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A28    u.s. news
                Diaranson 2 Februari 2022

                          Minority women most affected if abortion is banned, limited

                                                                      having  moved  home  to  es-  Gipson,  a  Baptist  minister  were about twice as likely as
                                                                      cape an abusive relationship.  who is white, said he believes  white  infants  to  die  during
                                                                      Misled  by  advertising,  she  all  people  are  created  in  the  the first year of life in Missis-
                                                                      first went to a crisis pregnan-  image  of  God  and  have  an  sippi, according to the March
                                                                      cy center which tried to talk  “innate  value”  that  starts  at  of Dimes.
                                                                      her out of an abortion. By the  conception.  Mississippi  leg-
                                                                      time she found the abortion  islators were trying to protect  Across  the  country,  U.S.
                                                                      clinic, she was too far along  women and babies by putting  Census  Bureau  information
                                                                      to have the procedure.       limits on abortion, he said.  analyzed  by  The  Associated
                                                                                                                                Press shows fewer Black and
                                                                      Torres  said  historically,  an-  To those who say that forcing  Hispanic women have health
                                                                      ti-abortion  laws  have  been  women  to  have  babies  will  insurance, especially in states
                                                                      crafted in ways that hurt low-  subject  them  to  hardships,  with  tight  abortion  restric-
                                                                      income women. She pointed  Mississippi  Attorney  Gen-    tions. For example, in Texas,
                                                                      to  the  Hyde  Amendment,  a  eral Lynn Fitch, a white Re-  Mississippi  and  Georgia,  at
                                                                      1980  law  that  prevents  the  publican, said it is “easier for  least  16%  of  Black  women
                                                                      use of federal funds to pay for  working  mothers  to  balance  and  36%  of  Latinas  were
            (AP) — If you are Black or  Fund, which provides finan-   abortions except in rare cases.  professional success and fam-  uninsured  in  2019,  some  of
            Hispanic in a conservative  cial support for women seek-                               ily life” than it was 49 years  the highest such rates in the
            state  that  already  limits  ing abortion, said women of  She also cited the 2021 Texas  ago when Roe was decided.  country.
            access  to  abortions,  you  color  in  states  with  restric-  law  that  bans  abortion  after
            are far more likely than a  tive abortion laws often have  around six weeks of pregnan-  Fitch, who is divorced, often  Problems  are  compounded
            white woman to have one.     limited  access  to  health  care  cy. Where she lives, near the  points to her own experience  in states without effective ed-
                                         and a lack of choices for ef-  U.S.-Mexico  border  in  the  of working outside the home  ucation  programs  about  re-
            And  if  the  U.S.  Supreme  fective birth control. Schools  Rio  Grande  Valley,  women  while  raising  three  children.  production.  Mississippi  law
            Court allows states to further  often  have  ineffective  or  in-  are  forced  to  travel  to  ob-  But Fitch grew up in an afflu-  says  sex  education  in  public
            restrict  or  even  ban  abor-  adequate sex education.   tain abortions and must pass  ent family and has worked in  schools  must  emphasize  ab-
            tions,  minority  women  will                             in-state border patrol check-  the  legal  profession  —  both  stinence  to  avoid  pregnancy
            bear the brunt of it, according  If  abortions  are  outlawed,  points  where  they  have  to  factors that can give working  and sexually transmitted dis-
            to statistics analyzed by The  those  same  women  —  of-  disclose their citizenship sta-  women  the  means  and  the  eases. Discussion of abortion
            Associated Press.            ten  poor  —  will  likely  have  tus, she said.          flexibility to get help raising  is forbidden, and instructors
                                         the hardest time traveling to                             children.                    may not demonstrate how to
            The numbers are unambigu-    distant  parts  of  the  country  Regardless  of  what  legisla-                       use condoms or other contra-
            ous.  In  Mississippi,  people  to  terminate  pregnancies  or  tors  say,  Torres  insisted,  the  That’s not the case for many  ception.
            of  color  comprise  44%  of  raising  children  they  might  intent is to target women of  minority  women  in  Missis-
            the  population  but  80%  of  struggle to afford, said Rob-  color, to control their bodies:  sippi or elsewhere. Advocates  Outside  the  only  abortion
            women  receiving  abortions,  erts,  who  is  Black  and  once  “They  know  who  these  re-  say  in  many  places  where  clinic  operating  in  Missis-
            according to the Kaiser Fam-  volunteered  at  Mississippi’s  strictions are going to affect.  abortion  services  are  being  sippi,  protesters  hand  out
            ily Foundation, which tracks  only abortion clinic.       They  know  that,  but  they  curtailed,  there’s  little  sup-  brochures that refer to abor-
            health statistics.                                        don’t care.”                 port for women who carry a  tion as Black “genocide” and
                                         Amanda  Furdge,  who  is                                  baby to term.                say the late Margaret Sanger,
            In  Texas,  they’re  59%  of  Black,  was  one  of  those  But  Andy  Gipson,  a  former                            founder  of  Planned  Parent-
            the  population  and  74%  of  women.  She  was  a  single,  member  of  the  Mississippi  Mississippi  is  one  of  the  hood and a proponent of eu-
            those  receiving  abortions.  unemployed  college  student  Legislature  who  is  now  the  poorest states, and people in  genics,  “desired  to  eradicate
            The numbers in Alabama are  already  raising  one  baby  in  state’s  agriculture  and  com-  low-wage  jobs  often  don’t  minorities.”  The  brochures
            35%  and  70%.  In  Louisiana,  2014 when she found out she  merce  commissioner,  said  receive  health  insurance.  compare  Sanger  to  Adolf
            minorities  represent  42%  of  was  pregnant  with  another.  race had nothing to do with  Women  can  enroll  in  Med-  Hitler  and  proclaim:  “Black
            the population, according to  She  said  she  didn’t  know  passage  of  Mississippi’s  law  icaid  during  pregnancy,  but  lives did not matter to Mar-
            the state Health Department,  how she could afford another  against  abortion  after  the  that coverage disappears soon  garet Sanger!”
            and  about  72%  of  those  re-  child.                   15th week. That law is now  after they give birth.
            ceiving abortions.                                        before the Supreme Court in                               The Mississippi clinic is not
                                         She’d  had  two  abortions  in  a  direct  challenge  to  Roe  v.  Mississippi  has  the  highest  affiliated  with  Planned  Par-
            Why  the  great  disparities?  Chicago. Getting access to an  Wade,  the  court’s  1973  rul-  infant  mortality  rate  in  the  enthood,  and  Planned  Par-
            Laurie  Bertram  Roberts,  ex-  abortion  provider  there  was  ing  that  legalized  abortion  U.S.,  according  to  the  Cen-  enthood  itself  denounces
            ecutive  director  of  the  Ala-  no problem, Furdge said. But  nationwide.            ters for Disease Control and  Sanger’s belief in eugenics.
            bama-based  Yellowhammer  now  she  was  in  Mississippi,                              Prevention.  Black  infants

                          NAACP urges federal charges in Laquan McDonald’s killing

            (AP)  —  The  NAACP,  the  and nine months. Van Dyke  his handling of the case, de-                                 in  prison,  a  series  of  breaks
            nation’s oldest civil rights  was  convicted  of  murder  in  cided  not  to  run  for  reelec-  But  unlike  Chauvin,  who  for  Van  Dyke  resulted  in  a
            organization,  on  Tuesday  October  2018  in  the  killing  tion.                     was sentenced to 22 1/2 years  much shorter sentence.
            urged  Attorney  General  of McDonald.
            Merrick Garland to bring                                  It  was  also  a  landmark  case
            federal civil rights charges  The 2014 shooting prompted  that  illustrated  the  power
            against  the  white  Chica-  massive  protests  in  Chicago  of  video.  Before  video  of
            go  police  officer  who  fa-  after a judge forced the city to  white  Minneapolis  police
            tally  shot  Black  teenager  release video that showed Van  Officer Derek Chauvin kill-
            Laquan McDonald.             Dyke  shooting  McDonald  ing  George  Floyd  in  2020
                                         16 times. Many of the shots  by  kneeling  on  the  Black
            A  letter  to  Garland,  sent  by  came  when  the  17-year-old  man’s neck for 9 1/2 minutes
            NAACP  President  Derrick  was  already  on  the  ground.  sparked massive protests and
            Johnson,  comes  days  before  The  police  superintendent  helped convict the fired offi-
            former  Officer  Jason  Van  was  subsequently  fired,  the  cer of murder, Van Dyke be-
            Dyke  is  scheduled  to  be  re-  county’s  top  prosecutor  was  came the first Chicago police
            leased from prison Thursday  voted out of office and Chi-  officer  convicted  of  murder
            after serving less than half his  cago Mayor Rahm Emanuel,  for an on-duty shooting in a
            state prison term of six years  who was widely criticized for  half century.
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