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                                                                                                           LOCAL Wednesday 9 november 2022

            The 13th Dutch-Antillean-South American (DAS) Clinic of

            Rheumatology and Internal Medicine held in Aruba

                                                                                                   who was part of the team  they had to close the reg-
                                                                                                   of  DAS  Clinic,  the  registra-  istration as is was fully SOLD
                                                                                                   tion  was  a  full  success  as  OUT.q

            Recently  Horacio  Oduber  in Surname and afterwards  they had different speakers
            Hospital  (HOH)  hosted  the  they  held  it  in  Aruba  and  with a wide variety of top-
            13th  Dutch-Antillean-South  Curacao as well. This is an  ics; they had speakers from
            American  (DAS)  Clinic  of  annual  event  for  all  the  Corsou,  Sint  Maarten,  Suri-
            Rheumatology  and  Inter-    family  doctors,  specialists,  nam including local speak-
            nal  Medicine  in  Aruba.  practice  nurses,  specialist  ers from Aruba.
            This is the first time that the  nurses in order to maintain  Each  day  had  a  differ-
            program had a duration of  themselves  up  to  date.  By  ent focus like Nervous and
            3  days  fully  packed  with  attending  this  clinic  they  Muscle  Breakdown,  Rheu-
            speakers  and  important  will  also  receive  their  ac-  matologic,  as  well  as  Kid-
            information  which  was  rel-  creditation.               ney  disease,  high  pressure
            evant  to  the  participants.                             and  much  more.  On  the
            This symposium started first  During this year DAS Clinic  third  day  they  focused  on
                                                                      geriatric abnormalities.

                                                                      Specialists of HOH, Dr. Wa-
                                                                      terloo, Dr. Rodenburg y Dr.
                                                                      Rellum  together  with  spe-
                                                                      cialists  Reumatologo  van
                                                                      Vugt  of  Amsterdam  UMC
                                                                      Holland  took  care  of  the
                                                                      organization  of  the  event.
                                                                      Participants  that  couldn’t
                                                                      attend  in  person  had  the
                                                                      option  to  participate  virtu-

                                                                      According  to  Dr.  Waterloo
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