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P. 26
Monday 23 March 2020
Virus outbreak means (mis)information overload: How to cope
By BARBARA ORTUTAY and attribution, be suspicious.
DAVID KLEPPER In addition to seeking au-
Associated Press thoritative sources, jour-
The coronavirus pandemic nalists also seek to confirm
is leading to information information from multiple
overload for many people, sources. Even if a news out-
often making it difficult to let is at first alone in report-
separate fact from fiction ing a big development,
and rumor from deliberate others will soon follow. If this
efforts to mislead. doesn't happen, it could
Already, text messages be a red flag.
predicting a nationwide PAUSE, TAKE A BREATH
lockdown have circu- A 2018 study by MIT re-
lated, along with social searchers found that false
media posts telling people news travels faster than
that one way to get tested real news — often much
for the virus is by donat- faster. That's because it's
ing blood or warning that often designed to grab
mosquitoes can carry it. people's attention by con-
All are untrue. Such false- necting with their emotions,
hoods can endanger pub- such as fear or outrage. The
lic health, sow confusion researchers, who studied
and fear, and prevent im- In this March 19, 2020, file photo, the Manhattan bridge is seen in the background of a flashing how false news travels on
portant information from sign urging commuters to avoid gatherings, reduce crowding and to wash hands in the Brooklyn Twitter, also found that mis-
reaching people during borough of New York. information spreads quickly
a crisis. The Associated Associated Press because people retweet it,
Press has debunked many can cause complications a friend of a friend who formation," Justman said. not due to bot activity. It's
such claims, including one or sometimes death. Most "knows someone." Be wary "There's so much informa- easy to get caught up in
about bananas supposed- people recover. of important-sounding in- tion out there that many the moment and retweet
ly preventing people from Here are some things you formation that is not com- people are just saying 'I a terrifying headline before
catching the virus and an- can do to separate fact ing from a clear, authorita- can't read it, it makes me reading the accompany-
other on "Harry Potter" ac- from misinformation: tive source, such as local too anxious.'" "Go straight ing article. But pausing
tor Daniel Radcliffe testing LOOK FOR THE SOURCE government agencies and to the source," she said. before reposting can save
positive. We are more likely to be- health departments, or "The CDC has been putting you from embarrassment
COVID-19, the illness lieve things our friends tell national and international out great information." and prevent falsehoods
caused by the virus, has us — that's human nature. public health institutes such At the same time, be mind- from spreading farther.
stricken thousands across It's why rumors spread and as the Centers for Disease ful of scammers taking ad- DON'T BELIEVE EVERYTHING
the globe but usually pres- why misinformation travels Control and Prevention vantage of the CDC's and YOU SEE
ents only mild or moder- on social media. It's also and the World Health Or- other organizations' trusted Bad actors and trolls look-
ate symptoms, such as fe- why the chain text mes- ganization. Posts may also names. ing to exploit people's fears
ver and cough. For older sage warning of a nation- claim that a politician said ACT LIKE A JOURNALIST around coronavirus are us-
adults and people with wide lockdown worked so or did something. You can "Everyone right now is try- ing a variety of techniques
other health problems, it well: Everyone heard it from check that information ing to figure out: What is to sow confusion. False
through legitimate news going on? What do I need news articles are just a
Michelle Obama, Oprah, more outlets or the candidates' to know? Who can I trust?" small part of this.
joined an epic (virtual) party own verified social media said John Silva, director of Photos and videos can
be edited and altered,
education at the News Lit-
CDC AND THE WHO eracy Project, a Washing- and real images can be
LOS ANGELES (AP) — The The top public health insti- ton D.C.-based nonprofit presented out of context.
hottest party in town Sat- tutes in the United States that works with educators Again, it helps to look for
urday night was on DJ D- and other countries, along to teach students how to the source. Google's re-
Nice's Instagram, where with the WHO, are some of navigate the news. verse image search can
over 100,000 accounts the most trusted sources of Silva said anyone search- help find the origins of a
tuned in during his epic information about the out- ing for accurate informa- photo. For videos, take a
10-hour set including the break. They provide the tion about the virus needs look at who uploaded it
likes of Michelle Obama, latest statistics, advisories to act a little like a journal- — was it a random user? A
Oprah, Rihanna and Will This Feb. 8, 2020 file photo and guides on everything ist by verifying suspicious news outlet? The CDC?
Smith. shows Oprah Winfrey from sanitizing your home claims. Americans have a duty
Oprah tweeted that it speaking at "Oprah's 2020 to managing stress. Be wary of information from not to add to an already
was the "best party of 1 Vision: Your Life in Focus" Dr. Jessica Justman, an in- groups or news organiza- anxious time by spreading
and 100K I've ever been tour in New York. fectious disease expert at tions you don't know — in misinformation that could
to." Smith expressed a Associated Press Columbia University, said some cases the groups be- alarm others — or put them
similar sentiment. ing Club Quarantine par- the sheer amount of infor- hind misinformation create at risk, said Dr. Ruth Parker,
As the world practices so- ties on his Instagram Live mation online about the websites and social media a physician at Emory Uni-
cial distancing to slow the since Wednesday, but it coronavirus pandemic accounts that look like a le- versity School of Medicine
spread of the coronavirus, hit a peak Saturday night, can quickly become over- gitimate news organization. in Atlanta and an expert on
many have been looking attracting entertainers, whelming. That's one rea- Remember that there's a health literacy.
for ways to hang out viru- athletes and politicians son she encourages peo- difference between news "It's a scary time," Parker
tally and D-Nice's joyous to the account, like Missy ple to check the websites stories and opinion pieces. said. "We don't want to
dance party proved to Elliott, Ellen DeGeneres, of the CDC and the WHO. News stories should include add fuel to the fire. Good
be just the ticket. Mark Zuckerberg and "It's not just misinformation, the source of the informa- information won't cure us,
D-Nice has been host- Magic Johnson.q it's also a lack of good in- tion. If there's no source or but it will help to calm us."q