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                                                                                                  BUSINESS Wednesday 9 november 2022
            Crypto exchange Binance to buy rival FTX in apparent bailout

            By KEN SWEET                 cover the liquidity crunch."  trading  company  Alam-
            AP Business Writer           The  deal  would  make  Bi-  eda  Research  was  heavily
            NEW YORK (AP) — The cryp-    nance,  which  is  already  exposed to FTT tokens, and
            tocurrency  exchange  Bi-    the biggest cryptocurrency  those  tokens  were  largely
            nance  said  it  plans  to  buy  exchange by daily volume,  not trading as of this week-
            its rival FTX Trading, in what  an  even  more  dominant  end. On Tuesday morning,
            appears to be a bailout of  player  in  the  cryptocur-   cryptocurrency    investors
            FTX.                         rency industry. FTX was the  said they were having trou-
            The  owners  of  the  two  third  largest  exchange  as  ble  withdrawing  money
            exchanges     —     Samuel  of this week.                 from FTX as well. The value
            Bankman-Fried  of  FTX  and  FTX  is  the  latest  cryptocur-  of  FTT  plunged  overnight
            Changpeng  Zhao  of  Bi-     rency company this year to  only  to  stabilize  after  the
            nance  —  announced  the  come under financial pres-      deal was announced.
            deal  on  Twitter,  but  did  sure  as  crypto  assets  such  Other  major  cryptocurren-
            not  disclose  any  details.  as  bitcoin  and  ethereum  cies  were  higher  after  the   Binance  CEO  Changpeng  Zhao  answers  a  question  during  a
            The deal was pending due  have collapsed in value. Bi-    deal  was  announced  as     Zoom meeting interview with The Associated Press on Nov. 16,
            diligence,  Zhao  said  on  nance said this weekend it  well, with Bitcoin rising 5%.  2021. The cryptocurrency exchange Binance said it plans to buy
                                                                                                   its rival FTX Trading, in what appears to be a bailout of FTX.
            Twitter.  "This  afternoon,  FTX  planned to sell a portion of  Bankman-Fried,   better                                         Associated Press
            asked  for  our  help.  There  FTX's  own  cryptocurrency  known  by  his  initials  SBF,
            is  a  significant  liquidity  known  as  FTT  on  concerns  was considered a savior of  to companies. That includ-  chased  a  stake  in  the  on-
            crunch," Zhao said on Twit-  that  the  company  was  il-  the  crypto  industry  earlier  ed companies like Voyager  line trading platform Robin-
            ter.  "To  protect  users,  we  liquid.                   this  year  after  pledging  to  Digital,  which  failed  after  hood after that company's
            signed  a  non-binding  (let-  Much  of  the  concerns  buy  certain  crypto  assets  owning a stake in the failed  shares  plunged  as  rev-
            ter  of  intent),  intending  to  about  FTX  lay  in  its  expo-  to  shore  up  the  balance  stable coin Terra.  enue  dropped  and  it  lost
            fully  acquire  FTX  and  help  sure to FTT. Bankman-Fried's  sheets of other failing cryp-  Bankman-Fried  also  pur-  money.q

            Germany may block sale of chip factory to Chinese-owned firm

                                                                      BERLIN  (AP)  —  The  Ger-   Silex  is  owned  by  Sai  Mi-  alition  opposed  that  deal
                                                                      man government may de-       croelectronics  of  China,  while    Chancellor    Olaf
                                                                      cide this week to block the  according to German me-      Scholz,  a  former  Hamburg
                                                                      sale of a chip factory to a  dia. The planned 85 million-  mayor, downplayed its sig-
                                                                      Swedish subsidiary of a Chi-  euro  (dollar)  sale  was  an-  nificance.
                                                                      nese company, following a  nounced in December.           COSCO  was  cleared  to
                                                                      recent compromise over a  The change comes as Ger-        take  a  stake  below  25%,
                                                                      Chinese  shipping  firm's  in-  many struggles with the ex-  with a threshold above that
                                                                      vestment in a German con-    tent it should allow Chinese  allowing  an  investor  can
                                                                      tainer terminal.             companies  to  invest  in  Eu-  block  a  company's  deci-
                                                                      German  company  Elmos  rope's biggest economy.           sions.
                                                                      said  late  Monday  that  it  The  Cabinet,  which  will  Scholz  traveled  to  Beijing
                                                                      was informed by the Econ-    hold  its  weekly  meeting  last  week,  becoming  the
                                                                      omy Ministry that the sale of  Wednesday,      reached  first leader from the Group
                                                                      its  factory  in  Dortmund  to  a  compromise  late  last  of  Seven  leading  indus-
                                                                      Silex  Microsystems  AB  "will  month  after  officials  ar-  trialized  nations  to  meet
                                                                      most  likely  be  prohibited  gued  over  whether  to  al-  President  Xi  Jinping  since
            A winged 'Elmos rhinoceros' stands in front of the chip factory
            Elmos  Semiconductor  SE  offices  in  Dortmund,  Germany,   in  the  upcoming  cabinet  low China's COSCO to take  the  start  of  the  COVID-19
            Tuesday,  Nov.  8,  2022.  Germany  company  Elmos  said  it  had   session."  The  ministry  previ-  a 35% stake in a container  pandemic.  The  visit,  com-
            been  informed  by  the  Economy  Ministry  that  the  sale  of  its   ously "had indicated to the  terminal  at  the  Hamburg  ing  shortly  after  Xi  further
            factory in Dortmund to Silex Microsystems AB 'will most likely be   parties  that  the  transac-  port.             cemented his authoritarian
            prohibited' by the German Government.                     tion  most  likely  will  be  ap-  Members of two junior par-  rule  at  home,  drew  some
                                                     Associated Press  proved," Elmos added.       ties  in  the  governing  co-  criticism at home.q

              Kohl’s CEO steps down to take

              president role at Levi Strauss

              By  ANNE  D'INNOCENZIO  directors has put in motion  helm  in  September  2011,
              AP Retail Writer            a  succession  plan  for  her  having served in top roles
              NEW YORK (AP) — Michelle  to succeed Chip Bergh as  at Procter & Gamble dur-         A pair of shoppers arrive at a Kohl’s, Nov. 26, 2021, in Everett,
              Gass, CEO of department  president  and  CEO  in  the  ing his 21-year tenure.       Mass. Michelle Gass, CEO of department store chain Kohl’s, is
                                                                                                   stepping down from her role early next month and will become
              store  chain  Kohl's,  is  step-  next 18 months. She is ex-  The moves come as Kohl's   the  president  of  denim  giant  Levi  Strauss  &  Co.  Levi’s  said
              ping  down  from  her  role  pected  to  join  the  board  have  been  under  pres-  Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2022, in a release that Gass will start on Jan.
              early  next  month  and  will  of  directors  on  that  date.  sure  by  activist  investors   2, and the board of directors has put in motion a succession
              become  the  president  of  Gass,  who  joined  Kohl's  in  to shake up management   plan for her to succeed Chip Bergh as president and CEO in
              denim giant Levi Strauss &  June  2013  as  chief  mer-  amid weak sales.            the next 18 months.
              Co.                         chandising  and  customer  Kohl's   announced      pre-                                         Associated Press
              Levi's said Tuesday in a re-  officer,  became  CEO  in  liminary figures for its third-  down 6.9%, while net sales  period. The company is ex-
              lease that Gass will start on  May 2018.                 quarter period. It said that  will  be  down  7.2  %  com-  pected to release its results
              Jan.  2,  and  the  board  of  Bergh  joined  Levi  Strauss's  same-store  sales  will  be  pared  to  the  year-ago  on Nov. 17. q
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