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                                                                                         world news Diaranson 2 Februari 2022

                         Putin offers more talks with West to defuse Ukraine tensions

            (AP)  —  Russian  President  that  Ukraine’s  accession  to  following their call on Mon-
            Vladimir  Putin  said  Tues-  NATO could lead to a situ-  day.
            day that the U.S. and its al-  ation  where  Ukrainian  au-
            lies have ignored Russia’s top  thorities  launch  a  military  In a bid to exert pressure on
            security  demands  but  added  action to reclaim control over  the  West,  Russian  Foreign
            that  Moscow  remains  open  Crimea  or  areas  controlled  Minister  Sergey  Lavrov  sent
            to  more  talks  with  the  West  by  Russia-backed  separatists  letters to the U.S. and other
            on  easing  soaring  tensions  in the country’s east.     Western  counterparts  point-
            over Ukraine.                                             ing out their past obligations
                                         Russia  annexed  Ukraine’s  signed by all members of the
            Putin argued that it’s possible  Crimean  Peninsula  in  2014  Organization  for  Security
            to  negotiate  an  end  to  the  following  the  ouster  of  the  and  Cooperation  in  Europe,
            standoff if interests of all par-  country’s  Moscow-friendly  a  top  trans-Atlantic  security
            ties, including Russia’s secu-  president  and  later  threw  grouping.
            rity concerns, are taken into  its  weight  behind  rebels  in
            account.                     Ukraine’s  eastern  indus-   Russia  has  argued  that
                                         trial  heartland,  triggering  a  NATO’s expansion eastward
            Russia has denied having an  conflict  that  has  killed  over  has  hurt  Russia’s  security,  In Tuesday’s phone call with  the withdrawal of troops and
            intention to attack its neigh-  14,000.                   violating the principle of “in-  U.S. Secretary of State Ant-  equipment  from  Ukraine’s
            bor,  but  talks  between  Rus-                           divisibility  of  security”  en-  ony Blinken, Lavrov warned  borders,” Price said. He reaf-
            sia and the West have so far  Speaking  after  talks  with  dorsed by the OSCE in 1999  that  Moscow  will  not  allow  firmed that “further invasion
            failed to yield any progress.  Hungarian  Prime  Minister  and 2010.                   Washington to “hush up” the  of  Ukraine  would  be  met
                                         Victor  Orban,  who  forged                               issue.                       with swift and severe conse-
            Washington  and  its  allies  close ties with Moscow even  Putin  charged  that  the  West                          quences and urged Russia to
            have  rejected  Moscow’s  de-  though his country is a mem-  has  “conned”  Russia  by  re-  Blinken, meanwhile, empha-  pursue a diplomatic path.”
            mand  for  a  halt  to  NATO’s  ber  of  NATO,  Putin  noted  neging  on  its  promises  in  sized  “the  U.S.  willingness,
            expansion  to  Ukraine  and  that it’s still possible to nego-  the  early  1990s  that  NATO  bilaterally  and  together  with  Senior  State  Department
            other  ex-Soviet  nations,  a  tiate a settlement that would  would  not  expand  eastward.  Allies  and  partners,  to  con-  officials  described  the  call
            freeze on the deployment of  take  every  party’s  concerns  He argued that the U.S. and  tinue a substantive exchange  as  professional  and  “fairly
            weapons there and a rollback  into account.               its  allies  have  ignored  the  with Russia on mutual secu-  candid,”  noting  that  Lavrov
            of alliance forces from East-                             principle  that  the  security  rity concerns.”           restated  Russia’s  insistence
            ern Europe, describing them  The  Russian  leader  argued  of one nation should not be                              that it has no plans to invade
            as nonstarters. They empha-  that  NATO’s  open-door  strengthened  at  the  expense  State  Department  spokes-    Ukraine and Blinken replied
            sized  that  Ukraine,  like  any  policy doesn’t oblige the alli-  of others, while insisting on  man  Ned  Price  noted  that  that  if  Putin  didn’t  really
            other nation, has the right to  ance to offer membership to  every nation’s right to choose  Blinken  also  “further  reiter-  intend  to  invade  Ukraine,
            choose alliances.            Ukraine, suggesting that the  alliances.                  ated  the  U.S.  commitment  Russia  should  withdraw  its
                                         alliance  could  tell  Ukraine                            to Ukraine’s sovereignty and  troops.
            The  Russian  leader  coun-  that it can’t join “due to earli-  Lavrov made the same argu-  territorial integrity, as well as
            tered  that  argument  by  not-  er international obligations.”  ment in his letter that was re-  the  right  of  all  countries  to  The  top  diplomats  agreed
            ing  that  the  Western  allies’                          leased by his ministry, stating  determine their own foreign  that  the  next  step  would  be
            refusal  to  meet  Russia’s  de-  He  said  that  French  Presi-  that  “there  must  be  security  policy and alliances.”  for  Russia  to  submit  its  re-
            mands  violates  their  obliga-  dent Emmanuel Macron may  for all or there will be no se-                          sponse  to  the  U.S.  and  for
            tions on integrity of security  soon visit Moscow as part of  curity for anyone.”      Blinken  “urged  immediate  the sides to speak again.
            for  all  nations.  He  warned  renewed  diplomatic  efforts                           Russian  de-escalation  and

                                        Anti-vaccine protest in Canada spurs outrage

            (AP)  —  In  a  scene  at  odds  with  tinfoil hats.”                   During the demonstration, the statue  tion has been set up. Sloly said one
            Canadians’  reputation  for  nice-                                      of Terry Fox, a national hero who lost  person had been arrested in connec-
            ness  and  rule-following,  thou-   Organizers,  including  one  who  has  a  leg  to  bone  cancer  as  a  youngster  tion with the protest.
            sands of protesters railing against  espoused  white  supremacist  views,  and set off in 1980 on a fundraising
            vaccine mandates and other CO-      had  raised  millions  for  the  cross-  trek across Canada, was draped with  Tim Abray, a Ph.D. candidate, said he
            VID-19 restrictions descended on  country  “freedom  truck  convoy”  an upside-down Canadian flag and a  was assaulted by “so-called freedom
            the capital over the weekend, de-   against vaccine mandates. It attracted  sign that read “Mandate freedom.”  fighters” while taking pictures of the
            liberately blocking traffic around  support from former U.S. President                                      protest in his neighborhood.
            Parliament Hill.                    Donald  Trump  and  Tesla  billionaire  Ontario Premier Doug Ford said he
                                                Elon Musk.                          was “extremely disturbed” to see peo-  The most visible contingent of pro-
            Some  urinated  and  parked  on  the                                    ple “desecrate our most sacred mon-  testers were truck drivers who parked
            National War Memorial. One danced  Trudeau and his family were moved  uments and wave swastikas and other  their  big  rigs  on  Parliament  Hill.
            on the Tomb of the Unknown Sol-     to an undisclosed location during the  symbols of hate and intolerance.”  Some of them were protesting a rule
            dier. A number carried signs and flags  protest.  (Two  of  his  children  tested                           that  took  effect  Jan.  15  requiring
            with swastikas.                     positive  for  COVID-19,  and  a  test  The  outburst  was  seen  as  so  out  of  truckers entering Canada to be fully
                                                Monday  revealed  he,  too,  was  in-  character  for  Canada  that  one  U.S.  immunized against the coronavirus.
            In the aftermath of Canada’s biggest  fected. He said he is fine and working  scientist  felt  compelled  to  apologize
            pandemic protest to date, the demon-  remotely. )                       for  what  he  portrayed  as  America’s  Some  opposition  Conservative  law-
            strators have found little sympathy in                                  influence.                          makers  attended  the  protest,  and
            a country where more than 80% are  A smaller but still significant number                                   Conservative  Party  leader  Erin
            vaccinated.  Many  people  were  out-  of protesters remained on the streets  Many  of  the  demonstrators  refused  O’Toole, who is facing a revolt among
            raged by some of the crude behavior.  on  Tuesday,  saying  they  won’t  leave  to  wear  masks  in  hotels,  malls  and  his lawmakers, met with some of the
                                                until all vaccine mandates and other  grocery stores. One homeless shelter  truckers.
            Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called  restrictions  are  gone.  They  are  also  reported protesters had demanded it
            the  Ottawa  protesters  a  “fringe  mi-  calling for the removal of Trudeau’s  feed them.                  Phil  Haggart,  a  counter-protester,
            nority”  and  said  they  reflected  the  government,  though  it  is  responsi-                            said he was there to show that there
            proliferation  of  “disinformation  and  ble for few of the measures, most of  Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly said  are  voices  in  favor  of  public  health
            misinformation  online,  conspiracy  which were put in place by provincial  several  investigations  are  underway  measures.
            theorists,  about  microchips,  about  governments.                     and a tip line for hate crimes, threats
            God knows what else that go with the                                    and assaults related to the demonstra-
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