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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 11 april 2024
            Ukraine will be outgunned by Russia 10 to 1 in weeks without U.S.

            help, top Europe general says

            By TARA COPP                                                                                                        own  production  of  missiles
            Associated Press                                                                                                    has  ramped  up  and  can
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The                                                                                            launch  large-scale  attacks
            top  general  for  U.S.  forces                                                                                     every few days. If Ukraine’s
            in  Europe  told  Congress                                                                                          air  defense  stocks  run  out,
            Wednesday  that  Ukraine                                                                                            “those attacks would abso-
            will be outgunned 10 to one                                                                                         lutely cripple the economy,
            by  Russia  within  a  matter                                                                                       and the civil society as well
            of  weeks  if  Congress  does                                                                                       as the military of Ukraine if
            not find a way to approve                                                                                           they  were  not  defended
            sending  more  ammunition                                                                                           against without a U.S. pro-
            and weapons to Kyiv soon.                                                                                           vision  of  interceptors,”  Ca-
            The  testimony  from  Army                                                                                          voli said. “Their ability to de-
            Gen.  Christopher  Cavoli,                                                                                          fend their terrain that they
            head  of  U.S.  European                                                                                            currently hold and their air-
            Command,  and  Celeste                                                                                              space  would  fade  rapidly,
            Wallander,  assistant  sec-                                                                                         will fade rapidly without the
            retary  of  defense  for  inter-                                                                                    supplemental,” Cavoli said.
            national  security  affairs,                                                                                        If  Kyiv  falls,  it  could  im-
            comes  as  Congress  enters                                                                                         peril  Ukraine’s  Baltic  NATO
            pivotal weeks for voting for                                                                                        member  neighbors  and
            aid for Ukraine, but there’s                                                                                        potentially drag U.S. troops
            no  guarantee  funding  will                                                                                        into  a  prolonged  Euro-
            be improved in time.          Supreme Allied Commander Europe, Gen. Christopher Cavoli addresses a media conference at   pean war. At a Capitol Hill
            Ukraine has been rationing    NATO headquarters in Brussels, Jan. 18, 2024.                                         press conference Wednes-
            its  munitions  as  Congress                                                                       Associated Press   day  Johnson  said,  “House
            has delayed passing its $60  talking hypothetically.”     who  cite  domestic  needs,  Cavoli  told  the  lawmakers  members are continuing to
            billion supplemental bill.   Republican House Speaker  including border security.      that in this conflict, the U.S.  actively discuss our options
            “They  are  now  being  out-  Mike Johnson has been try-  The speaker is also facing a  flow of 155mm artillery shells  on a path forward.”
            shot by the Russian side five  ing  to  find  a  way  forward  threat to his leadership role  has  been  a  lifeline.  “The  “It’s  a  very  complicated
            to one. So the Russians fire  for the bill that would fund  from  his  far-right  flank  by  biggest killer on the battle-  matter  at  a  very  compli-
            five  times  as  many  artillery  new  rounds  of  munitions  Georgia  Republican  Rep.  field is artillery. In most con-  cated  time.    The  clock  is
            shells at the Ukrainians than  production  at  U.S.  firms  to  Marjorie Taylor Greene who  flicts,  but  in  this  one  defi-  ticking on it, and everyone
            the  Ukrainians  are  able  to  enable  the  Pentagon  to  has  called  for  his  ouster  nitely.  And  should  Ukraine  here  feels  the  urgency  of
            fire back. That will immedi-  then  rush  more  munitions  over the issue.             run  out,  they  would  run  that,  but  what’s  required
            ately go to 10 to one in a  to Ukraine. Johnson is trying  While  the  political  battles  out  because  we  stopped  is  that  you  reach  consen-
            matter  of  weeks,”  Cavoli  to bring it to the floor for a  on  Capitol  Hill  continue,  supplying    because  we  sus  on  it,  and  that’s  what
            said.  “We’re  not  talking  House vote, but he is facing  the dire battlefield situation  supply  the  lion’s  share  of  we’re  working  on,”  John-
            about  months.  We’re  not  concerns  from  members  in Ukraine worsens.               that,”  Cavoli  said.  Russia’s  son said.q

            Japan is giving Washington 250 new cherry trees to replace those

            to be lost in construction work

            By WILL WEISSERT             trees  are  timeless,  inspiring  hold  talks  on  the  delicate
            Associated Press             and thriving.”               security situation in the Pa-
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Ja-     In 1912, first lady Helen Her-  cific. The state dinner is de-
            pan  is  giving  the  United  ron  Taft  and  Viscountess  signed to celebrate one of
            States  250  new  cherry  Chinda,  wife  of  the  Japa-   Biden’s strongest allies.
            trees  to  help  replace  the  nese  ambassador  to  the  Senior  administration  of-
            hundreds  that  are  being  United States, planted two  ficials noted on a call with
            ripped  out  this  summer  as  Yoshino cherry trees on the  reporters that the two most
            construction crews work to  northern  bank  of  the  Po-  important gifts that foreign
            repair  the  crumbling  sea-  tomac  River’s  Tidal  Basin.  countries  have  given  the
            wall  around  the  capital’s  They were part of the 3,000  United States are arguably
            Tidal Basin.                 such trees Japan gave the  the Statue of Liberty  which
            Japanese  Prime  Minister  U.S. in a symbol of the two  came from the French and
            Fumio  Kishida  made  the  countries’ friendship.         was  dedicated  in  1886
            announcement  as  Presi-     The  trees  blossom  in  bril-  and Japan’s cherry trees in
            dent Joe Biden welcomed  liant  pinks  and  reds  each  Washington.                    The  Washington  Monument  is  visible  behind  a  cherry
            him to the White House on  spring and draw more than  The Tidal Basin is a 107-acre    tree  affectionally  nicknamed  ‘Stumpy’,  March  19,  2024  in
            Wednesday  for  an  official  1 million visitors to Washing-  manmade reservoir border-  Washington.
            visit and state dinner. Biden  ton.  The  aesthetics  of  the  ing the Jefferson Memorial                                      Associated Press
            said  the  gift  is  meant  to  nation’s  capital  aside,  the  that is home to the highest
            mark the 250th anniversary  latest  gift  reflects  the  geo-  concentration  of  cherry  Japanese   learned   that  tion work, they immediately
            of the U.S. in 2026, adding,  political  alliance  between  blossom  trees.  The  senior  some of the trees would be  offered to provide saplings
            “Like  our  friendship,  these  Biden  and  Kishida  as  they  officials said that when the  felled due to the construc-  when the time was right.q
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