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A4   U.S. NEWS
                    Thursday 11 april 2024
            South Carolina’s top officer not releasing details on 2012 hack that

            stole millions of tax returns

            By JEFFREY COLLINS                                                                                                  being  used  and  the  proof
            Associated Press                                                                                                    was what didn’t happen  an
            COLUMBIA,  S.C.  (AP)  —                                                                                            onslaught  of  bogus  credit
            Twelve years after a hacker                                                                                         card charges or people us-
            stole  personal  data  from                                                                                         ing stolen ID information.
            more  than  3.6  million  peo-                                                                                      In retrospect, the state may
            ple  in  South  Carolina  by                                                                                        not have had to spend $12
            obtaining  Social  Security                                                                                         million  on  insurance.  But
            numbers  and  credit  card                                                                                          that  is  with  the  benefit  of
            information  from  tax  re-                                                                                         hindsight, Keel said.
            turns, the state’s top police                                                                                       “We  didn’t  really  have  a
            officer said Wednesday he                                                                                           choice,”  Keel  said.  “It  was
            thought he knew who did it                                                                                          something  that  we  had  to
            but wasn’t ready to name                                                                                            do because at the time this
            anyone.                                                                                                             happen we had to start try-
            State Law Enforcement Di-                                                                                           ing  to  protect  people  im-
            vision Chief Mark Keel was                                                                                          mediately. We didn’t have
            careful not to release many                                                                                         time for the investigation to
            details during his confirma-                                                                                        play out the way it ultimate-
            tion  hearing  for  another                                                                                         ly played out.”
            six-year term. He said what                                                                                         Hutto  responded:  “Did  it
            authorities didn’t find shows                                                                                       play out? Do you know who
            that the state had the right                                                                                        did it?”
            response  after  the  U.S.  Se-  State  Law  Enforcement  Division  Chief  Mark  Keel  waits  to  answer  questions  at  his  confirmation   “Yes, sir, I know who did it,”
            cret  Service  identified  the   hearing on Wednesday, April 10, 2024, in Columbia, S.C.                            Keel  said,  refusing  to  give
            hack  and  data  breach  in                                                                        Associated Press  any other details.
            October 2012.                collected  the  Social  Secu-  tion.                      Keel refused again to say if  Hutto  asked  if  the  person
            “I  think  the  fact  that  we  rity  numbers  of  3.6  million  Democratic Sen. Brad Hutto  South Carolina paid a ran-  had been prosecuted, then
            didn’t  come  up  with  a  people and almost 400,000  has been searching for an-       som  to  the  hacker  to  get  laughed  and  said  it  might
            whole lot of people’s infor-  credit and debit card num-  swers  for  over  a  decade  the information back.        have  been  because  the
            mation that got breached  bers.                           and  has  been  repeatedly  “I’m probably still not going  person was paid off.
            is  a  testament  to  the  work  The  state  paid  $12  million  told it was an active inves-  to  be  totally  transparent  Keel didn’t respond to the
            that people have done on  for identity theft protection  tigation  and  couldn’t  be  with  you,  OK?”  Keel  said.  bait. “If we could ever get
            this case,” Keel said.       and credit monitoring for its  talked about. Hutto decid-  “I’m not going to lie to you  to this individual, they may
            A contractor with the state  residents  after the breach,  ed  to  ask  Keel  about  the  either.”                  be,” he said.
            Department  of  Revenue  At  the  time,  it  was  one  of  breach  Wednesday  to  try  Keel justified  the insurance  The  Senate  subcommittee
            clicked  on  a  malicious  link  the largest breaches in U.S.  to get answers in public.  for taxpayers and the fed-  approved  Keel’s  nomina-
            in  an  email  in  the  summer  history  but  has  since  been  “Now  you  can  tell  us  that  eral  and  state  investiga-  tion  for  an  additional  six-
            of 2012, allowing a hacker  surpassed greatly by hacks  y’all  paid  somebody  in  tive  work  by  saying  the  year  term.  It  now  goes  to
            to  access  6.4  million  state  to  Equifax,  Yahoo,  Home  Azerbaijan $28,000 or what-  quick action prevented the  the  full  Judiciary  Commit-
            income  tax  returns.  They  Depot, Target and PlaySta-   ever it was,” Hutto said.    hacked  information  from  tee. q

             Consumers would be notified of AI-generated content under

             Pennsylvania bill

            By MARK SCOLFORO             County,  said  in  floor  re-  consumers. Violators would  arguing  that  child  sexual  artificial intelligence isn’t il-
            Associated Press             marks. “If it’s AI, it has to say  have to knowingly or reck-  abuse material created by  legal under criminal laws.q
            HARRISBURG,  Pa.  (AP)  —  it’s AI. Buyer beware.”        lessly  post  AI  content,
            Pennsylvania    consumers  Lawmakers  voted  146-54  which Pielli said would help
            would  be  notified  when  to send the measure to the  protect news organizations
            content has been generat-    state  Senate  for  its  con-  that  unwittingly  publish  AI
            ed by artificial intelligence,  sideration.  All  Democrats  content.
            and  defendants  couldn’t  were in favor, while Repub-    It is opposed by the Penn-
            argue  that  child  sexual  licans were roughly split.    sylvania  Chamber  of  Busi-
            abuse material created by  The  bill  would  change  the  ness  and  Industry  on  the
            artificial intelligence isn’t il-  state’s Unfair Trade Practic-  grounds  that  it  could  ex-
            legal, under a bill the House  es  and  Consumer  Protec-  pose  businesses  to  civil  liti-
            passed Wednesday.            tion  Law  to  require  “clear  gation  and  would  not  be
            The  bill’s  prime  sponsor,  and  conspicuous  disclo-   limited to deceptive mate-
            Rep. Chris Pielli, said it was  sure”  when  artificial  intel-  rial. The group is specifically
            designed  to  place  guard-  ligence  has  been  used  to  opposed  to  the  consumer
            rails around the use of arti-  create written text, images,  notification  portion  of  the
            ficial intelligence to protect  audio or video.           bill, a chamber spokesman
            consumers.                   The  notice  would  have  to  said.                       Pennsylvania  state  representatives  held  a  voting  session  on
            “This  bill  is  simple,”  Pielli,  a  be  displayed  when  the  Another provision of the bill   Wednesday,  April  10,  2024,  in  the  state  Capitol  in  Harrisburg,
            Democrat  from  Chester  content  is  first  shown  to  prohibits  defendants  from    Pennsylvania.
                                                                                                                                           Associated Press
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