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              Wednesday 9 november 2022

            Company in the West Dutch Caribbean Region Rotates

            In  a  short  military  ceremony,                                       a special period of time: ” We had  Do’-mentality,  to  provide  support
            Company  in  the  West  rotation  40                                    a fantastic time here as a unit. We  and  assistance  wherever  neces-
            handed over its duties to the next                                      were able to do what we came for  sary.  Moreover  we  shall  make
            unit,  rotation  41.  Through  the  tra-                                and felt very welcome in this spe-  good use of our period in Curaçao
            ditional  paddle  transfer,  the  new                                   cial part of our Kingdom.”          to train so that we remain ready for
            commander  Captain  Martijn  Huis                                                                           whatever deployment in the com-
            in ‘t Veld released his predecessor                                     In addition to training, the depart-  ing years.
            Major Rian van der Meer. Rotation                                       ing unit has also provided a num-
            41  will stay in the Caribbean Re-                                      ber of supports to local authorities  CidW  41  proceeds  from  12  Infan-
            gion during four months. This com-                                      in  recent  months.  Supporting  civil  try Battalion Regiment van Heutsz,
            pany,  the  Alfa  ‘Java’-company,                                       authorities is one of the main tasks  a unit of 11 Airmobile Brigade. The
            is  no  stranger  in  the  region.  Dur-                                for the Ministry of Defence  in the  Company in the West (CidW) is a
            ing 2017 she also had the task as                                       Caribbean  Region.    Captain  Huis  permanent    unit  from  the  Royal
            Army  Company  in  the  Caribbean                                       in ’t Veld anticipates being able to  Land forces in the Dutch Caribbe-
            Region.  They  then  provided  assis-                                   train  with  his  soldiers  in  the  Carib-  an Region, which can be used for
            tance on Saint Marten, before, dur-                                     bean Region: “The ‘Java’ Compa-     a variety of tasks. It is the intention
            ing and after hurricane Irma.                                           ny is honored to, once again, be a  that they will be training during the
                                                                                    guest in Curaçao. We are looking  forthcoming 4 months, in Aruba as
            Mayor van der Meer looks back on                                        forward, to be able with our ‘Can  well as in Bonaire and Curaçao.q

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