London.    The actions of the police were widely
                                                his pleas.                                                              condemned.
                                                                                    Everard’s  disappearance  and  kill-
                                                Medical  reports  about  the  Metro-  ing caused a nationwide outcry, with  The Metropolitan Police force has ex-
                                                politan  Police  officer,  who  appeared  women sharing experiences of being  pressed shock and horror at Everard’s
            (AP)  —  A  British  police  officer  by video link from Belmarsh prison,  threatened  or  attacked  —  or  simply  killing.  Couzens  joined  its  ranks  in
            has  pleaded  guilty  to  the  kid-  are being prepared. A further hearing  facing  the  everyday  fear  of  violence  2018  and  had  most  recently  served
            nap and rape of a woman as she  before the judge, Adrian Fulford, will  when walking alone.                 in  the  parliamentary  and  diplomatic
            walked  home  in  south  London  take place July 9.                                                         protection command, an armed unit
            and whose body was found a week                                         The outcry was clearly evident during  responsible for guarding embassies in
            later in the woods.                 Everard, a 33-year-old marketing ex-  an  unauthorized  vigil  on  Clapham  the capital and Parliament.

                              Displaced Syrians rally against ending cross-border aid

            (AP) — Dozens of displaced peo-                                                                             mains no alternative to delivering aid
            ple in rebel-held northwest Syria  The  last  border  crossing,  Bab  al-  The United States is seeking the re-  at this scale and with this scope.
            on  Tuesday  protested  efforts  by  Hawa, has become a lifeline and the  authorization of U.N. access to Bab
            Damascus  and  its  allies  to  end  main point from which international  al-Hawa and the reopening of other  Dujarric  said  some  of  Syria’s  most
            humanitarian  aid  crossing  from  aid  is  brought  into  the  northwest,  border crossings before the mandate  vulnerable  are  in  the  northwest,
            Turkey  into  the  impoverished  home to over 4 million people, most  for  humanitarian  aid  deliveries  ex-  where  3.4  million  are  in  need,  in-
            war-ravaged enclave.                of them displaced.                  pires. There is strong support in the  cluding the displaced who live in over
                                                                                    15-member  council  for  maintaining  1,000 camps and informal settlements
            The U.N. Security Council mandate  The protesters in the Alteh displaced  and even adding border crossings.  along the Turkish-Syrian border.
            for humanitarian aid deliveries, now  persons  camp,  north  of  Idlib  city,
            reduced from four initial internation-  held  up  signs  calling  the  crossing  a  The United Nations and internation-  Around 1,000 trucks cross the border
            al crossing points to a single border  “lifeline.” “The crossing is my path to  al aid groups have called on Russia to  each month with crucial aid. This is
            crossing from Turkey to Syria’s rebel-  health,” another read.          not veto the extension.             why the secretary-general has said a
            held northwest, expires July 10.                                                                            large-scale cross-border response for
                                                “These  borders  are  giving  us  every-  “Bab al-Hawa is the last lifeline pre-  an additional 12 months remains es-
            Veto-wielding  Russia,  Damascus’  thing from medical supplies to food  venting  a  humanitarian  catastro-  sential to save lives, Dujarric said.
            close  ally,  has  been  pressing  for  the  and  medicines  and  everything  we  phe for millions of people in Syria,”
            border  crossing’s  closure.  Moscow  need,”  said  Abdelsalam  al-Youssif,  Stephane  Dujarric,  the  spokesman  Mohammed al-Jarrak, a protestor in
            insists the Syrian government should  who heads the camp. “If this decision  for  the  U.N.  secretary-general  said  Alteh camp, warned of a famine. “If
            control  all  assistance  going  into  the  goes  ahead,  then  the  world  will  be  Monday.  “Despite  ongoing  efforts  we are cut off, there will be a famine.
            country  —  even  to  areas  outside  its  responsible for killing and displacing  to  deliver  a  small  number  of  trucks  A massive famine that will benefit the
            control.                            us.”                                cross-line from Damascus, there re-  (Syrian) regime,” he said.

                                     Death toll rises after Burkina Faso village attack

            (AP) — The death toll from the deadliest at-                                                    has researched self-defense groups in the Sahel.
            tack in Burkina Faso in years has risen to at  While no group has claimed responsibility, Sahel
            least 132 people and countless others wound-    analysts say this attack was likely carried out by the  The West African country had seen a relative calm
            ed, security officials said Monday.             al-Qaida linked group JNIM, which has recently  in recent months, after a secret cease-fire between
                                                            strengthened its position in the area and is the most  JNIM  and  the  government  was  reached.  Earlier
            Jihadis on Friday night launched an assault on ci-  influential group in the province, said Heni Nsaib-  this year, jihadis told the AP they were instructed
            vilians in Solhan village in the Sahel’s Yagha prov-  ia, senior researcher at the Armed Conflict Loca-  to lay down their guns and don’t understand the
            ince,  shooting  people  and  burning  down  homes  tion and Event Data project.                recent surge in fighting.
            and the market, the government said. Many of the
            wounded were taken to hospitals in Dori town and  “After the attack in Solhan, the assailants withdrew  “I think there are attacks again because there are
            the  country’s  capital,  Ouagadougou.  Nearly  800  and also planted explosives to prevent army access,  new  people  recruited  by  the  group  (and)...not
            people have fled to the nearby town of Sebba, ac-  both the geographic aspect and the use of explo-  everyone who laid down his gun returned to the
            cording to an internal report for aid workers seen  sives in this manner is not typical for Islamic State,  community,” a former jihadi who left the group in
            by The Associated Press.                        but rather JNIM modus operandi,” he said.       October told the AP by phone.

            An aid worker in Sebba said there were more than  The attacks were a response to the presence of vol-  The fighting has created the world’s fastest grow-
            40 people with bullet wounds and burns from flee-  unteer fighters in the area, community volunteers  ing displacement crisis, more than 1.2 million peo-
            ing the attack. The aid worker spoke on condition  fighting  alongside  the  army.  Since  the  program  ple are internally displaced in the country.
            of anonymity because he wasn’t permitted to speak  started last year, volunteers have become both per-
            to the media.                                   petrators of violence against civilians as well as tar-  “The  slaughter  of  over  100  civilians,  the  highest
                                                            gets for the jihadis who accuse them of supporting  number of casualties from a single attack in recent
            A local journalist, who also didn’t want to be named  the  army,  with  civilians  bearing  the  brunt  of  the  years in Burkina Faso, marks a shocking escalation
            for fear of his safety, told the AP he saw wounded  violence.                                   in the violence that has engulfed the country since
            people in Dori’s hospital lying all over the floor.                                             2015. Killed in the middle of the night by armed
                                                            “The  militarization  of  the  war  against  terrorism  assailants,  the  victims  include  women  and  chil-
            For five years, Burkina Faso’s ill-equipped and un-  has created more insecurity than benefits, and both  dren who were given no choice to flee, no chance
            dertrained army has been struggling to stem a jihadi  sides, jihadis and pro-state militias are targeting ci-  to live,” said Manenji Mangundu, country direc-
            insurgency linked to al-Qaida and the Islamic State  vilians,” said Tanguy Quidelleur a Ph.D. candidate  tor for the Norwegian Refugee Council in Burkina
            group, often arriving late or not at all to attacks.  at the Institute of social sciences and politics who  Faso.
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