Page 29 - bon-dia-aruba-20210121
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                                                                                         world news Diahuebs 21 Januari 2021

                            At 106, woman among earliest vaccine recipients in Brazil

            (AP) — Zélia de Carvalho  forget anything!”               behind  the  United  States,
            Morley rolled up a sleeve                                 according  to  Johns  Hopkins
            and  looked  stoically  to  “I  think  this  vaccine  is  go-  University’s database.
            the side as a nurse slid in  ing to be very good,” Morley
            a COVID-19 shot. She was  told  The  Associated  Press,  Her  doctor,  Paulo  Cesar
            one of thousands in Brazil  displaying  a  generous  smile  Cunha Fabiano, 73, has been
            to get the shot on Wednes-   before placing her light blue  working  at the  Vovo' House
            day,  but  one  of  very  few  mask back on her face. “It’s in  retirement  home  for  nearly
            old  enough  to  recall  an  the hands of God."           four  decades,  said  Morley
            earlier  viral  pandemic                                  had  told  him  of  her  parents
            that swept her nation and  Centenarians like Morley are  getting the flu nearly a cen-
            the world a century ago.     among  the  first  vaccine  re-  tury ago.,
                                         cipients  in  many  countries,
            Born  in  Rio  de  Janeiro  in  including  Brazil,  where  the  “When she was 6-7 years old,
            1914, Morley was a girl when  government's  immunization  her parents told her that peo-
            the  so-called  Spanish  flu  campaign officially kicked off  ple were dying in the streets.
            killed  millions  around  the  on Tuesday with distribution  Back then, there were no an-  none of the elderly residents  Cunha  said,  adding  that  he
            world in 1918-1920, when no  of  the  Chinese-developed  tibiotics or medication. Peo-  have  tested  positive  so  far.  had  lost  many  friends  and
            vaccines were available.     SinoVac vaccine.             ple died like flies,”        Still, the fear of possibly in-  colleagues to the virus in re-
                                                                                                   fecting  them  was  a  burden  cent  months.  "We  workers
            “The whole of Brazil caught  With  more  than  210,000  Several  employees  at  Vovo  for workers there.            are no longer going to worry
            it.  Too  many  people  died,”  deaths, Latin America's larg-  House  suffered  from  CO-                           about  passing  the  illness  to
            she said, wearing a pink daisy  est  nation  has  the  second  VID-19,  and  one  had  to  be  “Now  at  least  we’re  going  the elderly. This is huge.”
            chain  on  her  head.  “I  don’t  highest  tally  in  the  world  intubated,  Cunha  said.  But  to  have  some  tranquility,"

                         After vote, Greece to double reach of western coastal waters

                                                                      foreign policy.              will  resume  talks  aimed  at  and  interests  in  the  semi-
                                                                                                   reducing tensions on Jan. 25,  enclosed  Aegean  Sea,  which
                                                                      “It's a clear message to those  restarting  a  process  that  was  is dominated by special geo-
                                                                      who are trying to deprive our  suspended five years ago.  graphical  conditions,”  Turk-
                                                                      country of this right,” Mitso-                            ish Foreign Ministry spokes-
                                                                      takis said.                  Turkey  says  an  extension  of  man  Hami  Aksoy  said  in  a
                                                                                                   Greece’s  territorial  waters  written statement.
                                                                      Greece’s  western  coastline  eastward  would  be  consid-
                                                                      faces Italy and borders Alba-  ered  an  act  of  war,  arguing  ”Our  position  that  the  ter-
                                                                      nia at its northern tip. But the  that Greek islands would ef-  ritorial  waters  of  this  sea
                                                                      expansion is aimed at under-  fectively  block  its  access  to  cannot  be  expanded  unilat-
                                                                      scoring the country’s right to  the  Aegean.  The  longstand-  erally  in  a  way  that  restricts
                                                                      implement  the  United  Na-  ing dispute between the two  the  freedom  of  navigation
                                                                      tions Convention on the Law  countries has been fueled by  and  access  to  the  open  seas
                                                                      of the Sea, which set the 12-  the  discovery  of  large  off-  of  our  country  and  of  third
                                                                      mile limit in 1982.          shore gas deposits in the east-  countries, is known to all," he
                                                                                                   ern Mediterranean in recent  added. "There is no change to
            (AP)  —  Lawmakers  in  ties  backed  the  center-right  Greece  and  Turkey,  neigh-  years.                       our position.”
            Greece  Wednesday  over-     government, while members  bors and NATO allies, are at
            whelmingly       approved  of  the  Greek  Communist  odds over sea boundaries and  Ankara  noted  that  the  leg-  Greece  has  signed  recent
            legislation  to  extend  the  Party abstained.            mineral rights in the Aegean  islation  passed  Wednesday  agreements  with  Italy  and
            country's  territorial  wa-  Although the move does not  Sea  and  eastern  Mediterra-  does  not  affect  the  Aegean,  Egypt  for  the  delineation  of
            ters  along  its  western  directly  affect  an  ongoing  nean in a dispute that caused  but warned that there was no  maritime  exploration  rights
            coastline  from  six  to  12  maritime  boundary  dispute  a tense military standoff last  change to its position regard-  and  is  in  talks  with  Albania
            nautical miles.              with Turkey to the east, Prime  year.                     ing  the  extension  of  territo-  to take a maritime boundary
                                         Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis                              rial waters there.           dispute  to  an  international
            In the 284-0 vote, representa-  told  parliament  that  Greece  Under  pressure  from  west-                        court.
            tives of four opposition par-  was adopting a more assertive  ern allies, Turkey and Greece  “Our country has vital rights

                          France to reckon with Algeria colonial past, won't apologize

            (AP)  —  French  President  Em-     the harsh colonial reality and helping  honor Gisele Halimi, a French femi-  in 1957, admitting for the first time
            manuel Macron wants to take fur-    reconciliation between the two coun-  nist  who  supported  Algeria’s  inde-  the  military's  systematic  use  of  tor-
            ther steps to reckon with France’s  tries.                              pendence and denounced the use of  ture during the war.
            colonial-era  wrongs  in  Algeria                                       torture by the French military during  He  commissioned  historian  Benja-
            but is not considering an official  Macron will take part in three com-  the war. He will launch the process  min Stora last year to assess France’s
            apology, his office said.           memoration days by next year, which  aiming  at  burying  her  at  the  Pan-  relation with the memory of Algeria’s
                                                will  mark  the  60th  anniversary  of  theon  monument  in  Paris,  a  resting  colonization  and  the  independence
            A  report  commissioned  by  Macron,  the  end  of  the  eight-year  war  with  place for some of France’s most dis-  war.
            to be published later Wednesday, sub-  France that resulted in the North Af-  tinguished citizens.
            mits proposals to improve the com-  rican  country  gaining  independence  The first French president to be born  As  a  presidential  candidate  in  2017,
            plex  relationship  between  the  two  in 1962 — after 132 years of French  after Algerian independence, Macron  Macron  called  France’s  coloniza-
            countries,  from  opening  up  war  ar-  rule.                          promised  to  open  a  new  chapter  in  tion of the North African country a
            chives to holding commemorations.   France will “pursue and broaden” the  France’s  relationship  with  Algeria  “crime  against  humanity."  That  was
                                                opening of its archives on the war as  during his term, including facing the  welcomed  in  Algeria  but  prompted
            Macron's  office  said  there  will  be  work  is  under  way  to  allow  the  re-  countries’ painful history.  angry  reactions  in  France  from  the
            “no  apologies”  but  that  Macron  in-  lease  of  classified  secret  documents,  In 2018, Macron formally recognized  right and the far right, which Macron
            tends instead to make “symbolic acts”  Macron's office added.           the responsibility of the French state  might not want to stir up again ahead
            aimed at emphasizing recognition of  Amid other actions, Macron wants to  in the death of a dissident in Algeria  of 2022 presidential elections.
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