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                                                                                                       sports Diaranson 2 Februari 2022

                         Olympians worry as ‘Winter’ disappears from Winter Games

            (AP) — Ski racers settling  see it with the fires in Califor-  locales  —  or  even  head  in-
            into the start gate for Al-  nia, floods in Europe, higher  doors.  It’s  harder  to  hold
            pine World Cup events in  snow levels, shorter winters,  World  Cup  events,  because
            the  Rocky  Mountains  in  longer  summers,  droughts.  too much wind or too much
            early  December  squinted  It runs the whole gamut. Ev-   snow or too little snow leads
            through  sunshine  that  erywhere in the world is hav-    to postponements or cancel-
            carried  the  temperature  ing some effect from it. And  lations.
            toward  50  degrees  and  there’s not really any turning  It’s harder to find real snow
            glanced down at a course  back,” said Travis Ganong, a  anywhere,  so  competition
            covered    with    pristine  33-year-old  from  California  increasingly  comes  on  ma-
            —  and  manufactured  —  going to China with the U.S.  chine-made snow, which has
            snow.                        ski team.                    its own deleterious effects on
                                                                      the  environment.  While  the
            If they looked up and across  “Selfishly, I hope winters are  high  speeds,  steep  inclines
            the  way,  beyond  the  finish  here  in  the  future,”  he  said.  and sharp angles make danger
            line,  they  saw  adjacent  hills  “But it’s not looking good.”  a constant presence in Alpine
            that were brown and barren                                skiing,  no  matter  what  sort
            as can be, with nary a trace of  Global  warming  is  altering,  of stuff is underfoot, injury-                     gases, only one of the previ-
            powder or any indication that  and  endangering,  his  and  causing  crashes  are  increas-  Alexis  Pinturault,  a  three-  ous 21 Winter Olympics sites
            this was a setting for athletes  other  sports,  perhaps  per-  ingly common in Nordic ski-  time  Olympic  medalist  for  would be able to reliably pro-
            who would be heading to the  manently, and not just at the  ing and biathlon because the  France,  recalls  hitting  the  vide fair and safe conditions
            Beijing  Olympics  that  begin  elite level. It affects folks who  snow created by people pro-  slopes at Tignes in his coun-  by the end of this century.
            Feb. 4.                      just want to ski or snowboard  duces harder, slicker tracks.  try’s  Alps  20  years  ago,  but
                                         for fun and those who make                                notes  “it’s  nearly  impossible  Researchers  from  Austria,
            It is a troubling reality and —  a living from places offering  “We  definitely  have  noticed  to  ski  there  anymore.”  U.S.  Canada  and  the  U.S.  deter-
            given  their  own  reliance  on  such activities.         a  lack  of  snow  everywhere.  aerials  skier  Winter  Vinecki  mined  that  even  with  emis-
            the production of snow, con-                              Places  that,  in  December,  remembers  an  event  in  Be-  sions on the lower end of the
            tinent-hopping  flights  pow-  And,  well,  everyone  on  the  November, used to be ‘winter  larus where, instead of a sea-  scale, just three of 12 Euro-
            ered by diesel fuel and other  planet, of course, because this  wonderlands,’  we’re  seeing  son-appropriate  setting,  she  pean  cities  that  have  hosted
            environment-unfriendly  affects  far  more  than  sports,  them with less and less snow.  competed  amid  water  pud-  Winter Games would be a re-
            offshoots  of  their  careers  —  of course.              And some years, they’re not  dles.  Explains  Taylor  Gold,  liable site by the 2050s.
            hard-to-reconcile  push-and-                              getting  any  snow,”  said  Tay-  an  American  snowboarder
            pull  for  many  of  those  who  Just one example: In Decem-  lor Fletcher, who grew up in  who  is  part  of  Protect  Our  “Part  of  what  we  do  papers
            will be competing in Alpine  ber,  Colorado  set  a  record  Colorado,  is  based  in  Utah,  Winters,  an  athlete-driven  like this for is to get the mes-
            skiing  or  freestyle  skiing  or  that stood since the 1880s for  and made his fourth Olympic  environmental  group:  “The  sage out that we have a large
            snowboarding  or  Nordic  most consecutive days with-     team in Nordic combined.     absolute ideal scenario would  influence ... and so, if we act,
            combined  events  or  other  out  snow.  After  warm  tem-                             be  to  have  a  halfpipe  made  (there  is)  hope  of  avoiding
            outdoor  sports  that  helped  peratures and just an inch of  Plenty of Winter Olympians  entirely of natural snow, but  those  worst-case  scenarios,”
            put  the  disappearing  “Win-  snowfall  by  Dec.  30,  wind-  share similar observations.  that’s just never possible any-  said Daniel Scott, a professor
            ter” in Winter Games.        fueled  wildfires  destroyed                              more.”                       at the University of Waterloo
                                         hundreds  of  homes  in  the  “I’m  no  meteorologist,”  Ita-                          who  co-authored  the  study,
            “ Climate change is here. It’s  state.                    ly’s  Marta  Bassino,  last  sea-  A  study  recently  published  “Climate change and the fu-
            happening. We’re living in it                             son’s World Cup giant slalom  in  “Current  Issues  in  Tour-  ture  of  the  Olympic  Winter
            right now. It’s not something  It’s  harder  to  find  glaciers  discipline winner, said with a  ism” projected that without a  Games:  athlete  and  coach
            that’s going to be in the dis-  suitable  for  training,  so  ath-  chuckle, “but I see it with my  dramatic reduction of global  perspectives.”
            tant future. It’s here. And you  letes need to search for new  eyes.”                  emissions  of  greenhouse

                                        South Korea qualifies for World Cup in Qatar

            (AP) — South Korea qual-     World  Cup  after  beat-     Tuesday.                     Second-half goals from Kim  range  after  31  minutes  was
            ified for a 10th successive  ing Syria 2-0 in Dubai on                                 Jin-su  and  Kwon  Chang-    created  by  Junya  Ito.  The
                                                                                                   hoon  gave  the  Koreans  a  Belgian-based  winger  then
                                                                                                   comfortable victory over the  added the second soon after
                                                                                                   bottom team in Asia Group A  the restart with a fierce shot
                                                                                                   qualifying.                  from the edge of the area to
                                                                                                                                seal a first defeat for the Sau-
                                                                                                   South Korea moved 11 points  dis in the group.
                                                                                                   clear  of  the  third-placed
                                                                                                   United Arab Emirates, which  Saudi  Arabia,  which  would
                                                                                                   has just three games remain-  have  qualified  for  a  sixth
                                                                                                   ing.                         World  Cup  with  a  victory,
                                                                                                                                still  led  the  group  with  19
                                                                                                   The top two teams from each  points, one more than Japan.
                                                                                                   of the two groups automati-  Australia  would  move  on  to
                                                                                                   cally qualify. The third-place  17  with  a  win  over  Oman
                                                                                                   teams advance to playoffs.   later Tuesday.

                                                                                                   In Group B, a first-half goal  Last-placed  Vietnam,  which
                                                                                                   from  Takumi  Minamino  set  had  previously  lost  all  of  its
                                                                                                   Japan on the way to beating  seven games in Group B, de-
                                                                                                   Saudi  Arabia  2-0  at  Saitama  feated  China  3-1  in  Hanoi.
                                                                                                   Stadium  and  keeping  the  The  defeat  ended  China’s
                                                                                                   host on course for a seventh  chances of qualifying for the
                                                                                                   successive  World  Cup  ap-  World Cup for only the sec-
                                                                                                   pearance.                    ond time.

                                                                                                   Minamino’s  goal  from  close
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