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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diaranson 20 aPriL 2022

                                  Cuba says it will attend migration talks with the US

            (AP) — Cuban authorities  year  —  took  place  in  July  without  completing  fam-
            said  Tuesday  that  migra-  2018,  under  the  administra-  ily reunification processes or
            tion  talks  with  the  Unit-  tion of then President Don-  were  prevented  from  travel-
            ed  States  will  take  place  ald Trump.                 ing  unless  they  carried  out
            this week, the first in four                              visa   procedures   through
            years since the hardening  Trump  ended  the  policy  of  Guyana.
            of relations between both  rapprochement        between
            countries and amid a sus-    both  nations  that  his  prede-  The pandemic further com-
            tained increase in arrivals  cessor  Barack  Obama  had  plicated things and new U.S.
            of  Cuban  citizens  at  the  begun.                      President  Joe  Biden  did  not
            southern  border  of  the                                 relax the tough measures, de-
            U.S.                         Trump  increased  sanctions  spite his campaign promises.
                                         against the Caribbean island,
            Cuba’s Foreign Ministry said  from the cancellation of per-  According  to  U.S.  Customs
            on  Twitter  that  the  meet-  mits  to  send  remittances  or  and Border Protection, in the
            ing will be held in Washing-  cruise  ships,  to  penalties  for  last six months Cubans were
            ton  on  Thursday  and  that  companies from third coun-  stopped  79,800  times  at  the  ply with the part of the bilat-  ago  with  Mexico,  which  is
            its delegation will be headed  tries that operate in Cuba, to  southern U.S. border, a little  eral agreement that establish-  seeing  more  Cubans  at  its
            by  Deputy  Minister  Carlos  limitation of flights and pun-  more than double the entire  es the delivery of 20,000 visas  borders.  Cubans  have  been
            Fernández de Cossio.         ishment of oil tankers bound  2021 fiscal year and five times  per year.               arriving  there  irregularly  —
                                         for Cuba.                    more than 2020.                                           in trips plagued by smugglers
            The  last  of  these  meetings                                                         Cuba  held  migratory  talks  and dangerous routes -- with
            — which according to agree-  Also,  Trump  withdrew  em-  Cuban authorities said that in  over that period of time with  the aim of entering the Unit-
            ments  between  both  coun-  bassy  staff  in  2018.  Thou-  the last five years the United  countries  such  as  Canada,  ed States.
            tries  must  be  held  twice  a  sands  of  people  were  left  States had also failed to com-  Belize, and less than a month

                          No war, no retreat: Mideast foes resume risky balancing act

            (AP) — Days of violence in Jeru-    — the ability to revoke thousands of
            salem and an exchange of fire in  work permits issued in recent months  The Al-Aqsa Mosque is the third ho-  Such  a  move  would  be  even  more
            Gaza  overnight  have  raised  the  that provide an economic lifeline to  liest site in Islam. Palestinians view it  fraught  now,  during  the  week-long
            possibility that Israel and Gaza’s  Palestinians  in  the  blockaded  terri-  as the one tiny part of their homeland  Jewish  holiday  of  Passover,  which
            Hamas rulers will once again go  tory.                                  that has yet to be taken over by Israel,  this year coincides with the Muslim
            to war, as they did less than a year                                    which seized east Jerusalem, the West  holy month of Ramadan. Israeli au-
            ago under similar circumstances.    For Israel, war could set back efforts  Bank and Gaza in the 1967 Mideast  thorities  say  they  are  committed  to
                                                to  sideline  the  conflict  and  damage  war.                          ensuring  freedom  for  worship  for
            This  time  around,  both  Israel  and  burgeoning ties with Arab states. The                               Jews,  Christians  and  Muslims,  with
            Hamas  have  strong  incentives  to  broad-based  governing  coalition,  Hamas’  popularity  skyrocketed  last  Bennett blaming the recent violence
            avoid all-out war. But neither wants  which lost its majority this month, is  year  when  it  was  seen  as  defending  on  a  “Hamas-led  incitement  cam-
            to be seen as retreating from a Jerusa-  at a small but growing risk of having  the  shrine  —  even  at  a  devastating  paign.”
            lem holy site at the heart of the cen-  a key Arab partner bolt, which would  cost to Palestinians in Gaza. The in-
            tury-old Mideast conflict, so further  set the stage for new elections.  ternationally  recognized  Palestinian  Israel  hopes  to  prevent  a  repeat  of
            violence cannot be ruled out.                                           Authority, which cooperates with Is-  last year, when weeks of protests and
                                                All of those factors help explain the  rael on security, faced a massive back-  clashes in and around Al-Aqsa helped
            “At  this  stage  it’s  political  theater  in  relative restraint up until now: Israel  lash.              trigger an 11-day Gaza war.
            which everybody is playing his part,”  intercepted  the  Gaza  rocket,  its  air-
            said Gideon Rahat, a senior fellow at  strikes  caused  little  damage,  and  no  “Hamas  would  like  the  pressure  In recent months, Israel issued thou-
            the Israel Democracy Institute, a lo-  one  was  hurt.  Neither  Hamas  nor  against  Israel  to  continue  from  the  sands of work permits to Palestinians
            cal  think  tank.  “But  sometimes  the  any other group claimed the launch.  West Bank, from east Jerusalem, with-  in Gaza, which has been under an Is-
            gun that appears in the first scene will                                out giving Israel an excuse to launch  raeli-Egyptian blockade since Hamas
            shoot at the end.”                  At the same time, neither Israel nor  a  major  war  against  Hamas  and  the  seized  power  from  rival  Palestinian
                                                Hamas can be seen as backing down  Palestinians in Gaza,” says Mkhaimar  forces 15 years ago. It also allows tens
            For Hamas, another war would dev-   over a major holy site in east Jerusa-  Abusada, a political science professor  of thousands of Palestinians from the
            astate Gaza, which has hardly begun  lem that is sacred to Jews and Mus-  at Gaza’s Al-Azhar University.    occupied West Bank to work in con-
            to rebuild after the last one. And Isra-  lims,  where  Palestinians  and  Israeli                          struction  and  other  mostly  menial
            el would wield a potent new weapon  police clashed over the weekend.    The  hilltop  on  which  the  mosque  jobs  in  Israel,  where  wages  are  far
                                                                                    is  built  is  the  holiest  site  for  Jews,  higher.
                                                                                    who refer to it as the Temple Mount
                                                                                    because  it  was  the  location  of  the  Israeli leaders portray the permits as a
                                                                                    Jewish  temples  in  antiquity.  Under  goodwill measure, but they also help
                                                                                    longstanding arrangements, Jews are  Israel maintain its military rule over
                                                                                    allowed to visit the site but not pray  millions of Palestinians, which is now
                                                                                    there. But in recent years, large num-  well into its sixth decade.
                                                                                    bers of nationalist and religious Jews
                                                                                    have regularly toured the site and dis-  The  permits  can  be  canceled  at  any
                                                                                    creetly  prayed  there  under  the  pro-  time,  and  Israel  —  citing  security
                                                                                    tection of Israeli police.          concerns — prohibits nearly all forms
                                                                                                                        of Palestinian opposition to the occu-
                                                                                    The visits are seen as a provocation by  pation.
                                                                                    both  the  Palestinians  and  neighbor-
                                                                                    ing Jordan, a close Western ally that  For Hamas, the suspension or cancel-
                                                                                    serves as custodian of the site. But any  ation of the permits would push tens
                                                                                    effort to limit them would expose the  of thousands of Gaza residents back
                                                                                    government to severe criticism from  into severe poverty and halt the flow
                                                                                    Israel’s dominant right-wing parties,  of millions of dollars into the econ-
                                                                                    which would portray it as a capitula-  omy.
                                                                                    tion to the country’s enemies.
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