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A30    world news
                  Diahuebs 21 Januari 2021

                          Delay in Pfizer vaccine shipments frustrate Europe, Canada

                                                                                                                        produce 1.3 billion doses this year.

                                                                                                                        “We’ve  explored  innovative  ways  to
                                                                                                                        increase  the  number  of  doses  we’re
                                                                                                                        able to supply this year, and we now
                                                                                                                        believe that we can potentially deliver
                                                                                                                        approximately 2 billion doses by the
                                                                                                                        end of 2021," the company said in a

                                                                                                                        But even if that point is understood,
                                                                                                                        many  officials  in  Europe  said  they
                                                                                                                        were disappointed by what they saw
                                                                                                                        as a lack of smooth communication.

                                                                                                                        “The problem lies mainly with Pfiz-
                                                                                                                        er’s  short  notice  announcement,”
                                                                                                                        German Health Minister Jens Spahn
                                                                                                                        said. “That’s an upsetting issue.”

                                                                                                                        “I understand the reason that (plants)
                                                                                                                        have  to  be  converted  in  the  short
                                                                                                                        term to increase capacity in the medi-
                                                                                                                        um and long term,” he said. “But it’s
                                                                                                                        very unsatisfying that this
                                                                                                                        municated to us basically overnight.”
                                                                                                                        The urgency and anticipation to get
                                                                                                                        the vaccines rolling in the 27-nation
                                                                                                                        EU, where 400,000 people with the
                                                                                                                        virus  have  died,  is  also  matched  in
            (AP)  —  Frustration  is  mounting  said would last for a  few weeks, af-  “It  is  of  utmost  importance  that  we  Canada, a nation of 37 million which
            from  Europe  to  North  America  fects not only the number of people  get the doses that are fixed in the con-  has  a  pandemic  death  toll  of  over
            over reduced shipments of Pfiz-     who  can  get  inoculated  during  that  tract” the EU's executive commission  18,000.
            er’s COVID-19 vaccine while the  period but also throws off the care-   negotiated on behalf of member na-
            U.S. pharmaceutical company in-     ful  choreography  that  governments  tions,  she  said.  Overall,  the  EU  is  Maj. Gen. Dany Fortin, who is lead-
            creases production capacity at its  mapped  out  to  get  elderly  residents  slated to get up to 600 million doses  ing  Canada’s  logistical  rollout  and
            Belgian  plant.  Governments  say  and caregivers the required two doses  from Pfizer.                      distribution  of  vaccines,  said  Pfizer
            it  is  costing  critical  time  during  within  a  strict  timetable  of  several                          deferred  next  week’s  deliveries  en-
            the early stages of the rollout to  weeks.                              A number of U.S. states also are re-  tirely and that there will be a signifi-
            care homes and hospital person-                                         porting difficulty getting their hands  cant decline in vaccine supplies over
            nel.                                “It  means  huge  complications  for  on enough vaccines. The full expla-  the next three weeks.
                                                us,”  Czech  Prime  Minister  Andrej  nation  for  the  apparent  mismatch
            Italy has threatened legal action. The  Babis said. Similar complaints could  between supply and demand was un-  Ontario Premier Doug Ford said the
            leader  of  Canada's  most  populous  be heard in several other EU nations,  clear, but last week the U.S. Health  shortfall is more than an annoying lo-
            province said Pfizer's chief executive  from Denmark to Belgium.        and  Human  Services  Department  gistical inconvenience.
            should be chased “with a firecracker."                                  suggested  that  states  had  unrealistic
            A  top  European  Union  official  icily  “Indeed," added European Commis-  expectations  for  how  much  vaccine  “I’m just angry at the situation, that
            invoked the principle of “pacta sunt  sion President Ursula von der Leyen,  was on the way.                 other  countries  are  getting  it,”  Ford
            servanda,"  a  Latin  phrase  meaning  “we  were  all  surprised  by  the  an-                              said.  He  said  if  he  were  Canadian
            "agreements must be kept."          nouncement  of  Pfizer-BioNTech  to  In  Europe,  the  harsh  criticism  of  Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, he’d
                                                have a delay.”                      Pfizer stands in sharp contrast to the  be calling Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla
            The  EU  and  many  nations  are  un-  The  EU  now  expects  Pfizer  to  de-  accolades  the  company  received  last  every  day  and  going  at  him  “with  a
            der pressure for what is seen as the  liver  across  the  27-nation  bloc  92%  month for being exceptionally fast in  firecracker.”
            slow  start  to  their  vaccination  cam-  of what was expected over this week  producing a COVID-19 vaccine con-
            paigns compared to countries like Is-  and the next one. The missing 8% is  sidered safe and effective. The Pfizer-  "He  wouldn’t  know  what  hit  him."
            rael and the United Kingdom. Pfizer  expected to be recovered during the  BioNTech vaccine was the first vac-  Ford added. “I would not stop until
            compounded the problem last Friday  week of Feb. 15                     cine  authorized  for  use  in  the  U.K.  we get these vaccines.”
            when it announced a temporary re-                                       the EU and the United States.
            duction in deliveries so it could up-  Von  der  Leyen  said  the  immediate                                The European Union is likely to pur-
            scale its Puurs, Belgium plant, which  challenge would be securing enough  Pfizer told The Associated Press late  sue  Pfizer  with  a  different  weapon
            supplies  all  shots  delivered  outside  doses  to  make  sure  people  who  al-  Wednesday that any small step back-  but equal fervor. The 27 leaders have
            the United States.                  ready  had  their  first  shot  of  Pfizer  wards  taken  now  would  result  in  a  a video summit scheduled Thursday
                                                vaccine  received  their  second  jab  huge  jump  ahead  later  in  the  year.  where the rollout of vaccines will be
            The  delay,  which  the  pharma  giant  within the recommended interval.  The company originally expected to  a key issue.

                           Albanian soldier dies in Afghanistan peacekeeping mission

            (AP)  —  Albania’s  Defense  Ministry  on  The ministry said that the Albanian military was  The ministry expressed condolences to the family
            Wednesday reported the death of a soldier in  assisting an investigation by the command of the  and “assure the personnel in the mission and their
            Afghanistan, the second from the tiny West-     Resolute  Support  Mission  operation  in  Afghani-  families of continuous support in the successful ac-
            ern Balkan country to die during the interna-   stan,  made  up  of  around  16,000  troops  from  38  complishment of their mission.”
            tional peacekeeping mission.                    countries.
                                                                                                            Defense  Minister  Niko  Peleshi  communicated
            The soldier, identified as Xhevahir Jazaj, died Tues-  Albania,  a  NATO  member  since  2009,  has  been  with both army contingents in Herat and Kabul,
            day night at 1810 GMT (1:10 p.m. EST), the min-  part of the international mission since 2010. The  saying that they “are our pride in relations with ...
            istry said in a statement. It didn't specify the loca-  country currently has 99 troops in Afghanistan, lo-  NATO  and  our  strategic  partners,  the  U.S.  and
            tion or give any details about the circumstances.  cated at two bases in Herat and Kabul.       EU.”
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