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A28    u.s. news
                     Diaranson 9 Juni 2021

                          US threatens legal action against Texas on shelter closures

            (AP) - The Biden administration  sel, wrote in the letter two Abbott and  The Biden administration has worked  The  letter  says  the  state  would  be
            threatened  Monday  to  pursue  two other Texas officials. The “proc-   to speed up the transfers from Bor-  discriminating against providers who
            legal  action  if  Texas  Gov.  Greg  lamation would be a direct attack on  der Patrol to HHS custody, and the  have  federal  government  grants  to
            Abbott  doesn’t  rescind his  order  this system.”                      releases of children to relatives in the  run  these  shelters.  That  would  vio-
            shutting  down  federally  funded                                       U.S.  In  the  past  month,  HHS  has  late the doctrine of intergovernmen-
            shelters that house migrant chil-   The letter urges Abbott to clarify by  reduced  the  number  of  children  in  tal immunity, which impedes state in-
            dren  who  cross  the  U.S.-Mexico  June  11  whether  his  proclamation  shelters or emergency sites by releas-  terfering with federal activity, and the
            border without their parents.       last  week  applies  to  52  shelters  that  ing more of them to their families.  Supremacy  Clause,  which  says  fed-
                                                are licensed by the state but funded                                    eral  law  takes  precedence  over  state
            In a letter obtained by The Associated  with federal grants. It argues that fed-  However, as of Sunday, there are still  or local laws.
            Press, the deputy general counsel for  eral law states these migrant children  about  16,000  children  in  HHS  cus-
            the U.S. Department of Health and  “do  not  accrue  unlawful  presence”  tody, and the federal government has  The order to strip away licenses from
            Human Services told the Republican  while they are in the United States,  struggled to increase the number of  shelters is part of a disaster declara-
            governor that even though the state  challenging Abbott’s labeling of these  beds  in  licensed  shelters,  which  are  tion Abbott issued last week, arguing
            issues  the  licenses  for  the  shelter,  children as “unlawful immigrants.”  preferred by advocates.      the  federal  government  can’t  force
            Congress has tasked his agency with                                                                         Texas to keep issuing state licenses in
            caring for unaccompanied children.  More  than  half  of  migrant  children  The so-called emergency intake sites  response  to  a  federal  problem.  The
                                                sheltered by the U.S. government in  were opened beginning in March at  proclamation  was  a  highly  unusual
            He  warned  Abbott  not  to  interfere  licensed  facilities  are  in  Texas.  The  convention  centers,  military  bases  move  by  the  governor  that  comes
            with those operations and said HHS  last census taken on May 19 showed  and  other  large  venues.  They  look  amid criticism of record numbers of
            intends to pursue legal action if the  4,223  children  in  the  facilities  of  like  hurricane  evacuation  shelters,  border crossings in recent months.
            state  proceeds  to  close  the  shelters  about 7,000 in the entire network of  with little space to play and no pri-
            down.                               licensed shelters.                  vacy. Advocates and lawmakers who  More recently, Abbott is saying that
                                                                                    have  visited  have  voiced  concerns  state troopers will soon begin arrest-
            “(The  Office  of  Refugee  Resettle-  Experts  and  advocates  say  shutting  about the children’s mental health.  ing migrants at the border, promising
            ment)  operates  52  state-licensed  fa-  down  these  shelters  could  seriously                           an announcement later this week.
            cilities  in  Texas,  which  comprise  a  disrupt the program for unaccompa-  Abbott also has been critical of emer-
            significant portion of ORR’s total op-  nied children, which already faces ca-  gency facilities that lack state licenses,  The letter sent Monday was addressed
            erational footprint, and represent an  pacity problems forcing the govern-  but advocates say his directive could  to  Abbott,  Texas  Deputy  Secretary
            indispensable component of the fed-  ment to open up a dozen emergency  transfer  more  children  to  the  large-  of  State  Jose  Esparza  and  Executive
            eral  immigration  system,”  Paul  Ro-  sites to process thousands of children.  scale sites.               Commissioner  of  Texas  Health  and
            driguez, HHS deputy general coun-                                                                           Human Services Cecil Erwin Young.

                         Oregon lawmaker faces expulsion in assault on state Capitol

            (AP)  —  A  Republican  controlled House expel Rep.  Nearman  to  step  down,  his  officers  who  finally  expelled  egon  Constitution,  which
            state  lawmaker  faces  be-  Mike Nearman if two-thirds  fate  appeared  sealed.  If  he  them.  Outside,  protesters  empowers the House to pun-
            ing  expelled  from  office  of its members vote in favor.  does not resign, there was lit-  broke windows on the Capi-  ish a representative for disor-
            after a video emerged ap-    She  appointed  a  committee  tle doubt that an overwhelm-  tol and assaulted journalists.  derly behavior.
            parently    showing    him  to consider the matter.       ing number of House mem-
            choreographing  how  he                                   bers would vote to cast him  Later,  security  camera  video  Nearman also faces two mis-
            would  let  far-right  pro-  GOP members of the House  out.                            emerged  showing  Nearman  demeanor  criminal  charges
            testers into the closed Or-  also  wrote  a  letter  to  Near-                         opening a door to the Capi-  and  has  said  he  will  seek  a
            egon  Capitol  days  before  man  on  Monday,  saying  he  Nearman himself said Mon-   tol, which was closed to the  trial by jury.
            he did so in December.       should step down.            day  he  believes  there  are  public  because  of  the  pan-
                                                                      enough  votes  to  expel  him,  demic, allowing protesters to  He didn’t respond to messag-
            The crowd entered the build-  The  lawmakers  were  refer-  which  he  said  would  make  enter. Nearman allegedly told  es seeking comment Monday.
            ing  during  an  emergency  ring  to  video  that  emerged  him the first House member  people in a video days earlier  A woman sitting at a desk in
            legislative session, and some  late Friday in local news re-  to be expelled by its members  that he would let them in if  the  anteroom  of  his  Capitol
            sprayed  chemical  irritants  at  ports  that  appeared  to  show  in Oregon history. He joked  they texted him, and he pro-  office said the lawmaker was
            police.                      Nearman coaching constitu-   in  a  call  to  the  Lars  Larson  vided his cellphone number.  not  present.  She  refused  to
                                         ents  on  how  to  text  him  so  Show, a conservative talk ra-  The  existence  of  the  video  comment,  went  into  Near-
            On Monday, Oregon House  they could get into the Capi-    dio program, that this would  was  first  reported  Friday  by  man’s  office  and  shut  the
            Speaker  Tina  Kotek  in-    tol.                         eventually  make  him  the  Oregon Public Broadcasting.   door.
            troduced  a  resolution  that                             subject of a question on TV’s
            would  have  the  Democrat-  With Republicans calling for  “Jeopardy!”                 In her resolution, Kotek said  Kotek said police in the state
                                                                                                   personnel  who  were  autho-  Capitol  prevented  the  situa-
                                                                      The  incident  on  Dec.  21  rized  to  be  in  the  Oregon  tion from escalating.
                                                                      rattled  lawmakers  and  staff  Capitol described Dec. 21 as
                                                                      inside  the  Capitol  and  fore-  intense and stressful, terrify-  “As we saw in January at the
                                                                      shadowed  the  Jan.  6  assault  ing and distressing.     U.S.  Capitol,  the  ramifica-
                                                                      on the U.S. Capitol by riot-                              tions  could  have  been  dire
                                                                      ers spurred on by then Presi-  “The severity of Representa-  if  law  enforcement  had  not
                                                                      dent Donald Trump. Several  tive  Nearman’s  actions  and  stepped in so quickly,” Kotek
                                                                      of  those  who  were  among  last  week’s  revelation  that  said.
                                                                      the crowds in Salem on Dec.  they  were  premeditated  re-
                                                                      21 later were in Washington  quire a special committee to  Members  of  the  new  com-
                                                                      during  the  U.S.  Capitol  at-  immediately  consider  expel-  mittee are Rep. Paul Holvey,
                                                                      tack.                        ling him from the House of  D-Eugene;  Rep.  Christine
                                                                                                   Representatives,” Kotek said.  Drazan, R-Canby; Rep. Bar-
                                                                      As  lawmakers  met  in  emer-  “He knowingly put the phys-  bara  Smith  Warner,  D-Port-
                                                                      gency session on Dec. 21 to  ical safety of everyone in the  land;  Rep.  Daniel  Bonham,
                                                                      deal  with  economic  fallout  Capitol  —  lawmakers,  staff  R-The  Dalles;  Rep.  Andrea
                                                                      from  the  coronavirus  pan-  and  law  enforcement  —  in  Salinas, D-Lake Oswego; and
                                                                      demic,  far-right  rioters  en-  jeopardy.”               Rep. Duane Stark, R-Grants
                                                                      tered  the  building.  They                               Pass.
                                                                      sprayed  chemical  irritants  at  Her resolution cites the Or-
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