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P. 28

                     Monday 23 March 2020
            23 inmates dead after protest over virus fears in Colombia

            By SERGIO LEON and                                                                                                  around  the  world:  With
            CHRISTINE ARMARIO                                                                                                   nearly  1.5  million  prisoners
            Associated Press                                                                                                    behind  bars,  Latin  Amer-
            BOGOTA,  Colombia  (AP)                                                                                             ica's  packed  jails  are  an
            — A deadly riot broke out                                                                                           ideal  breeding  ground  for
            in  a  prison  in  Colombia's                                                                                       disease.
            capital, leaving 23 inmates                                                                                         In  Brazil,  hundreds  of  pris-
            dead, authorities said Sun-                                                                                         oners from several facilities
            day,  as  tensions  rise  over                                                                                      in  Sao  Paulo  state  have
            the  spread  of the  corona-                                                                                        escaped  in  recent  days
            virus in one of the most vul-                                                                                       while  family  members  of
            nerable  locations:  crowd-                                                                                         opposition  activists  jailed
            ed,  poorly  kept  peniten-                                                                                         in Venezuela say they fear
            tiaries. Justice Minister Mar-                                                                                      for  their  loved  ones  amid
            garita  Cabello  described                                                                                          unconfirmed  reports  that
            the events at the La Mod-                                                                                           four  police  officers  at  the
            elo prison in Bogota as an                                                                                          country's most notorious jail
            attempted  prison  escape,                                                                                          for  political  prisoners  have
            but advocates for inmates                                                                                           come  down  sick  with  the
            said  officials  had  cracked                                                                                       illness.
            down on inmates staging a                                                                                           In  the  U.S.,  authorities
            peaceful protest over con-                                                                                          across  the  country  have
            ditions  they  feared  would                                                                                        been  ordering  the  release
            exacerbate infections with   Inmates  display  a  sign  reading  in  Spanish  "More  than  30  dead"  at  La  Modelo  jail  in  Bogota,   of  non-violent  offenders
            the virus.                   Colombia, Sunday, March 22, 2020.                                                      and restricting the number
            "Today is a sad and painful                                                                        Associated Press   of  new  detainees  to  pre-
            day  for  the  country,"  Ca-  saying  only  that  seven  jail   navirus. "This was a peace-  But  with  notoriously  over-  vent spread of the disease.
            bello said.                  workers  had  also  been  in-  ful protest," Leon said. "The  crowded and often violent  But  such  solutions  have
            The  conflict  at  La  Mod-  jured,  two  critically.  Ca-  response of authorities was  prisons,  many  are  con-  been  slower  to  material-
            elo,  which  houses  both  bello  said  no  inmates  had   overhanded."                cerned that the virus could  ize in Latin America, where
            suspects  and  convicts  of  escaped and that to date,    Colombia  had  confirmed  spread quickly there.           jails  are  frequently  over-
            crimes  ranging  from  bur-  none had been diagnosed      231 coronavirus cases and  It's  an  issue  for  many  na-  crowded  and  run  by  vio-
            glary  to  drug  trafficking,  with coronavirus either.   two  deaths  as  of  Sunday.  tions  in  the  region  and  lent gangs.q
            began  late  Saturday  eve-  "This  was  a  criminal  at-
            ning.  Inmates  shared  vid-  tempt to escape that was      Virus fears curb old mate
            eos online showing people  thwarted," she said in a vid-
            outside  their  cells,  yelling  eo statement.              custom in parts of South America
            as shots rang out in the dis-  Jhon Leon, director of Judi-
            tance.                       cial Solidarity, an organiza-
            "They have us abandoned  tion  that  works  to  improve     By  ALMUDENA  CALATRA-
            here!"  one  inmate  ex-     inmate conditions, said pris-  VA
            claimed. "They have us like  oners  had  planned  a  na-    Associated Press
            dogs."                       tionwide  protest  Saturday    BUENOS  AIRES,  Argen-
            On  Sunday,  evidence  of  evening after complaining        tina  (AP)  —  Sharing  the
            the violence was still visible:  about the dire state of jails   mate  beverage  is  an  old
            The  body  of  one  man  lay  for two weeks without get-    tradition  in  parts  of  South
            face-up on a roof, dressed  ting a reply.                   America.  The  new  coro-
            in  bright  blue  shorts,  white  He  said  about  5,000  peo-  navirus is changing that.
            sneakers  and  a  bloody  ple housed in the jail, some      In   Uruguay,   Paraguay
            gray    sweatshirt.   Family  of  whom  are  kept  six  to  a   and  Argentina,  people
            members,  many  wearing  cell  while  others  sleep  in     customarily     consume
            protective  masks,  gath-    hallways.  Prisoners  want     the beverage - made by
            ered outside, clamoring for  elderly  inmates  and  those   steeping  leaves  of  the
            information.                 with  preexisting  conditions   mate  plant  in  hot  wa-
            "We're desperate because  to  be  moved  to  other  lo-     ter  -  in  groups,  sharing  a   In this March 17, 2020 photo, Oscar Brun, left, shares his "mate"
                                                                                                    drink  with  a  work  colleague  Tomas  Bravo  at  his  ironworks
            we  don't  know  anything,"  cations  and  be  put  in  iso-  metal  straw  from  mouth   shop in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
            one woman cried.             lation,  he  said.  They  also   to  mouth.  The  tradition                                      Associated Press
            Authorities did not provide  want  more  information  on    transcends  social  classes,  mate  enthusiasts  are  be-  edged  that  it's  up  to  the
            a  detailed  account  of  whether any inmates have          is present in the home and  ing urged to consume the  individual  whether  they
            how the inmates had died,  been  tested  for  the  coro-    workplace,  and  on  hand  beverage individually.      want  to  share  the  straw
                                                                        for just about social occa-  Some people are making  as  mass  anxiety  over  the
                                                                        sion.    Even  soccer  super-  a big effort to put health  new  coronavirus  sweeps
                                                                        stars  such  as  Lionel  Messi  concerns above habits of  the region.
                                                                        and  Luis  Suarez  have  sharing  the  social  brew.  There  are  more  than  230
                                                                        often  been  seen  with  Others, not so much.          reported cases of people
                                                                        a  mate  gourd  in  hand.  "For  Uruguayans,  it's  al-  infected  with  the  virus  in
                                                                        Now, as countries around  ways  a  custom  to  share,"  Argentina  Uruguay  and
                                                                        the  world  implement  so-  said  66-year-old  Oscar  Paraguay, alarming those
                                                                        cial  distancing  in  an  at-  Brun  of  Uruguay,  Brun,  who  previously  thought
                                                                        tempt to curb the spread  who has lived in Argentina  nothing of passing around
                                                                        of  the  COVID-19  disease,  for  decades,  acknowl-   the mate straw. q
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