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                     Monday 23 March 2020

              Blessings to all and for Everyone to Stay Safe!

            Quarantinis anyone? Happy hours go virtual amid virus crisis

            By ALANNA D. RICHER          delivery  and  takeout  and  ing  pneumonia.  The  vast  er week of the Coronapoc-     get  up  in  the  morning?
            Associated Press             banned  large  gatherings  majority of people recover  alypse" with a "quarantini."    How many days did it take
            BOSTON (AP) — The hottest                                                              "On  a  good  day,  a  lot  of  before  you  stopped  wear-
            new bar's dress code? Your                                                             moms feel isolated, partic-  ing  makeup?"  they  asked
            sweatpants. And you don't                                                              ularly new moms ... So now,  each  other,  according  to
            even  have  to  leave  your                                                            more  than  ever,  moms  Stallard,  who  lives  in  New
            couch.                                                                                 need  one  another's  sup-   York City.
            With  bars  shuttered  and                                                             port  and  camaraderie,"  In  Montclair,  New  Jersey,
            stressed-out  workers  stuck                                                           Anderson, founder of Mom  a  group  of  more  than  a
            at  home,  companies  and                                                              Crew, said in an email.      dozen neighbors is taking a
            friend groups across the U.S.                                                          Even  book  clubs,  game  different  approach  with  a
            are  holding  happy  hours                                                             nights  and  support  groups  nightly happy hour in front
            over video chat to commis-                                                             are going virtual.           of  their  homes.  It  started
            erate and keep spirits high                                                            Brian  Koppelman,  co-cre-   with a text suggesting they
            amid  the  new  coronavirus                                                            ator of the Showtime series  all come outside one night
            pandemic. In one commu-                                                                "Billions,"  said  he  and  his  and share a drink from afar,
            nity, neighbors are toasting                                                           friends played their weekly  said Gail Stocks.
            to one another every night                                                             poker game using an app  While  each  family  stays
            from the ends of their drive-                                                          and  chatting  over  Zoom  in  their  own  yard,  they've
            ways  to  unwind  —  while                                                             video conferencing.          sang  happy  birthday  to
            keeping a safe distance, of                                                            "It  was  a  pretty  great  way  those  whose  celebrations
            course.                                                                                to stay connected despite  were  spoiled  by  the  virus
            "Let's  be  honest,  we  could                                                         the  distancing,"  he  tweet-  and  toast  "to  better  times,
            all use a break and a drink   In  this March  16,  2020  photo  provided  by  Jamie  Lee  Finch,  a   ed.  For  others,  it's  been  a  but  never  better  neigh-
            right now," said Nick Minerd,   laptop on a desk in Nashville, Tenn., showing people gathered   way to check in on friends  bors," Stocks said. They plan
            who recently took part in a   together online for a virtual happy hour is shown.       who live across the country  to keep the tradition going
            virtual  cocktail  hour  with                                         Associated Press  and  share  tips  about  how  until  their  lives  go  back  to
            more than 30 of his home-                                                              to  stay  sane  while  staying  normal to give everyone a
            bound    colleagues    with  in  an  attempt  to  slow  the  from the new virus.       at home.                     chance  to  get  away  from
            Hendersonville,  Tennessee-  spread of COVID-19.          Emily  Anderson,  who  runs  Tracy Stallard said a group  their  computers  for  a  bit
            based  STR,  which  provides  For  most  people,  the  virus  an  organization  that  con-  of  her  friends  from  high  and a reason to smile, she
            data and analytics for the  causes only mild or moder-    nects  moms  in  New  York  school  caught  up  over  said.
            hospitality industry.        ate  symptoms,  such  as  fe-  City, was forced to cancel  drinks  via  video  chat  and  "It's keeping everyone's spir-
            Video  chat  happy  hours  ver  and  cough.  For  some,  all of her events because of  talked about their new nor-  its  up,"  Stocks  said.  "I  was
            have  popped  up  all  over  especially older adults and  the virus. Now she planning  mal.                         feeling  very  down  around
            social  media  as  commu-    people with existing health  to  host  weekly  video  chat  "Have you been going out  the  late  afternoon...  And
            nities  have  closed  bars  problems,  it  can  cause  happy hours to help moms  and taking a walk? Do you  by  the  time  I  came  in  the
            and  restaurants  to  all  but  more severe  illness,  includ-  "celebrate surviving anoth-  wear  real  pants  when  you  whole blues had lifted."q
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